Movie Master

Chapter 815

Vanessa couldn't help being stunned. She obviously didn't expect Lance to bring up this topic on his own initiative, but after thinking about it carefully, this is Lance's style, isn't it? Sharp but still humorous, sarcastic but still ridiculed, every interview can always win a lot of applause.

"Oh? So, you voted for George?" Vanessa was trying to grasp her own scale and avoid embarrassing scenes, so the gain outweighed the loss.

"You forgot, I have been working in Namibia, so I missed this year's vote." Relaxed, a simple joke resolved the slightly tense atmosphere just now, and brought up "Fury Road" again, As expected of Lance, "To be honest, I haven't had the chance to watch 'Syriana' yet, but I believe in George's ability. He is a very good actor and a very good director. It's just that before people There was no chance to see his talent."

director? Excellent director?

The work "Good Night, Good Luck" came to almost everyone's mind immediately. "Good Night, Good Luck", which disappeared throughout the awards season, reappeared in the public eye in the most unexpected way. within. What is Lance implying when he mentions "good night and good luck" at this time? But even if Lance is really implying something, people are speechless, because Lance is the screenwriter of "Good Night, Good Luck", because Lance is a victim of plagiarism, even if he stands up and cries, there is nothing wrong with it. What's more, Lance just mentioned "director" at this time, and everyone started to panic.

A short sentence, but so pungent and sharp, it revived people's memory and made everyone deeply aware of what happened in the awards season? Why did George become the biggest favorite, and even Lance had to support George? If Lance refuses to vote for George, does it mean that the powerful connections behind George will be blocked again?

The air became tense in an instant, as if the smell of gunpowder could be clearly smelled.

However, Lance didn't seem to notice this abnormality at all, chuckled, and then said, "After all, he is so handsome, everyone is confused by his appearance. Even I have to worry about it." His charm is overwhelmed." In his last life, he once regarded him as a close friend.

As soon as the topic changed, the suffocating blockade was slightly relaxed, and Vanessa's smile returned to the corner of her mouth again, "This is the funniest joke I've heard today, and you are the dream lover of all women in America. Vanessa shifted her gaze to Charlize, "What do you think? Between George and Lance, who would you choose?"

"I have to choose Stuart." Charlize spread her hands and replied seemingly helplessly, causing everyone to burst into laughter, "But if I just say it from the perspective of appreciation, I would say Lance. In the past few months My colleague, let me see a completely different Lance, oh, no, to be precise, it should be the Lance in the mouth of Tom Cruise..." Now, everyone clapped their hands and laughed, even Reporters were not spared, Charlize shrugged, "Lance in working mode can be scary, but it can also be very charming."

Vanessa sensed the tense atmosphere, and Lance's two short attacks just now have ignited countless topics, enough to become the biggest highlight of tonight's red carpet. Now it seems that Charlize is also an excellent interviewee, so Vanessa quietly shifted the topic to Charlize.

Raising his head and walking along the burning red carpet, Lance saw George Clooney with his back turned to him at a glance.

In the densely dyed air, the figure from the back seemed a bit blurred, and the boiling crowd on both sides released energy continuously, which made the air flow into a mess. Only the well-fitting black suit could be vaguely seen, but Lance still recognized it at a glance, it was George.

The body is not strong but has just the right shoulder line, just like an Italian man who is born to suit a suit. The tall and straight spine can be seen as a broad mind, and the good etiquette education reflected in the details is natural. The only regret is that The ratio of the upper body to the lower body, the height of 5.9 feet (1.8 meters) does not show the length of the legs at all, and even looks a little short. However, this little flaw can always be covered up by perfect demeanor and appropriate clothing, so that people will not notice it.

At this moment, George seemed to notice Lance's eyes, and turned around gracefully, with his right hand in his trousers pocket and his left hand casually placed in front of his abdomen. Even if it was just a turn around, he could still feel the impact of time on that vicissitudes of life. On the traces of circulation, it is amazing that the power of time is so powerful.

In the hazy air mass, the sights of the two people collided in this way, so clear, as if the two people were only one step away.

