Movie Master

Chapter 865: Changing Situation

In the past two months, rumors about the scandal between Lance and "Iron Man" have spread intermittently in Hollywood. The news that Chaos Pictures and Marvel Pictures have jointly produced a superhero movie has really excited many people. But it didn't really make Hollywood boil, because most people were watching, watching the attitude of Warner Bros. and Sony Pictures, watching the attitude of the academy to Lance, and most importantly, watching "Fury Road" The prospect of summer vacation.

Chaos Shadow Industry's rising momentum in the past three years has been unstoppable, but for a small and medium-sized company like this, a fiasco can often lead to a complete collapse. The overnight collapse of Diorama Films last year is still vivid in my mind. Therefore, the current lifeline of Chaos Films is still maintained on "Fury Road", so how can the potential cooperation of "Iron Man" make people lose their minds?

Of course, maybe the actors are eagerly looking forward to working with Lance, after all, the company is one thing, and the director is another.

What's more, within two months after the release of "Mission: Impossible", the entire Hollywood has been turned upside down for several rounds, and the 2006 summer vacation is becoming more and more confusing.

"Mission: Impossible 3" is stuck. Although it has topped the North American weekend box office rankings for two consecutive weeks, since its premiere, the box office data for the same period has created the lowest in the series, and the cumulative box office in the eight weeks of its release is only 130 million. , compared to the 150 million investment, it is really disappointing, and even the overseas box office performance is far below expectations.

"Poseidon" collapsed. If the performance of "Mission: Impossible" was lower than expected, but the box office data was at least barely passable, then "Poseidon" was a disaster. The box office at the premiere was only 2,200 million, lost to the next week's box office of "Mission: Impossible", and ranked runner-up on the weekend box office chart. 160 million.

"The Da Vinci Code", word of mouth rushed, the box office exploded, although the opening weekend failed to achieve a box office of 100 million, but 77 million still made Sony Pictures happy, so far the cumulative box office has surpassed Even compared to the cost of 125 million, this box office is also satisfactory. What is even more worthy of celebration is that the overseas box office has also exploded.

"X-Men", silly, the series' new high of 102 million in its premiere, amazed the entire North America, and the fourth work in film history with a premiere box office of over 100 million was born. But the box office fell by as much as 66% in the next week, and 20th Century Fox was stunned by the high-altitude diving. But the stamina is far inferior to that of "The Da Vinci Code". Considering the astonishing cost of 210 million yuan, whether this investment has made a profit or a loss still has to wait for the decision of the overseas box office-but the current situation is not optimistic. .

Then... Then "Break Up Man and Woman" became the biggest winner of the melee among the major film companies and became a dark comedy horse; On the second weekend of the summer vacation, the box office won two consecutive titles; "Fast and Furious 3" completely collapsed, and the bad reputation and terrible box office almost stopped Universal Pictures' heart; It barely meets expectations, but it is difficult to bring more surprises; "Life Remote Control" is lacklustre, which makes people unable to cheer up, and basically maintains the level of Adam Sandler.

When June was coming to an end, people realized that this year's summer vacation was quite chaotic, and "The Da Vinci Code" was the only surprise. In addition, "Cars", "X-Men" , "Mission: Impossible 3", and "Life Remote Control" were all disappointing. Almost none of these highly anticipated works could reach the expected heights, not to mention the epic disaster-level collapse of the "Poseidon". Even better than the movie itself.

Warner Bros. couldn't help feeling internally. The disaster of "Poseidon" will cost them at least 100 million US dollars, and "Untouchable Lovers" is far from meeting their expectations. This year's summer file seems to be opened in the wrong way.

Rumor has it that director Wolfgang Petersen has been banned. The German director, who won Oscar nominations for Best Picture and Best Director in 1981 with his war film "Strike from the Sea", is rolling in Hollywood. For nearly fifteen years, his career came to an end immediately because he screwed up two works, "Troy" and "Poseidon". He left the United States in a dispirited mood, and returned to Germany to start retirement.

But Hollywood pundits don't have time to ruminate over the chaos, as 2006's most anticipated box office battle of the year is about to take place; and Warner Bros. doesn't have time to groan over a poor start to the summer, as their 2006 The top priority "Superman Returns" is about to be released.

