Monster Hunt: Notes from a Hunter

Chapter 534 Black Eagle

Gordon took a deep look at the other party, but did not respond immediately.

black hawk?

This is obviously not the real name, but some kind of title or code name.

Just like "Hilda of Ryuya", some people will directly call her "Ryuya".

The middle-aged hunter who called himself Black Eagle was silent for a moment, and put his weapon in front of Gordon, "You have been staring at this just now, right? The work of the artisans of Ertan."

Gordon knew that the other party was trying to reassure him.

The two were strangers, so even if the other party had the status of a guild knight, it was a bit strange to suddenly ask to take a closer look at their weapons.

However, the other party seemed to be an acquaintance of Master, and he showed enough sincerity

After thinking about it for a while, Gordon still removed the jet sword from his back and handed it to the other party, "Dragon Heat Mechanism [Steel Wing] trial model, the name is a bit long, I'm used to calling it the jet sword."

"Hehe, the jokes at that time were really made by that guy."

Black Hawk lifted the hood that came with the armor, revealing a weathered face.

He stroked the pattern on the end of the sword, "Type Eleven? It has been modified so many times before it is finished. It seems that the guy really put all his energy into inventing and creating after retiring."

Gordon was surprised.

It turns out that the pattern also hides such information?

Black Eagle carefully looked at the jet sword from the beginning to the end, and kept muttering to himself, "Arrange the center of gravity in this way? Is the engine divided into two parts and arranged? It's really ingenious."

As he said that, he brought his nose to the nozzle on the back of the sword head and sniffed it, "The smell of fire dragon bone marrow, it's a bit wasteful to use this as a consumable fuel

Ah, I almost forgot, it's still a trial type, no wonder. "

Gordon didn't even bother to look at the pair of dragon piercing sticks in front of him.

The chief engineer and master craftsman asked him to try out the jet sword and give some suggestions for modification.

But to be honest, after practicing and using it these days, he only felt that this great sword was amazingly powerful. Although it was difficult to get used to it, it was easy to use after getting used to it, and he really couldn't offer any constructive suggestions.

Perhaps this senior Black Hawk can propose something?

Gordon didn't ask immediately, and continued to "eavesdrop" quietly.

Black Hawk seemed to be very familiar with the design style of the master craftsman, and found the safety mechanism at a certain corner at the end of the hilt.

After turning on the safety, he stood up, walked to the open space in the center of the camp, swung the big sword a few times, and then pulled the ignition trigger. A few swords.

"The center of gravity in the propulsion state is adjusted perfectly, but it is only limited to vertical slashing, and horizontal slashing is somewhat strange. Increase the number of triggers? Or set a progressive valve for the triggers?

No, that will increase the user's operation volume and cause unnecessary risk of mistakes. "

Hei Ying put down his great sword and fell into deep thought.

Gordon and the pork chop looked at each other, not daring to disturb him.

After several minutes passed, Black Hawk suddenly turned his head and said, "It is best to modify the pipe structure on the surface of the sword body to be buried, so as not to be damaged in the case of blocking defense or other collision situations, resulting in failure.

The point is the engine itself, just the jet mode in first gear is too stiff.

A gyroscope can be added to the body of the sword, and then repeatedly adjusted, so that the air jet can automatically and weakly output force under different movement postures of the sword, which plays a role in controlling inertia and adjusting the center of gravity.


"Ah, wait! Senior Black Hawk, let me write it down!" Gordon hurriedly recorded.

The title of "Senior" woke up Black Eagle from his thoughts.

His body froze for a moment, and he stuck the jet sword on the ground in silence, and then grabbed the dragon piercing stick from Gordon's hand slightly.

The hood he put on cast a shadow, covering his face, and his voice became gloomy and indifferent again, "Let's go, there is not so much time to waste, quick battle."

The battle of hunting the dragon ended unexpectedly quickly.

The guild knight who called himself Black Eagle showed amazing fighting skills.

The dragon piercing stick, which is much heavier than the double sabers, is incredibly light in his hands.

This kind of weapon also seems to have a deformation mechanism, although it is not as obvious as the shield ax and chopping axe, the attack method is slightly different in the long and short states, and sometimes it will be ejected and elongated, bursting out with amazing power, and can even be used displacement.

There were two other things that surprised Gordon the most.

One is the astonishing ability to stay in the air. This senior swung the dragon-piercing stick into an afterimage, jumping in the air with his hands and feet, as if stuck to Zhanlong's face, and the continuous attack suppressed the latter to death.

