Movie Master

Chapter 885

Another perfect one hundred, from Roger Ebert!

Not only full marks, but Roger put "Fury Road" at the height of a series of works such as "Citizen Kane" and "Star Wars". The classic that has entered the annals of history has withstood the test of time and the test of the public. This praise is absolutely beyond imagination, just like a drop of water falling into a frying pan, it is enough to make everyone fry the pan .

No one should ever forget that "Fury Road" is a commercial movie.

Even "Titanic", which changed the entire North American film market, did not receive such high-standard treatment. It's not that "Titanic" is not good enough, but that film critics must analyze film works from the perspective of artistic structure, and they are naturally harsh and sharp on commercial films. But now, "Fury Road" has been so enthusiastically sought after by film critics, which is definitely the first time ever.

In addition to the 100-point evaluation, in each of Roger's film reviews, there is also a recommendation index, which is equivalent to the popcorn index. Because in Roger's opinion, maybe a movie's artistic value is not high, but it is still worth going to the cinema to watch, such as action movies in the summer file, the entertainment effect of this kind of popcorn can be called a movie another value of .

Among the four-star recommendation index, Roger gave "Fury Road" four stars.

As a commercial film, Roger believes that this is "a summer popcorn that must not be missed. The burst of adrenaline will bring the audience an unprecedented viewing experience", even if the artistic core is aside, "Fury Road "It is also definitely worth the audience walking into the cinema. This idea coincides with Mick of The Hollywood Reporter.

Such a grand occasion left the audience in shock.

Before the release of "Fury Road", almost all the media seemed to be cautious. They didn't dare to expect too much about the prospects of this film. Even the prediction of the premiere box office seemed to be tied, which really made the audience puzzled. " Isn't this the work directed by Lance? The Lance who has never failed before?" Not to mention the silence of "Fury Road" after the box office debut of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" exploded, and all signs are showing So, this is not a work that can arouse the enthusiasm of watching movies.

But now? It was Mick first, then Roger, and the praises from senior professional film critics were even more explosive; not to mention the newspapers and magazines that were completely in a state of carnival, overwhelming news reports swarmed in from all directions, "Jack- Captain Sparrow, are you ready?" This provocative title set off even more turbulent waves, and everyone realized that "Fury Road" officially launched "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" and issued a battle post, and the entire North American market was buzzing for a while. How lively.

This is really refreshing, as if overnight, "Fury Road" became hot again. The popularity accumulated from viral videos before, from the Internet to newspapers, from radio to television, has exploded in a mighty way. There seems to be a counterattack momentum in the momentum and market, and this summer matchup is getting better and better.

Robert Iger carefully read the newspapers in his hand, carefully flipping through each one. Interestingly, the first batch of comments from the media are still not open, but the reports on the grand premiere are dizzying. It seems that the previous three The manuscripts suppressed by the sky are all released in an instant.

Robert looked up at Dick Cook (****-Cook), the chairman of Disney, "So, what do you think?"

"I don't know." Dick shook his head, and his eyes fell on the entertainment page of the "Los Angeles Times". Even they were full of praise for the premiere of "Fury Road". He knew that after the Oscars ended this year , Changes are permeating every aspect of Hollywood little by little. After thinking about it seriously, Dick raised his head to look at Robert, or shook his head again, "I don't know. But what I can be sure of is that I have a deep love for Jack Sparrow The captain is confident enough that no matter what challenges we face, we can weather the shock."

Dick and Robert are discussing the box office of "Fury Road". Lance has already challenged "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", and their response is crucial. "What do you think? Do we need a positive response?"

Robert pondered for a moment, "Forget it. After all, he is one of the screenwriters in name." Disney has to take its image into account. If "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" and "Fury Road" are directly torn apart, this is not a good thing. "Take it as a joke, just joking with him." Lance wanted to use "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" to hype the news, but Robert would not take the initiative to cooperate, "But..."

