Movie black technology

Chapter 233 Oasis (Part 2)

Although this process is the same as the previous silicon-based chips, and no specific production equipment is mentioned, it has already told you how to cook the rice. Are you afraid that you can't design a pot?

To make an inappropriate analogy, this is like obtaining a copy of the technical information on the entire production process of the Kirin 990 in the era of germanium-based chips before silicon-based chips.

Although this information does not explain how to design the core equipment of the lithography machine, it can reverse the required corresponding equipment through the various processes of the silicon-based chip.

Carbon-based chips are just in their infancy now, and everyone only has ideas and experimental products. He can get such a complete and mature information by using Bai Ze to search and take the closed-book exam.

It can be said that with this information in his hand, it is not difficult to incubate a complete carbon-based chip industry chain in the future.

These few carbon-based chip materials are enough for him to pay back.

Chen Shen also put away his contempt for this project, after all, it was produced by the system.

It smells so good!

Continue to look down.

The next technology is VR glasses. This glasses is the entry-level version worn by the protagonist in the movie at the beginning, and it looks very similar to the current VR glasses.

This is one of the reasons why he had previously dismissed the technology.

From the outside, these devices look like low-flying bees.

Low Bee!

But if you take a closer look, you will know that the technical content here is actually not low at all.

The most prominent technology inside is its display.

This small display is actually a small laser display.

Its principle is to use the higher power monochromatic laser as the light source among the three primary colors, and after mixing it into full color, use various methods to realize line and field scanning.

When the scanning speed is higher than the critical flicker frequency of the image, it can meet the requirement of "visual persistence" of the human eye, and the human eye can clearly observe the output image.

Moreover, laser display also has the advantages of wide color gamut, long life, environmental protection, and energy saving.

The color expressiveness of laser display technology is more than twice that of traditional TVs. In the color gamut that the human eye can see, liquid crystal can only reproduce 27%, plasma 32%, and the theoretical value of laser display exceeds 90%.

In addition, the power consumption of laser display is about 1/3 lower than that of traditional display methods, and no heavy metal materials that threaten the environment will be used in the production process.

Chen Shen didn't know much about laser display. He sat in front of the computer, opened Bai Ze Search, and gave instructions to search for information related to laser display, especially the current mainstream research directions.

Got results in no time.

Now there are two mainstream research directions of laser display.

The first direction is to use laser as a new type of light source to project toward a large screen, that is, projection TV.

However, in this case, depending on the projection situation, the distance between the projector and the screen needs to be adjusted to ensure that the projection matches the screen.

Another research direction is high-speed scanning direct imaging on the screen with three primary color laser beams.

Compared with the projection type, this laser scanning method has advantages in terms of system size and power consumption, and it can achieve clear display without focusing when using it.

Therefore, scanning display technology is generally used to develop portable micro-displays.

The laser display of VR glasses is obviously the second way.

It's just that in reality, the development of the second laser scanning display technology is much slower than that of the projection type, especially the small laser scanning display.

Compared with the system's technology, there is even a gap between heaven and earth.

The system's entry-level VR glasses can provide the wearer with a 16K resolution, a total of 128 million pixel images, and a refresh rate of 290HZ per second, and the image and sound delays are within 10 milliseconds.

In addition, there is also a great breakthrough in the field of view. Wearing it can have a wide-angle field of view of 180 degrees in the horizontal direction and 135 degrees in the vertical direction, which is basically close to the field of view of the human eye.

With such performance support, the VR images seen by most wearers are almost the same as the real images in terms of clarity and field of view. Coupled with the anti-shake function, it can better guarantee users experience.

In contrast, the current mainstream VR glasses don’t have a 16k resolution, even an 8k resolution is enough.

Moreover, the 16K resolution screen is not even used in the TV field at present, let alone VR glasses.

There is no doubt that this laser display technology is at least ten years ahead of the current era.

And Chen Shen looked at the remaining VR glasses that were of different models and were still in the research and development list, and felt that there should be more advanced technology in them.

In addition, there is a facial scanner for facial recognition and expression capture. In addition to its own hardware, the built-in algorithm program is also very important.

Then there are tactile gloves. These gloves have built-in artificial tendons and sensors, which can sensitively feel the movements of the user's hands and facilitate gesture operations in the game.

With the help of built-in tendons, the glove can also give some feedback to the user's hand through simple contraction according to the game experience.

The feedback isn't real, but it's better than nothing.

As for the remaining universal treadmills, they are special equipment.

Standing on this pressure-sensitive treadmill, you can run or walk anywhere, and its response speed is very fast, and it can run or stop quickly according to the user's movements.

It is with this that VR games are freed from the constraints of space to a certain extent.

After reading this set of entry-level equipment, Chen Shen was lost in thought.

Although this project is simpler than the previous projects, it is still of great value.

Whether it is carbon-based chips or laser scanning display technology, there is an urgent need at present.

Needless to say, carbon-based chips, if successfully realized, the chances of overtaking in the domestic chip industry will be countless times greater.

Domestic companies no longer need to worry about being sanctioned by chips, which also includes edges and corners.

Although Angular Technology does not engage in electronic equipment, it uses a large number of chips in artificial intelligence and prosthetics.

According to the frenzied situation on the opposite side, the only thing that can be saved in the future is the brain-computer chip of the prosthetic limb.

However, if the laser scanning display technology is used on a TV or placed in a mobile phone, it will be a ruthless crushing of the current display industry, and it will immediately start the next major change in the display industry.

If a complete set of VR equipment can be manufactured, it is estimated that there will be good sales.

As for the accompanying software and games...

With this kind of advanced equipment, even if there is no Oasis, countless people will develop games based on the performance of the equipment.

It's just that Chen Shen always feels that he seems to have overlooked something...

I slept for four hours, then got up, and I wrote this chapter for six hours...well, have a meal, let's continue all night tonight

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