Movie Master

Chapter 827 Unresolved

Accident, besides accident or accident, the Best Original Screenplay Award was definitely an accident. Lance couldn't help but smile as he looked at the statuette in his hand.

The Best Adapted Screenplay Award for "City of God" was an accident, and the Best Original Screenplay Award for "Hard Candy" was also an accident. From this perspective, he is indeed the Oscar darling, just like John Ford—— The director who pioneered and carried forward Western films has won the Oscar for Best Director with "The Grapes of Wrath" and "Green Hills and Green Valley", and defeated Alfred Hitchcock twice. , Orson Welles, which also makes the latter two the most famous uncrowned kings in the history of Oscars, and John is indeed the darling of the academy.

But...Lance? Oscar favorite? It's really an irony, isn't it?

No wonder people always say you need a little luck to win an Oscar, isn't that true for him? If someone had told him before tonight that he would win a second screenwriting award, he would have thought he was joking and made fun of George Clooney, who took Woody Allen 30 years to win two. What about the first screenwriter Golden Award, but this is the situation now-the second screenwriter Golden Award in his life is in his hands, and it has only been three years, but what about the first director Golden Award in his life?

Lance stopped involuntarily, stood on the side stage and turned around, looking towards the stage. Tom Hanks walked onto the stage amidst the applause, and the cream-colored lights fell down, falling softly on Tom's honest and honest man. shoulder, the white envelope in his hand almost disappeared into the halo, making it unreal.

On the card in the envelope... Could it be my name?

Tom felt his fingertips were hot, and the scorching eyes at the scene all focused on the same place—the envelope in his hand. However, Tom knew that it wasn't because tonight's ceremony was too intense, on the contrary, it was because the whole dinner party tonight was too boring, with no hot spots, no surprises, no accidents, and even the host and string performances were too boring. Nothing new, sleepy bugs have already invaded the interior of the Kodak Theater, so people are focusing all their attention on the best picture, this is the only suspense, even if it is the opening best supporting actor and the last The little commotion created by the best original script also comes from the intricate causal relationship behind this suspense.

What is certain now is that tonight's Oscars seem to be about to make history. However, whether it is a history of glory or a history of shame is still unknown. If "Brokeback Mountain" or "Fruit Candy" wins, then this will break the 78-year history of the Oscars, and a new type of work with a new theme will reach the throne; if other works win, then it is likely to appear There are only two statuettes for the best picture - the premise is, who will win the best director?

Therefore, not only the audience, but Tom himself couldn't wait to open the envelope and get a glimpse of the answer in advance.

This year's Best Director award is widely regarded as a duo between Lee/Ann and Lance for the simple reason that both directors have put incredible creative effort into their roles.

The magnificent atmosphere, introverted and deep that Lee/Ann injected into "Brokeback Mountain" vividly outlines the forbearing, bitter, difficult but rich, sincere and long-lasting love between the same sex in the movie, and truly combines Eastern and Western cultures perfectly. At the same time, it alluded to the secular pressure brought by that period of history and cowboy culture, and suppressed human nature. This is undoubtedly a new breakthrough for the director. As Lee/Ann said in an interview, he does not want People focus on homosexuality, the movie is about a love affair and nothing more.

Lance injected a soul-shaking fear and reflection into "Hard Candy", not only the visual impact brought by the eleven-minute long shot, but also the reflection on morality and evil, law and judgment, justice and punishment. The reflection, especially the ending of "living is the greatest punishment", is not only an impact on Western moral concepts, but also shows the temperament of Eastern culture, and also reflects Lance's thinking about the judicial system. As a movie, Lance once again achieved a breakthrough, flogging social phenomena with a sharp and piercing perspective, which has completely broken away from the small pattern in the movie, presenting a magnificent picture.

From this perspective, neither Bennett Miller in "Capote" nor Steven Spielberg in "Munich Massacre" can be compared; Keith, although this work has sprung up in the second half of the awards season and has a huge momentum, but the praises are all focused on the work's ingenious performance of racial discrimination. As far as the director is concerned, Paul's background as a TV director It's too obvious, and many people complain that "Crash" is more like a TV movie.

Leaving aside the hustle and bustle of this year's awards season, Lee/Ann and Lance are also the ultimate rivals at major award ceremonies. In terms of the results of the awards so far, the two can be said to be evenly divided, and all important indicators No one is left behind for the best director, and all are divided between two people. This naturally extends to the Oscars.

