At this second, Lin Jiamei was stunned.

Her eyes were widened and she was stunned on the spot.

Fast… too fast!

In just the blink of an eye, Jiang Yang single-handedly eliminated all the remaining seven or eight armed criminals in the room!

Before she could even react to what happened, all the criminals fell into a pool of blood!

Although he had worked with Jiang Yang for a while.

But this is the first time Lin Jiamei has truly experienced Jiang Yang’s methods up close!

Is this… the method used by criminals to kill?

It seems… much more powerful than before!

After solving the criminals in the room, Jiang Yang did not stop there.

Because the movement inside had already attracted the attention of the criminals outside, they had already opened the door and rushed in one after another.

“Jiamei, wait for me here.”

After saying these words, Jiang Yang had a thought in his mind.

In an instant, several hundred kilograms of invisible body armor was put on his body.

And he also held the dagger upside down. At this moment, he completely transformed into a criminal killing machine and rushed towards the criminals pouring into the room!


The first knife cut the throat of the first criminal very neatly.

Blood spurted out, and the criminal lost all his strength and fell to the ground at this moment.

And this is just the beginning.

Jiang Yang kept waving the dagger in his hand, as fast as the wind catching a shadow!

“Bah ba ba ba!!”

For a few breaths, the group of criminals didn’t even have time to shoot.

They were all dealt with by Jiang Yang!

More and more criminals outside the door discovered what was going on here.



“Fuck him!”

The criminals shouted and cursed.

They all picked up the guns in their hands and fired wildly at Jiang Yang!

However, there are no outsiders here, and Jiang Yang has turned off the law enforcement recorder, so there is no need to worry about taking action.

Facing the machine gun fire from the criminals, Jiang Yang, protected by an invisible body armor, was not afraid at all.

He just resisted their bullets and rushed towards them!


“Puff puff!”

With three stabs in a row, he killed three more criminals.

The accomplice who was standing next to the criminal who had just died saw this scene and showed a look of fear on his face.

But Jiang Yang didn’t give him any more time to be afraid.

Another thrust forward.

The remaining two criminals also fell under Jiang Yang’s dagger and fell in a pool of blood.

Ahead, several criminals who had just rushed up noticed the situation here and froze on the spot.

“What the hell…is going on?”

“Why is there still someone up there?”

“Why are Ahu and the others dead?”

“That’s…that’s Jiang Yang?”

“Criminal killing machine!!!”

When Jiang Yang’s name appeared in their minds, a natural fear suddenly rose in their hearts.

Seeing that Jiang Yang didn’t say any nonsense at all, he rushed towards them directly.

Every one of them was frightened and screamed in terror.

“Depend on!”

“He’s coming! He’s coming!”

“Shoot, shoot!”

“Don’t let him come!!!”

And in fact, they did!

The trigger was pulled, gunshots rang out, and bullets were fired crazily towards Jiang Yang!

They thought that under the truth, even Jiang Yang could not resist it.

But they thought wrong!

It seemed like endless bullets were shooting at Jiang Yang’s body crazily.

However, when those bullets were fired at Jiang Yang, they seemed to be blocked by something just before they hit.

Obviously their aim was extremely accurate, but they just couldn’t hit Jiang Yang.

In fact, those bullets couldn’t even stop Jiang Yang or stop him for a second!

Have you ever played games like Resident Evil?

In those games, human bullets can at least repel zombies for a certain distance, and even worse, they can delay their advance.

But here, their bullets had no effect on Jiang Yang.

In the game, being approached by zombies can make your heart beat faster.

Not to mention, what is rushing towards them at this moment is not an NPC in the game, but a terrifying criminal killing machine!

In just a few breaths, Jiang Yang had already rushed in front of them.

A cold light flashed in his hand, and the lives of the two criminals disappeared in an instant.

Looking back again, two more criminals fell to the ground.

One of the criminals was scared crazy by Jiang Yang!

The moment he saw Jiang Yang approaching, he almost became a

He dropped the gun in his hand as if by reflex, turned around and wanted to run away.

But, do you want to run away in front of Jiang Yang?


Almost two seconds after he ran out, Jiang Yang was able to catch up with him like a ghost, even if he was wearing an invisible body armor that weighed several hundred kilograms.

Then the cold dagger lightly scratched his neck.

Leaving behind a corpse with a face as white as paper and a look of fear on his face, Jiang Yang walked downstairs!

Jiang Yang’s crime radar was turned on throughout the whole process.

This will ensure that he finds every criminal!

Next, Jiang Yang also officially started the killing mode!

Floor 34, six criminals, die!

Floor 33, eight criminals, die!

Level 30, twelve criminals, die!

Twenty criminals on the 25th floor, die!

In this way, Jiang Yang, each with a dagger, started from the 35th floor and killed them one floor after another!

The group of criminals were killed so much that they howled like ghosts and wolves, and the floors on every floor were soaked in blood!

The thirteenth floor downstairs is the floor where the battle between police and criminals is the most intense.

Dozens of police officers were distributed behind each bunker, exchanging fire with the criminals on the thirteenth floor.


The firepower of this group of criminals is nothing short of ferocious.

Even if they have the most advanced weapons, it will be difficult to take them down for a while!

“Old Liu, this can’t work!”

“We have been unable to attack for a long time, and our brothers have also been injured. If this continues, I don’t know how many more brothers will be injured!”

“We have to find a way!”

“I’m thinking about it again, I’m thinking about it again!”


“Wait…why are there no gunshots?”

Originally, a group of police officers were fighting hard with criminals and wanted to find a way to break through.

But suddenly, the gunfire in front suddenly disappeared!

This surprised the police.

Is it possible that these criminals are up to something?

One policeman carefully stretched out his vision and looked ahead.

It’s okay if you don’t look at it, but when you look at it, people are stunned.

Seeing this scene, the other two policemen nearby also cautiously stuck their heads out to take a look.

Seeing this, they were also stunned on the spot.

They saw the criminals in front of them who were extremely vicious and were shooting wildly with them.

At this moment, they all fell into a pool of blood.

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