Robert's words were cut off again, and he couldn't help feeling a headache, although he didn't think the box office of "Fury Road" would make a difference, just like "Superman Returns"'s media reviews exceeded expectations, but the box office still hit the street; But the affirmation of film critics means that Lance has been affirmed again. Even if "Fury Road" fails miserably, Lance's future Hollywood prospects will not be affected too much. With the possibility of a comeback, this also means that they must face up to Lance's impact.

Thoughts roiled in my mind. There have been a lot of rumors about "Iron Man" in the circle recently. It seems that Lance does not intend to sit still. Robert raised his gaze, and the light hidden behind his eyes lighted up slightly, "I think we need to spy on the internal information of Chaos Shadow Industry."

If it is said that Warner Bros. and Sony Pictures have always regarded Chaos Pictures as a small and medium-sized enterprise, then Disney has now realized that Chaos Pictures may be a more threatening competitor than DreamWorks. This game of chess is only now really beginning.

"Are you serious?" Dick frowned involuntarily, and his tone was unavoidably disapproving. "Although I dare not say for sure, I think there is still a high possibility of the 'Fury Road' fiasco."

Robert couldn't help smiling, "I have the same opinion as you on this point." But he has a deeper understanding of Lance's threat.

"Barry, Barry..." The call from the front brought Barry Meyer's wandering attention back, and he put down the "San Francisco Chronicle". The company has caused quite a stir. Although they refuse to admit it, the fact is that the smooth release of "Fury Road" means that Chaos Films is on the road out of control, and they must pay enough attention. So Barry put last night's premiere on the table at the beginning of the regular meeting, "Are we still going to promote it as planned?"

Barry looked up, then realized they were talking about "Water Banshees," a movie that's coming out next week that's set to snipe "Fury Road" and "Pirates of the Caribbean 2." Form a pinch. However, the current momentum of "Fury Road" cannot be underestimated, especially the reputation of film critics is even more eye-catching, so whether Warner Bros. will change its strategy has become the focus of today's meeting.

"No, I don't need it." Barry shook his head. As the CEO, he had to consider many aspects, one of which was the possibility of "Fury Road" box office explosion, especially under the current momentum, but Barry But he knew that instead of retreating, it was better to move forward bravely. Even if Warner Brothers lost this contest, he still had room for adjustment, but Lance had no room to retreat. "The opponent hasn't reached the point where we should be wary." It's one thing to think in the heart, but another thing to say out of the mouth, "Their current situation is not as good as 'Superman Returns'." The subtext is to say , "Fury Road"'s premiere box office may be worse than "Superman Returns", "Has the first batch of media reviews come out?"

Everyone around the conference table shook their heads in denial, "I don't know what's going on, but now five media outlets have commented, it's too abnormal."

But Barry showed a confident smile, "Because the film critics don't know how to comment." His inner circle is much better informed, and he heard about the weird situation last night after the premiere. , "Lance's works are always like this." Last year's "Hard Candy" and "Sin City" experienced an incredible double day of ice and fire, so the current few full-score evaluations are not harmful at all, "Next It’s still going step by step, and there may be a surprise at the box office at the premiere.”

If "Fury Road" had an even worse opening weekend than "Superman Returns," that's where the real show is coming!

Not only Disney and Warner Bros., but also the other four major film companies have made some moves. It seems that the attention of the entire Hollywood has fallen on the work of "Fury Road", which is really rare.

After "Fury Road" was released, there was a wonderful scene. The media was noisy, but the film critics were unexpectedly silent.

As time progressed, the critics' comments, one after another, began to be released one after another, intermittently, as if the film critics had agreed in private, and the time intervals were deliberately extended to allow the audience to have a good time. Time to carefully read the last film review, and release a new film review after the influence has fermented and settled. This kind of inadvertent tacit understanding has pushed the popularity of "Fury Road" to an unknown height little by little. Amazing.

When July 14th came, it seemed that in order to welcome the first day of the official release on Friday, the first batch of media comprehensive scores were released in one go, killing everyone by surprise, a total of forty-seven film reviews, " The film review feedback of "Fury Road" has been directly pushed to the peak!

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