【Mountain and Sea for All: Start from a Thatched Cottage】【】

Buzzing——Su Mu held a bead in his hand, and a mysterious power surged into his mind. Innate treasure, fortune pearl. The ever-changing, good fortune of all things! "The fortune beads are ever-changing?" Su Mu's eyes lit up, and he looked at the beads in his hand with great interest. The surface of this bead is covered with a layer of gray mist, and there are densely packed countless symbols flowing on it, as if the three thousand roads are imprinted in it. After the cultivation was successful, Su Mu had a deep connection with this innate treasure, as if it was a part of him. Perhaps because he had transformed many times in the Immortal Cauldron before, the birth of the innate treasure was like his companion treasure, like a waving arm. Clang! With a thought in Su Mu's mind, the bead suddenly turned into a long sword, which was exactly the shape of the King's Sword, and it also contained the powerful power of the King's Sword. The two can't tell who is the real Wang Jian at all, they both feel the same. Hum—soon, the Human King Sword disappeared, and there was a terrifying spear in his hand, with sharp edges that tore through the void and chaos. There is a powerful power of heaven on the folded dry spear, which is so powerful that it is like waiting for the judgment of heaven, which is exactly the appearance of the previous judgment spear. It's just that it is many times stronger than the Spear of Judgment. It belongs to the real innate treasure, contains powerful power of heaven, is shimmering with divine punishment, and wrapped in robbery clouds. Click! Su Mu stabbed lightly, and a hole was torn out in the void, and the powerful sharp edge pierced through the boundless void and turbulent flow. This power is frightening. "Good guy." He had an amazed expression on his face, and it was unbelievable that he could have such power with just a casual stab. As his thoughts flashed, the spear of heaven in his hand changed again, becoming a terrifying sledgehammer, exuding a terrifying aura of the end of the world. The doomsday hammer was in his hand, and he swung it lightly. Suddenly, the sky was dark, and a dusk enveloped the void, and the scene of the end of the world slowly struck. The horrific scene stunned countless members of the fairy clan, all of them horrified and inexplicable, not knowing what happened. It was only after the fairy appeared and sent out a reminder that they realized that this was a big battle caused by the head of the family, the Immortal Emperor who always sees the dragon and the dragon. "Change again!" Su Mu became more and more excited as he played. The doomsday hammer in his hand disappeared, turning into a domineering and unparalleled throne. Sitting on it, his whole body was so imposing, like a supreme king, ruling the heavens, with a strong feeling of ruling all laws. Even sitting on it, Su Mu felt that his comprehension and mastery of the power of rules had deepened, as if he had made it with his own hands. "Mieshi—" Su Mu let out a low voice, and the ruling throne that he sat on disintegrated, quickly forming a mysterious bow, exuding the aura of Mieshi. When the arrow was shot, a hole was torn into the void, and the world-destroying arrow disappeared into the depths of time and space. "Hahaha, it's really happening now." Su Mu laughed heartily, playing with the innate treasure orb in his hand. In fact, it is wrong to say that it is a bead, because it looks like a bead, but in fact it has no rules and is ever-changing. There is really no fixed form for all things in creation. It is what it is, so Su Mu can't put it down. Next, Su Mu kept experimenting with various abilities of this innate treasure, and transformed it into various artifacts, all possessing powerful and incredible power. In short, it is able to create all things, and evolve into various utensils to exert extremely powerful power, which is simply unimaginable. Having mastered the function and power of this innate treasure, Su Mu satisfies his income in the sea of ​​consciousness, and keeps cultivating his own true spirit. In the sea of ​​consciousness, it turns into a vast universe, wrapping the true spirit firmly in it, so that the true spirit will not be invaded by any dharma, and will not be grinded by ten thousand kalpas. "With the Fortune Orb, there is no need to change weapons and equipment in the future." Su Mu got up happily, put the fairy cauldron back, and then walked out of the hall in a calm manner. Opening the clan warehouse, Su Mu took out a lot of precious materials and sent them back to his homeland. It's not the sub-homeland where the tortoise is located, but the previous main homeland base. Swish! A light flickered, and Su Mu's figure returned to the main homeland. It's been a long time since he came back. As soon as he came back, he felt the huge titan great ape outside his home, snoring on the boulder? Su Mu was