This day is destined to be the end of the criminals hiding in Dongxin Village!

A large number of police rushed into Dongxin Village.

Carpet sweeps will make it impossible for any criminal who has committed any crime to escape!

The captured criminals were crying and begging for mercy.

At the same time, I also hated the culprit who triggered this cleaning operation: Jiang Mingzhu to the extreme!

Every criminal swears secretly in his heart.

This time I went in. If I met Jiang Mingzhu inside, I would definitely not let him off lightly!

At this time, Jiang Mingzhu, who had just finished the sentencing in the court, was still very proud.

Since he was caught, he has given a straightforward explanation and has a very good attitude in admitting his guilt.

Therefore, he was not sentenced to death, but to life imprisonment.

Life imprisonment is nothing to him!

Anyway, life outside is not that good, but after going inside, I can still get food and shelter, which is really nice!

But suddenly, he felt a chill!

His eyes subconsciously looked in the direction of Dongxin Village. For some reason, he had a very bad premonition.

And naturally he could not predict what kind of suffering he would suffer in the days to come.

If he could have known it in advance, he would probably be eager to go back to court now and ask the judge to sentence him to death!

And it’s the kind that’s executed immediately!

The clean-up operation in Dong Xincun continues.

Group after group of criminals were put into police cars and taken away.

In one morning, the entire Dongxin Village was nearly half empty!

Of course, there are not only criminals in the village, but also normal residents living there.

They were all deeply shocked when they looked at the batches of arrested criminals.

“Oh my god! Are there so many criminals here?”

“You won’t know if you don’t catch me. If you catch me, you’ll be shocked!”

“We used to live in a criminal’s den in love?”

“That’s right! Damn it, we were really lucky before thinking about it! It’s all okay!”

“It’s awesome!”

“Then Wang Laoer was also arrested. Damn it, he killed all the widows in the village, and the wife of the big cow next door even had an affair with him. I knew this guy was not a good guy!”

“And the second son of the old Zhang family is so arrogant when he has some money. I guess his money didn’t come from a regular source. He deserves to be caught!”

“Anyway, it’s just one sentence, good catch!”


Someone in the village took a video of what was happening in Dongxin Village at this moment and posted it online.

Once these videos were released, they immediately attracted the attention of the entire Internet.

“Good guy, there are so many police, where are they? Northern Myanmar?”

“Does this need to be said? Looking at how backward the environment is, where else could there be so many criminals besides northern Myanmar?”

But soon, netizens discovered that something was wrong.

The IP of the author who posted the video is actually in Fujian Province, China!

This surprised many netizens.

It wasn’t until the author came out to clarify that netizens realized that the location where the video was shot was not Mianbei at all, but an urban village in Rongcheng City, Fujian Province.

After learning the news, many netizens were completely outraged.

“Good guy, there are so many criminals, you told me this is in the country?”

“I was shocked. At first I really thought we were in northern Myanmar!”

“I didn’t expect that there would be so many criminals in a small banyan city.”

“Real-life Gotham City?”


Netizens talked a lot, and they all felt unbelievable.

Until one of the netizens guessed the truth.

“Rongcheng City? Could it be that Officer Jiang led the arrest?”

When Jiang Yang was mentioned, many netizens were immediately relieved.

If Jiang Yang led the team, it would be understandable if so many criminals were caught.

After all, Jiang Yang’s ability is obvious to all.

Back then, when patrolling any pedestrian street, hundreds of criminals could be caught.

This time, the entire urban village was targeted.

In addition, the village in the city is already a mixed bag, with a lot of cats and dogs. It is really normal to be able to catch so many criminals.

Then, someone uploaded more videos to the Internet.

One of the videos of climbing the 35th floor with bare hands attracted countless likes, reposts and comments from netizens.

“Holy shit, what the hell is this? Climbing stairs with bare hands?”

“Holy shit, that’s awesome!”

“Can a person really climb the 35th floor with bare hands? I am also a parkour enthusiast. I have been playing parkour for 10 years, but I can’t climb the 35th floor with bare hands!”

“Don’t say you are just a parkour guy. My brother is a soldier. He has been in the army for 10 years.

Yes, I just asked him and he said he couldn’t do it. ”

“Is this video synthesized? Is it a special effect?”

“Yes, it must be! How can a normal person climb such a high floor with bare hands!”


But soon, after the video poster finished speaking, netizens all shut up.

The video poster commented:

“The person climbing the stairs in this video is Officer Jiang!”

As soon as these words came out, those who had doubted it all shut their mouths.

“Oh, it turns out to be Police Officer Jiang…”

“That’s okay.”

“Hahaha, if it’s Officer Jiang, that’s normal!”

“Yeah yeah……”


Again, Jiang Yang’s abilities are obvious to all.

The scene of him pulling the helicopter with his bare hands is still vivid in my mind to this day.

Is there anything wrong with climbing the 35th floor with bare hands now?

No problem at all!

After Chinese netizens learned that the person in the video was Jiang Yang.

All those doubts disappeared and were replaced by applause.

“Officer Jiang is awesome!”

“Officer Jiang is so awesome!”

“Good work deserves reward!”

“Officer Jiang is a real man!”


Of course, some people are curious about what Jiang Yang is doing climbing so high.

Who makes netizens omnipotent?

Soon the real reason why Jiang Yang climbed the stairs was revealed.

A piece of news titled “Jiang climbed the 35th floor with bare hands, rescued hostages, and slaughtered hundreds of armed criminals alone” became a hot topic!

Under this topic, several netizens claiming to be from Dong Xincun revealed a lot of information.

Someone revealed that Jiang Yang climbed up to the 35th floor with bare hands in order to rescue his colleagues who were held hostage.

It was also revealed that he fought more than 800 criminals alone, and finally killed the criminals one by one.

It was even revealed that this clean-up operation in urban villages was triggered by the fact that the sister-in-law of the municipal bureau director was murdered in Dongxin Village, and the director was furious.

Although these news may be true or false.

But this did not affect netizens’ deep shock at what Jiang Yang did.

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