Movie black technology

514 Special Forces Infiltrate (2/3)

Chapter 514 Special Forces Infiltrate (23)

The host Richard looked down at the manuscript and quickly read it out.

"They decided to build an artificial wormhole on the moon. Yes, you heard it right. It is the artificial wormhole in the movie."

"This is undoubtedly an amazing plan!"

Richard's expression was exaggerated, he grinned with a smile, and continued:

"Professional matters must be reviewed by professional people. We have invited Dr. Andrew, a former researcher at the Nuclear Research Center, who will comment on this plan for us."

The big screen behind the host was playing the scene, and on one side of the stage, Dr. Andrew, who was in his forties, walked over slowly and sat next to the host.

The topic of the two centered on the artificial wormhole.

Facing the host's question, Dr. Andrew thought for a while and said:

"This time the project is actually very strange. My former colleagues and I felt very dreamy and excited when we heard the news last week. We thought it was a new discovery in basic theory that would lead to They run programs like this."

"At that time, I thought that in a few days, I could see their breakthrough papers published in journals or websites. As a result, I spent a weekend in peace and nothing happened."

Andrew, who was wearing a suit, shrugged his shoulders, and the doubts on his face were clearly visible.

The host said at the right time: "What does this mean? Maybe their papers haven't been reviewed yet? I heard that some papers need to be reviewed for a long time."

"It's not what you imagined," Andrew shook his head, "I asked the editors of major journals, and they all said with certainty that they and their colleagues did not have any papers on artificial wormholes waiting for review, even if there were, the contributors Also some notorious citizen scientists."


The host let out a scream, then turned to the camera, and also to Andrew:

"Then how are they going to conduct this experiment?"

Andrew shrugged again, "I don't know, you don't know, no one knows, except themselves."

"Judging from the current situation, I even doubt whether this experiment is really related to physics. Maybe they just shipped a bunch of scrap iron to the moon."

At the same time, similar or opposite voices are constantly ringing out in studios elsewhere.

"Although the artificial wormhole project cannot disclose more information due to the confidentiality clause, it is undoubtedly a great exploration of mankind on the road of science!"

"We are not yet ready to comment on this project, time will tell, but as human beings we have no doubts that this project will be successful."

"This plan is really stupid. They must be acting, so that we can save the increasingly dismal ratings of the take-off live broadcast..."

"This is a conspiracy by the other side. They are trying to provoke a new round of space race. We must fight steadily now, and it is not time to fight..."

Smith switched several channels in a row, but except for some paid TV stations, all the other stations were live broadcasts of Tibetan antelope.

But this is not to promote the artificial wormhole project.

Because the hosts of every TV station have exactly the same tone, everyone's attitude towards artificial wormholes is very clear, either explicitly belittle and oppose, or belittle and oppose euphemistically.

This is internal propaganda.

Regarding the Tibetan antelope and the man-made wormhole, unless the opposite side cuts off the Internet, so that everyone can go back to the era when they relied on newspapers, radio and TV to get news in the last century, it is impossible to completely block related news.

Especially in the case of vigorous publicity in the country.

In this case, we can only actively guide the domestic wind direction.

For the artificial wormhole project, Smith, who has been staying next to the ruins of the desert base, has little understanding of it. He only found out the specific process after searching the Internet on the computer.

"Man-made wormholes?" Smith rubbed his chin in thought. If it was before, he certainly wouldn't believe that the other side could create wormholes.

But after Pandora, his thoughts have changed.

"Maybe the opposite side has obtained an alien spaceship? Otherwise, Pandora and the current man-made wormhole cannot explain it..."

Yes, he believes the artificial wormhole project is real.

After all, carbon-based creatures like monsters can be manufactured on the opposite side, so artificial wormholes are naturally not impossible.

While he was thinking.

There was a sudden bang, and the ground trembled violently.

It was like a small earthquake.

"What's going on here? Have you seen Pandora again?"

Smith stepped out of his tent and into the command tent in the middle of base camp.

The general and his assistants are watching the big screen.

The images displayed on the screen were taken by the cameras carried by the soldiers. These soldiers have left the base camp and arrived next to the base.

They brought full equipment and planned to sneak into the ruins of the base to check the specific situation of the monsters below.

During this period of time, they have basically determined that the monster has no intention of leaving the base. According to the infrared reaction, it has always been below the base, living on the food and water they dropped.

Apart from eating, drinking, and rolling around in the ground, the monster usually has no hobbies, and is surprisingly quiet.

So the general decided to send people to sneak into the ruins of the base to see the situation of the monsters, collect the bodies of the dead inside, and most importantly, bring up the research materials in the base and the evidence that Smith directly directed the base departments to carry out their work.

The assistant glanced at Smith who came in, and said, "I haven't seen the monster yet. The ground vibration just now should be caused by the monster's underground activities."

"The special forces have begun to sneak in!"

Smith saw on the screen that the camera installed on the helmet had captured the inside of the base. Under the night vision lens, they could see a huge object entrenched below.

Like a dragon on a treasure chest.

And the building of the underground base has only collapsed halfway up to now. The monster didn't destroy the building after gaining freedom. Instead, it cut off the bottom few floors and used it as a place to shelter from the sun and rain.

Special soldiers walked down the uncollapsed part of the building, broke through the closed security door, and soon saw a hellish scene.

There are dead bodies all over the ground. The causes of death of these people are different. Some were crushed to death by collapsed objects, some were trampled to death, and some were trapped to death by safety doors...

The death conditions were miserable, but compared with those colleagues in the lower level who were mixed with soil food and water and swallowed by monsters, they were considered lucky to be able to keep the whole body.

"Go ahead, this is just the ground floor, there is nothing of high value." The general ordered.

The soldiers formed into a formation and moved forward cautiously.

But immediately stopped by coincidence!

"Something moved!"

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