stunned for a moment, looking at the giant ape titan outside, he felt that the size of the giant ape titan was actually a lot fatter. How did the giant ape titan, which was originally huge and fierce, become fatter after raising it? "I'll go, this giant ape will sleep when he's full and make himself fat, right?" Su Mu walked out of his home, looking at the sleeping Titan giant ape, he was speechless for a while. It turned out that this guy was not very strong, so he was put in the house to watch the house, but he didn't expect that he had gained a whole circle of weight after not seeing him for a while. What used to be a good fit of violent muscles turned into a plump body. Looking at the chubby titan great ape, Su Mu didn't even notice it. "Forget it, it will be useless after raising it." Su Mu shook his head with a wry smile, turned and returned to his home. As for the giant ape titan, I don't bother to care about it. Anyway, it is too weak to care about it. Just let it continue to watch the gate of the homeland. He came straight to the soil and looked at the lump of soil in front of him. "To open up the inner world, a mass of breath soil was originally needed as a medium, but I haven't used breath soil before, so the world inside the body is actually not complete." Su Mu thought about this question thoughtfully. There are two different things between having a living soil and not being bustling. The world has been successfully opened up, but life cannot be bred in the world. There are only some flowers, plants and trees that have been born naturally since the birth of the world. As for other living things, there is no such thing at all, because the lack of soil exists. Breathing soil can make all things good, has the origin of good fortune, and breeds the miracle of life. So now Su Mu's idea is to directly integrate a portion of the breath soil into the world in his body. But when I think of the three hundred small worlds in my body, plus the central world, one breath is not enough at all. "Fortunately, many people in the clan collected some unowned soil, and I also told Miao Miao and the others to collect the soil." Su Mu was a little lucky, but fortunately, he had reminded him to prepare in advance. Now I have a lot of soil in stock, so I am not afraid that it will not be enough. I saw that he began to take out separate individual soils from the soil of the main homeland, and integrated them one by one into the small world in his body. Boom! In the body, bursts of roaring sounds continued to be heard, as if the world opened up, and the terrifying sound of heaven and earth collapsed. After merging into a small world of the soil, suddenly some kind of wonderful changes happened. In the three hundred small worlds in the body, some strange lives gradually began to grow. qqxsnew This means that the world has begun to give birth to brand new creatures~www.wuxiaspot.com~The birth of life truly completes the world. This kind of world is a complete world with strong vitality and potential. Su Mu silently perceives the changes of the world, and the process of the birth of life contains infinite mysteries, which fascinates people. "The miracle of life is so wonderful." Su Mu murmured to himself and woke up, with a mysterious light of wisdom shining in his eyes. As the will of the world, he has a strong feeling, as if as long as the three thousand small worlds are conceived, he can truly step into the evolution into the middle thousand world and become a will of heaven. This feeling is very wonderful, very strange, and cannot be described in words. "Su Mei, jacaranda, fire unicorn..." Su Mu directly threw the only three remaining pets in the pet space into the central world in his body. The three free pets are playing crazy one by one, and in the new world, there are various powers of rules flooding the whole world, and they can understand the rules very well and master the power of rules. This is the real reason why Su Mu released them. After all, it's been too long in the pet space. Ding! [You have a private message, please check it. ] Just thinking about it, suddenly a personal message popped up. Su Mu woke up from his thoughts, opened it casually and took a look. [Li Qiye]: "My boss, where is your old man? Please help us, we can't hold on any longer┭┮﹏┭┮.... We have encountered difficulties in opening up wasteland in Aize Continent, come quickly, You are late and you have to collect the corpse for us..." The news came from the Demon Emperor Li Qiye. Su Mu's heart sank when he saw the news he sent, the demons were in trouble. Depending on the situation, the trouble is not small, otherwise Li Qiye would not have sent a message directly for help. "Just right, go to Aize Continent to have a look." Su Mu teleported away without any hesitation. He wants to rush to Aize Continent to see what kind of predicament the demons have encountered.

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