Interestingly, Lee/Ann and Lance still have a good relationship. The two became known in Hollywood for the first time, and both won the best foreign language film award; both of their works this year have unique styles, with clear advantages and obvious disadvantages ; and both of them speak fluent Chinese.

Therefore, when the dust settled in the screenwriting department, people's first reaction was, "Brokeback Mountain" and "Fruit Candy" who can win the best director will win the best picture. However, there is still a suspense, that is, the trend of the awards tonight is really weird. If there is a dark horse that can win the Best Director Award, who will it be?

If it is Steven Spielberg, it also means that the five best picture nominees have won at least one statuette, and at most two statuettes. Is best picture going to be reduced to a big joke? If it's not Steven, is it Bennett or Paul?

The air at the scene condensed, and Lance didn't go back to his seat at all. He stood in the waiting room, looked up at the big screen in front of him, and waited for the announcement of the result. Compared with the tense atmosphere in the hall, the waiting room was visibly more agitated. Many people were exchanging their gazes and exchanging their thoughts. The cameras couldn't capture the tiny rustling sounds, but The ears are very sensitive, and the ubiquitous noise that can’t find the source makes the mood inexplicably a little more irritable. I just won the Best Original Screenplay Golden Man and I haven’t had time to calm down. The world does not touch the ground.

What if I win the prize?

After this idea popped up in my mind, it quickly germinated, and it had grown into a big tree in the sky between breaths, and it was uncontrollably rooted in the depths of my thoughts, unable to extricate myself. Lance is not a saint, he doesn't say "I hope Lee/Ann wins the award", he wants to win this best director statue, just like he desires to realize the actor's dream; All the way, from clearly sketching the picture scroll to mastering the guide tube with ease, he has made unimaginable efforts and poured incalculable painstaking efforts. He has been waiting for the moment of harvest, and has always been like this; What's more, this is already the third time he has been nominated for the best director competition. As the saying goes, there are only three things. He has already tasted the taste of failure twice, and he does not plan to do it for the third time. Therefore, he is eager to win the award, more eager than ever.

Looking intently at Tom on the screen, his every move seems to be able to involve the minds of all the audience who are watching this scene. Between breathing in and out, he can't bear to blink, lest he miss the wonderful moment. Tom lowered his head, tore open the envelope, pulled out the card inside, and read it carefully, as if the card was not just a name, but a paper, or the time was at this moment Completely froze.

"The winner of the 78th Oscar for Best Director is..." Tom's voice came again, breaking the silence, as if a heavy fist had hit the mirror, and cracks like spider webs began to crack. The air became thinner and thinner, and a strong sense of suffocation began to surge, "Lee/Ann, 'Brokeback Mountain'."


Lance's right hand couldn't help tightening into a fist, and the regret in his heart—even anger couldn't help leaking out, but the hard object in his hand made him regain his mind. He looked down at the little golden man in the palm of his right hand, Lance lightly He let out a sigh of relief. Although he still couldn't let go of it immediately, he also knew that it seemed that luck was still not on his side this year.

Looking up again, Lance showed a smile and applauded Lee/Ann. This world-renowned Chinese director is steadily breaking out of his own world step by step. He should send him blessings and congratulations , and respect. Lee/Ann, working hard in Hollywood as a Chinese, has won a place unrelentingly. He is a role model that Lance really needs to look up to.

"Papa papa", Lance slapped his hands intently, watching the audience stand up for the second time tonight to applaud, and joined the ranks of everyone, cheering for this much-anticipated award.

So, "Brokeback Mountain"? With Lee/Ann's victory, "Brokeback Mountain" has won the three statuettes of Best Director, Best Adapted Screenplay, and Best Original Soundtrack, and the closest "Fruit Candy" has only two trophies That’s it, although in theory there is still the possibility of other works being upset, but it seems that all signs are showing: "Brokeback Mountain" is really going to make history, not only becoming the first gay film in film history to win the Oscar for best picture, Moreover, it completely broke the shackles of prejudice of the old academics in the academy, and opened a glimmer of light for the social rights and interests of the gay community.

If this is the case, everyone present will become witnesses of history, and it will surely be recorded in the annals of history.

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