Perhaps the attitude of a bird of prey flying in the air and attacking is the source of the name "Black Eagle"?

The second is that this kind of weapon seems to have some kind of "detonation" ability. Through repeated attacks, the fighting energy is injected into the monster's body, and then the fighting energy is detonated in one breath, which is amazingly powerful.

Without a tacit understanding of cooperation, they didn't even understand the opponent's attacking moves, so Gordon and Zhu Chop didn't "add chaos" to the front.

Instead, run to attack the legs.

As a result, one person, one cat, felt that it hadn't been long since the fight, and Zhanlong fell down with a scream of misery.

Is there half an hour for the whole battle?

This senior Black Hawk is also a seven-star hunter, right? There is a chance of eight stars?

Nine stars are unlikely.

Unless it is a "passed" character who has retired for many years like the mysterious dragon-human proprietress of Longli Academy.

The active nine-star hunters should all be well-known among the high-ranking hunter groups.

Senior Black Hawk is obviously human, judging from his age, in his fifties? If it was really the nine-star hunter who was honored as the "Master" by the world, he probably hadn't heard of it at all.

"I'm too embarrassed to strip the material." Gordon muttered, put away the jet sword, and walked towards the black eagle with the pork chops.

"Senior Black Eagle, you should give priority to stripping." Gordon said with a smile: "We have no need for dragon-slaying materials, and we haven't helped much."

Black Hawk stood still and did not respond.

The existence of the hood made Gordon unable to see his expression clearly, which made him feel a little strange.

"Senior Black Hawk? Are you okay?" Gordon continued to approach.

Suddenly, Gordon caught a sense of crisis that made his scalp tingle, and the combat intuition cultivated in countless life-and-death confrontations with monsters made him pull out his big sword reflexively and block in front of him.


A huge force came along the blade, and Gordon managed to stabilize his center of gravity, but was still repelled by this force for two steps.

"Meow meow?!" Pig Chop exclaimed.

Throwing away the big sword, Gordon stared forward with a face full of astonishment.

Hei Ying didn't hide his hostility and attack intention at all. He turned the dragon piercing stick in his hand, put on an aggressive posture, and charged straight up in the next second.

Gordon immediately raised his sword to meet him.

At this time, it is meaningless to waste energy on questioning the purpose of the opponent's behavior. Judging from the strength of the attack just now, Black Hawk did not hold back.

If that stick hits a vital point, it can be fatal.


The big sword and the dragon-piercing stick were mounted together, and in terms of attack power, the heavy big sword undoubtedly had the upper hand.

But there are two dragon piercing sticks left and right.

Black Hawk slanted away Gordon's slash in a way of unloading force, and then swung the other dragon-piercing stick towards Gordon's face like a poisonous snake.

Relying on his strong core strength, Gordon exerted force, drew back the big sword, and knocked the dragon-piercing stick away with the back of the sword.

The Black Hawk's first wave of offensive was resolved by Gordon, but this was only the first wave.

As they continued to swing, the two dragon-piercing cudgels rotated faster and faster, with fierce kicks mixed in between. The heavy weapons made Gordon, who was inconvenient to fight close to body, gradually fell into a disadvantage.


The pork chop that turned on the animalization came obliquely, and the claw blade slammed at the black eagle that was constantly attacking.

Hei Ying also seemed to know that the power of Ai Lu's attack should not be underestimated in this state, so he allocated some energy to deal with it.

He turned back to the stick, brushed aside the claw blade that the pork chop slammed, and then hit the whip leg, sending the pork chop flying.

Gordon seized this hard-won flaw, threw open the great sword, and used the sharp-toothed shoulder armor as an angle of attack to push forward with all his strength.

Iron Mountain!

Hei Ying immediately withdrew his hands, and crossed the two dragon piercing sticks in front of him to block.


With a muffled sound, the Black Hawk, which was more than a circle smaller than Gordon, slid back a few meters after being bumped by the former.

Hei Ying, who stabilized his figure, twisted his neck, and let out a low laugh of unknown meaning.


Gordon's face was serious, he held the big sword in front of his left hand, and pulled out a stripping knife that could be used as a short knife from the back of his waist with his right hand.

Always ready for the next round of offensive.

And at this moment, two jet-black double blades shaped like darts flew out from the shadows of the dark forest.

Drawing a sharp arc, it attacked the "Guild Knight" holding a dragon stick.

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