The release of "Superman Returns" is not only an important step for Warner Bros. to unveil the DC Comics film adaptation, the success or failure of the work will directly determine the company's follow-up strategy; An important weight to teach Lance a lesson.

The whole of Hollywood has finally begun to boil, especially the silence of the previous two months, and there has not been a big hit as imagined. This also means that the box office potential of this year's summer file has still not been tapped. Will this become "" Superman Returns", "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", and "Fury Road" are the precursors of the outbreak of the decisive battle? Does this indicate that the entire box office market is gearing up for this matchup? Does this mean that the historical records will be continuously refreshed in the future?

Everyone will wait and see.

On Wednesday, June 28th, this is not only the last weekend of June, but also the first weekend of July, and this year’s Independence Day schedule. This is the fifth work in history that has broken through 4,000 theaters, which can be described as a huge momentum.

That night, the Chinese Theater on Hollywood Boulevard was full of stars, and more than 130 special guests attended. With the support of 1,200 movie fans and more than 300 journalists, the North American premiere of "Superman Returns" The screening became the most lively event in the past three months. The scale and popularity are not inferior to the Oscars. The premiere continued from 5:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. the next day. Reluctant.

After the premiere, more than 300 comic fans stayed at the entrance of the Chinese Theater, singing loudly, carnivaling, and even imitating Superman's bridge on the Avenue of Stars, which became one of the interesting talks at the premiere .

All signs are showing that Warner Bros. not only held a successful premiere, but the quality of the finished product of "Superman Returns" seems to have exceeded expectations. This is undoubtedly good news for the summer file war-because the war situation It will be more intense, more exciting and more unpredictable.

The next day, media reviews, theater scores, and Rotten Tomatoes scores were released one after another. This work directed by Bryan Singer successfully continued the praise of his previous two "X-Men", with a media review score of 72 points , although it is not as good as last year's "Batman Begins: The Mystery of the Shadow", but for a popcorn movie and a comic hero movie, this achievement is already impressive enough, and it can even be called commendable .

For reference, the comprehensive media review of "Sin City" is 77 points.

When Warner Bros. saw the comprehensive evaluation from the media, they couldn't help but open the champagne to celebrate. This score is the second best score in this year's summer file, second only to "Cars" with 73 points. Warner Bros. can finally breathe a sigh of relief. The frustration of the previous "Poseidon" fiasco has been wiped out. Although word of mouth does not equal box office, at least it means that "Superman Returns" has been recognized in terms of quality. It also cleared the way for the film to achieve success at the box office. This is definitely the best news since the opening of the summer file.

Not only that, the freshness index of Rotten Tomatoes is also as high as 76%, and the scores of 258 mass media have reached 7 points. Both sets of data are very gratifying. It can be seen that mass media and professional media basically Maintaining the unity of opinion, "Superman Returns" has been unanimously praised by professionals, which is really rare for a commercial film, especially in the case of a scuffle in the first two months of this year's summer vacation. It was rejoicing.

But unexpectedly, the score of the theater where the audience is responsible for scoring is only "B", which can be said to be a surprise for a popcorn movie. The theater scores are generally high, even if it gets an "A", it is not surprising; especially after comparing the theater scores with the film critics' comprehensive reviews, it is even more surprising. It seems that the fans' carnival after the premiere It's just the opinion of a small group of viewers, and more viewers are not interested in this movie.

This contrast suddenly made Warner Bros. feel uneasy.

For a commercial film, whether it needs word of mouth or box office, if one hundred people are asked, the answer of one hundred people is the latter. If a commercial film cannot win the box office, it is a failure, even if it wins more praise, it is empty talk. If possible, Warner Bros. is even willing to use the results of the media's comprehensive evaluation of 20 points to replace the "A" evaluation of the theater score, but... this is impossible.

Weirdly, "Superman Returns" seems to be stuck in an elusive rut.

In the last week of June, "Superman Returns" grossed $52.5 million in its three-day opening weekend, causing an uproar and a "Poseidon"-style nightmare once again.

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