Monster Hunting High School

Chapter 115 Hilda Don Alfonso

Unlike other courses that are formally included in the plan, practical courses do not have strict requirements for teachers.

For example, teachers of practical classes do not need to have a very outstanding professional foundation, are not required to be proficient in more than three foreign languages, have more than five years of teaching experience in colleges and universities, and do not need to have led the registration process in the Wizards League. Large-scale experiments, or experience in publishing academic papers in journals with maximum impact factor.

First University only has two requirements for practical course teachers: first, to have the level of a registered wizard; second, to have more than three years of experience in hunting monsters (those with experience in organizing hunting teams will be given priority).

For many young and inexperienced teaching assistants at First University, there is no classroom more suitable for their performance than practical classes.

But Hilda was not among them.

Hilda Don Alfonso is an ordinary member of the group of teaching assistants at First University.

Although it had been less than five years since he graduated from Alpha Academy, Hilda had nearly ten years of experience in hunting monsters.

When he was fifteen years old, he was allowed to enter the family's hunting grounds; when he was eighteen years old, after arriving at First University, he plunged into Alpha's various hunting grounds; until now, nearly ten years of demon hunting career has allowed him to He can proudly pat his chest in front of the deans, and can handle various monster hunting matters arranged by the professors' joint meeting with ease.

His dream is to lead a hunting team and wander around the world in the new free world, instead of wasting his years in this small campus with dozens of young faces in front of him. 【】

Yes, for a young registered wizard, the campus of First University is too small and cramped.

It's as small as using escape skills to walk around the island in less than a minute;

So small that from morning to night every day, there are always so many familiar faces in front of me, which is exhausting;

It was so small that he had no way to avoid the all-pervasive guarding formation and do some interesting little experiments as he pleased.

However, as a member of the famous Alfonso family in the wizarding world, Hilda Don Alfonso did not have many choices since she was a child.

When he was five years old, his grandfather taught him step by step how to clean the crucible, how to control the heat, and how to adjust the painkillers; he had no choice but to obediently accept the teachings of an old wizard.

When he was ten years old, his mother began to ask him to recite the history of the Alfonso family, so that he could remember those strange coats of arms and the enemies from eight lifetimes ago; he had no choice but to accept the history of the wizard family honestly.

When he was fifteen years old, his father threw him into the family's hunting ground, leaving him with simple magic tools and cheap Dharma books to struggle on the edge of life and death; he had no choice but to survive.

At twenty years old, he was already an outstanding public-funded student at First University and held an important position in the school hunting team. However, faced with the invitation from the Blood Club, he still had no choice but to shoulder the burden. Family honor.

Until now, five years after graduation, Hilda still doesn't have much choice.

Although he dreams of leading a hunting team and becoming famous in the new world, in fact, he can only stay at First University peacefully, serving as a glorious but insignificant assistant teacher on the staff roster of First University.

"This university is a backwater." He complained to his friends more than once: "There is no hope, no future, and no freedom. For an Alpha, is there anything more terrifying than losing freedom?"

"Yes." Mr. Hilda, the assistant teacher, stood in the green valley, looking at the unscrupulous freshmen not far away who didn't take him seriously at all, and whispered to himself: "There is nothing more terrifying than losing freedom. The thing is, you have no choice.”

He raised his head, looked at the lazy young wizards under the bamboo forest, and took a deep breath.

"Everyone, come down here!" He shouted at the top of his voice, "Class is here!"

"Jiyou Academy Astronomy Class 08-1, Alpha Academy Alchemy Class 08-1, you brats, get out of here!"

The weather was very sunny.

In the blue sky, there were only a few thin clouds floating here and there.

Summer's tail looks like it is covered with cactus spikes, which can cause pain to the skin.

Because the class was held outdoors, there were no bells, so Zheng Qing and others stayed in the shade of the purple bamboo forest to avoid the scorching rays of the sun.

Hearing the exaggerated greeting from the practical class teacher, the freshmen in Astronomy Class 08-1 lamented, stood up in twos and threes, stepped on the soft lawn, and walked in a sparse line to the small playground at the foot of the hillside.

At the same time, on the hillside opposite, the white robes of Alchemy Class 08-1 lined up in neat lines, trotting all the way towards the only standing figure on the small playground.

"Those hypocrites!" Duan Xiaojian gritted his teeth behind Zheng Qing and said angrily: "Every day, they clamor that talent determines destiny and the family determines the future. When faced with a teacher who flatters him, he runs faster than anyone else."

"You do want to praise me." Fatty Xin laughed at him unceremoniously: "It's just that you don't have the courage."

Zheng Qing squinted his eyes and looked at the figures in white robes without saying a word.

Because it is a compulsory course for the whole school, and the class schedule for freshmen is very special-almost all practical classes are scheduled on Friday afternoon-so the teaching staff is a bit tight, so the school simply merged the practical classes into one major class.

Each practical class teacher teaches two classes at the same time.

For example, Zheng Qing's astronomy class 08-1 of Jiuyou College was assigned to the same teaching assistant as the freshmen of alchemy class 08-1 of Alpha College.

The face of this assistant coach Zheng Qing is also very familiar.

Hilda, one of the escorts on the First University plane.

When Nikita was wreaking havoc in the restaurant of the special plane, Assistant Hilda was the only one who appeared next to the students.

Even though almost half a month had passed, Zheng Qing still clearly remembered the cynical voice behind the bar and his unique look full of punk style.

"Hello teacher!"

The freshmen in red robes and the freshmen in white robes stood clearly on both sides of Hilda, bowing at the same time to pay tribute to the teacher.

"Everyone is safe." Hilda responded in a deep voice with a serious look on her face.

Zheng Qing staggered, then stood up straight with a black line on his face.

What the hell is Zhu Qing Pingshen?

Is this a joke?

This is a joke!

Why, our practical class teacher is such a funny guy!

Zheng Qing kept a straight face, looking at the expressionless and serious teaching assistant in front of him, and couldn't help but complain crazily in his heart.

"If there's something going on, let's start fighting if there's nothing going on!" Assistant Coach Doubi still had a serious look on his face, completely ignoring the confused faces below.

"Sir, sir!" Li Meng raised her little hand and shouted cheerfully: "I have something to say!"

"Good!" Assistant Teacher Doubi waved his hand with admiration on his face: "But there's no harm in talking!"

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