There was a hint of sharpness hidden in the soft gaze, condescendingly projected over, proud and cold, high-spirited fighting spirit came towards him without hesitation, unscrupulously released the provocation and contempt deep in his heart, like hell in the lotus fire The attacking three-headed dog, with its shiny fangs gleaming with bloodthirsty light, can't wait to join the battle, can't wait to fight hand-to-hand in hand-to-hand combat, only the opponent's fresh flesh and blood can fill the soul deep desire. All of them are hidden under the gentleman's calm smile, the huge contrast creates a kind of chilling panic.

For the first time, George tore off his mask for the first time, revealing all the hostility and fighting spirit without any cover, because he knew that all the hypocrisy and deception were useless, and the relationship between them had been completely torn apart. shameless. Perhaps, one day in the future, they will still act in front of the media for their common interests—although he doubts whether there will still be common interests between them, but what is certain is that there is no need for posturing in private.

Not only did Lance not flinch, but a shallow smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, calm and confident, without the light of hatred, because in his eyes, George was already a lost dog; there was no sharpness of jealousy, because the two of them had already walked together A completely different path, he can be sure that George's directorial path will be cut off here, and even if he doesn't, he will cut it off with his own hands; there is no provocative impulse, because there is no need for such childish emotions, and George's chaos has already fallen into a disadvantage. The contrast between their advantages and disadvantages has been completely reversed.

The arrogance in George's eyes was defeated by Lance's calmness and calmness, as if a child was entangled with a giant, trying his best to bring down the giant, but in the eyes of the giant, it was just a play It's nothing more than a boring act, and even anger won't breed, just laugh it off.

This made George a little flustered. This kind of Lance was too strange, as if... It was as if the same body had been replaced with a soul. This idea suddenly popped up in his mind, George couldn't help but shuddered, quickly denied this absurd idea, looked at Lance again, trying to find the kind, pure, sincere and persistent Lance . Unfortunately, George was disappointed.

Behind the warm smile is a piece of ice, like the blue ice in the deep sea of ​​the Arctic Ocean. It is quiet but chilling. It is obviously a piece of bright golden sunlight, but you can smell the smell of blood. However, cold sweat oozes from George's back.

"Ahhh!" The scream came again, dragging George into the ice cellar of reality. The red carpet seemed to be divided into two worlds by the loud and raging cheers. The front world was crowded with people, while the back world was cold and lonely. The front world was hit by a heat wave, while the back world was as cold as winter. There are two extreme worlds, Lance is over there, and he is here. The huge and stark gap left a mark of shame on his forehead.

He originally wanted to make an appearance at the finale to welcome his own cheers, but he shot himself in the foot and became Lance's foil.

Biting the tip of his tongue hard, a bloody smell spread in his mouth. George regained his composure, raised his eyebrows slightly, and glanced at Lance. He knew that there was no other possibility between them, only It's up to you. Tonight's victory or defeat has not yet been announced, and it is not yet known who will win. He will not disarm, let alone surrender. He will step on Lance's shoulders and walk onto the Oscar podium.

The smile on the corner of his mouth was outlined, his eyes flickered slightly, George turned around, and finally took a step, maintaining an elegant demeanor, and headed towards the interior of the Kodak Theater. The one who has the last laugh is the real winner, isn't it?

Lance caught the subtle changes in George's eyes. Maybe he didn't have the chance to know George's true thoughts, but he did know that the friendship between them, whether it was hypocrisy or acting, was completely painted tonight. Full stop, from the moment you walk into the Kodak Theater, they are your life-and-death enemies. Once friends, now enemies, how wonderful and ironic.

"Oh." Lance chuckled. He had been preparing for this day for so long, how could he let George go so easily? True revenge is not a fatal blow, but lingering, letting the other party see the hope of survival, but every time they are about to touch it, they are snuffed out again. The greatest pain is not dying, but living. Once, he encountered these things, and now he wants to pay back all of them.

"Lance." A voice came from next to his ear, Lance turned his head away, and then saw Charlize's questioning eyes, with a trace of worry deep in his pupils, which came from a friend's concern.


"It seems that we have to enter the arena, otherwise we will really miss the opening." Lance smiled, nodded slightly towards Charlize, and then turned to look at Vanessa, "We don't want to Be the latecomer to spoil the show, ha."

Vanessa also laughed brightly. She didn't notice the turmoil that happened at that moment at all. Instead, she opened her arms and sent her warm wishes as farewell, "Lance, Sally, I wish you good luck!"

In an instant, the crowd surged up! The shouts swept over again!

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