Movie black technology

Chapter 443 Cell Culture

There are 130 trillion cells in the human body, as long as these cells are mixed with spiritual power, chakra can be extracted...

No, I went to the wrong set.

According to the prediction of modern science, the number of cells in the human body in reality is about 60 trillion to 80 trillion, that is, 60 to 80 trillion.

There are so many cells in a human body, and the number of cells in a monster tens of meters high will only be more exaggerated than that of humans.

Comparing the two, normal people know that with the current number of recipient cells in the test tube, no matter what, no monster can be bred, no matter in terms of quantity or quality.

Therefore, Chen Shen still needs to perform a second treatment on these cells.

The trouble is that it is a bit troublesome, but considering that it is a monster to be built, and it is also a monster that can produce unprecedented substances such as space crystals, Chen Shen is full of energy.

The first step of the secondary treatment to be carried out is to increase the number of these cells, that is, to supplement them with nutrients and let them start to proliferate.

At the same time, during this process, the expression of genes in the cells will become more and more active.

In reality, each cell contains all the genetic information of a living body, but the genes expressed are often different in different types of cells.

In layman's terms, when the universal code of the gene is working, it depends on the cells to serve dishes, and different commands are used to control the work of different cells.

When dealing with a soft girl, he whispered softly to persuade it to work, and when he encountered a big man who picked his feet, he picked up the whip and whipped it violently if he didn't work.

This is the selective expression of genes.

In these artificial recipient cells, the expression of the genome has not been completely stabilized, and the expression of the genome may change as the cells grow and proliferate.

in the big lab.

Chen Shen yawned silently, watching Zhang Jinghui and a group of researchers operating on the experimental bench, transferring all the confirmed recipient cells into the cell culture medium.

In these cell culture media, there are the nutrients needed by the recipient cells and the basic substances to promote the reproduction and proliferation of the cells, so that these cells can grow and reproduce in the culture media.

This job is much easier than yesterday, and today the job is not demanding, and the manpower is sufficient. It only took a few hours to transfer all the recipient cells to the corresponding cell culture medium.

"Then we have to wait for the cells in these media to start proliferating and passage?"

Zhang Jinghui recalled the steps he had seen before.

"That's right," Chen Shen, who was observing the state of the cells in the culture medium, agreed with him, "Generally speaking, at the beginning of in vitro cell culture, the cytoplasm of the cells will retract, the cell body will be spherical, and the whole will be suspended in the culture medium. In the liquid, this is the suspension period."

"After the suspension period, the cells will attach to the medium substrate and start to take root, and then enter a latent period in which they only move, do not proliferate and divide less, and then enter the exponential proliferation period, where the cells proliferate and divide in large numbers until contact resistance and density resistance appear. Slowly enter the stagnation period, and then start to pass on..."

The phenomenon of contact resistance refers to the reduction of cell activity due to the excessive number of cells in the culture medium, which is equivalent to the fact that there are too many people in tourist attractions during the holidays, causing a large number of people who are willing to travel to choose to stay at home instead of going out.

Density resistance means that after the contact resistance phenomenon occurs, the cells are still proliferating and dividing, resulting in the reduction of nutrients in the culture medium and the increase of metabolites. At this time, the cells will stop dividing due to the exhaustion of nutrients and the influence of metabolites.


It’s equivalent to those people who stay at home on vacation and don’t travel. They are really boring, so they start to make people. When they make too many people and make themselves poor, they can’t afford to support them. From then on, they understand the beauty of a certain...

Chen Shen paused for a moment, and continued with the words just now, "The ones we want to send to space are the second-generation recipient cells."

"The gene expression of the second-generation cells is basically stable, and their number is sufficient, but the level of gene expression must not meet our requirements, so it is suitable to be sent to space for experiments."

"After the mutation of the second-generation cells is completed, the gene expression is modified, and then we select the potentially useful parts from them, cultivate them into groups again, and finally let them form various tissues, and then use nutrient solution to build bridges in these tissues. Let them start to breed and combine, and finally give birth to the original sample of the monster we need..."

These cumbersome steps made Zhang Jinghui nod his head. Although Chen Shen said it easily, in practice, every step in it was not easy.

"According to your estimate, when will these cells end the suspension period and complete attachment?" Zhang Jinghui asked. Once the cells start to attach, it means that the culture has achieved initial success.

He has done many similar in vitro cell culture experiments, but now the two of them are facing brand new artificial cells, and no one can make a more accurate judgment than Chen Shen.

Chen Shen glanced at the culture medium. The recipient cells had just been transferred, so they must still be suspended in the nutrient solution.

"Cell attachment is affected by the material and state of the substrate as well as the state of the cell itself. Generally, a generation of cells takes about ten hours to a day. Considering that this is a generation of cells and it is artificial, even if the substrate is added to promote adhesion It is estimated that it will take about a day for the material."

Since Zhang Jinghui brought up this topic, Chen Shen simply calculated the time needed for this experiment carefully.

In addition to the suspension period, there is also an incubation period.

The sign of the end of the incubation period is that the cell division phase begins to appear and gradually increase, and it usually takes about one to four days to reach this stage.

"Also considering artificial reasons, the incubation period of our recipient cells is estimated to be the longest four days, and may even take about five days."

If this was a real monster cell, then of course it wouldn't take so long. Who told this to be man-made, and the manufactured equipment was adjusted by Chen Shen.

There is always nothing wrong with estimating to a slightly worse standard.

"Apart from these two, the details of these cell cultures are not very different from other similar experiments."

After telling Zhang Jinghui, the experiment entered the recording and waiting time, and then they just need to give enough nutrient solution.

Chen Shen also took the time to read through the information sent by several other projects.

In fact, it is mainly a matter of the lunar development plan.

A more detailed point is the change of the Tibetan antelope.

The plasma propulsion unit space shuttle project, which had been approved internally before, was assigned to the lunar development plan group.

The goal of this plan is to create an atmospheric plasma-propelled aircraft that takes off and lands horizontally, and this plan also obtained previous domestic research data on space shuttles.

Now that the first version of the design is out, come over and ask for his opinion...

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