Movie Master

Chapter 896

In the second week of July 2006, "Fury Road" topped the weekend box office chart in North America without any suspense.

People can't help but think of Lance's arrogant and confident remarks at the premiere of "Fury Road", "Captain Jack Sparrow, are you ready?" Originally, everyone was waiting to see Lance's joke , The collision between "Fury Road" and "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" is almost like an egg hitting a rock. Once "Fury Road" fails miserably, what awaits Lance will be a catastrophe. You can imagine it with your knees The positive attitude of the media has worsened. But now, the situation seems to have subtly changed.

Because, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" was really slapped in the face, a slap in the face.

Since Disney has never responded to Lance's provocation, and Jerry Bruckheimer has also kept a rare silence, the media hype has not caused waves—or it has not erupted for the time being, so the media joked that this The showdown is "Lance's left hand fights with his right hand, and it's fun." No matter who laughs last, Lance is the biggest winner, but Disney can only force his face to laugh.

In the face of the absolutely strong performance of "Fury Road", the market of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" was severely squeezed, with a drop of as much as 60% in the next week, and only 54 million in the three days of the weekend. This result is even better than the premiere weekend of "Superman Returns", although the decline has been maintained within 60%, at other times, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" won the championship again. It should not be a problem. But such a drop still far exceeded Disney's expectations, and it can clearly feel the serious tilt of the entire market. Originally, people were worried that "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" would take away all the market potential. It couldn't have been more bad news for the weekend, but the truth was reversed, and "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" became a direct victim of this head-to-head matchup.

What makes Disney even more aggrieved is that Warner Bros. didn't take advantage of it either. In order to fight for the Independence Day schedule, and the first week of July, the two sides exchanged benefits at that time, but now it seems that both sides have made mistakes. The performance of "Superman Returns" on the Independence Day schedule is simply terrible. Not only lost to the Independence Day box office performance of "Spider-Man 2" and "War of the Worlds", it even almost lost to "Independence Day"-the latter was a work released in 1996; "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" also encountered "Rage The sniper attack of "The Road" is not optimistic, which also means that the 400 million in North America that is certain will become uncertain in an instant.

Therefore, even if Disney wants to vent its anger on Warner Bros., there is no way to do it. It can only stare round its eyes, watching the strength of the "Fury Road" record swiping the screen, helpless.

Not only did the weekend box office decline exceed expectations, but even the cumulative two-week box office failed to meet expectations. Although "Fury Road" was only released on the weekend for three days, the premiere on Wednesday and the subsequent publicity still affected the midweek box office of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" from Monday to Thursday, which caused a huge impact on the film's cumulative box office. After the second blow, Disney was so suppressed that he didn't have any temper at all, as if the entire North American market was leaning towards its competitors, Disney is really familiar with it-they were the pressurers last week, this week became a victim.

"Pirates of the Caribbean 2" has crossed the 200 million cumulative box office in two weeks, reaching 235 million, surpassing the film's book cost value of 225 million. Countless audiences began to celebrate, amazed It is said that "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" will make history and become the seventh work in film history with a box office of more than 400 million, but Disney is dumb and can't say anything.

"In the face of the menacing 'Fury Road', Captain Jack Sparrow is obviously not ready." This is a joke from the "Chicago Tribune", which caused a lot of laughter.

But in comparison, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" still achieved a good record at the weekend box office in the second week, and the 60% drop in the box office is still within an acceptable range. "Superman Returns" is the real fate. After being squeezed out by "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" last week and handing over a 58% drop, this week it was crushed by "Fury Road" and handed over a 50% drop again. Warner Bros. was completely Destroyed, even the anger can't be lifted.

"Superman Returns" fell for two consecutive weeks. From the data point of view, it doesn't seem so terrible, but it must be considered that the box office of the film's opening weekend was only 52 million. Such a decline cannot be compared with "Pirates of the Caribbean 2". In the third week of its release, the weekend box office of "Superman Returns" has dropped to 10.9 million, barely reaching the 10 million mark. For "Superman Returns," which cost $300 million, even the last fig leaf was ripped off cleanly.

The cumulative box office in three weeks was only 155 million.

Yes, the three-week cumulative box office of "Superman Returns" has not even surpassed the box office of "Fury Road"'s opening weekend. Obviously, how to reduce the loss of "Superman Returns" is the most worrying issue for Warner Bros., rather than how to impact "Fury Road"-now it seems that "Water Banshee" has a big impact on "Fury Road" The threats coming will also be very limited. "Superman Returns" is likely to be worse than last year's "Sahara Cavalry". If you are not careful, the amount of losses will set a new Guinness World Record. Barry Meyer is really going to start I have a headache.

At least Disney can still force a smile, but Warner Bros. can't squeeze out a fake smile.

Even if he is as strong as Barry, even if he is as powerful as Barry, he can't help but start thinking, if he and Lance hadn't talked about it, "Superman Returns" was directed by Lance, or, at least like "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" Similarly, handing the script to Lance to write the script, will the situation of "Superman Returns" be different now? And whether the DC universe described by Lance will show a prototype.

This thought is like poison, once it is contaminated, it cannot be shaken off.

But, Barry is Barry after all, he knows that the most useless emotion in this world is regret, because regret can't change anything. Instead of standing here and regretting, it is better to stand on the present, look forward to the future, and reverse the situation again. Lance's rising momentum is already unstoppable. In the future, the relationship between Warner Bros. and Chaos Films will inevitably need to be adjusted. Perhaps, with Lance's ambition, he still has plans for the DC universe. At least on this point, they should have a common language .

However, Barry was not prepared to respond immediately. Now that the matter had reached this point, he would wait and see what would happen next week in the competition between "Water Banshee" and "Road to Fury"? There is not much difference between losing once and losing twice, but there is a huge difference between losing once and winning again.

The living space of "Superman Returns" is squeezed by "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" and "Fury Road". It is still unknown whether the North American box office can break through 200 million. It has slipped to fifth place, which sucks.

The two comedy films "Little People" and "Cohabitation/Living Threesome" occupied the third and fourth positions respectively. The box office of these two works was also severely squeezed, and their performance was far lower. than expected. The weekend box office of "Little Man" is only 16.3 million, and "Same/Living Threesome" is 16.2 million. The gap between the two is less than 100,000 US dollars. . At the same time, the media comprehensive evaluation and popcorn index of the two works are also mediocre. What is certain is that they still have nothing to do with them in the upcoming summer box office competition.

Sony Pictures originally planned to become a shit-stirring stick, hoping to win with a surprise soldier, and reap the benefits of fishing in troubled waters. It didn't expect that the opponent's absolute strength was too strong, and the stick was snapped cleanly before it even started to stir up, and then Sony Pictures stood aside with wide-eyed eyes, as if this summer box office war had nothing to do with them, and completely withdrew from the core battle circle, watching Disney's devastating sweep in "Fury Road" Under the momentum, they retreated steadily.

Is this a good thing? Is it still a good thing?

In 2006, in the second week of July, the North American box office rankings were settled. "It's a pity that it ranked first, while "Superman Returns" plummeted and only ranked fifth. After that, works such as "The Devil Wears Prada", "Cars", "Life Remote Control", "Unreachable Lovers", "Crazy Priest" and other works occupied the top ten respectively. Location.

Undoubtedly, this list really fell through the glasses of many people. Many people guessed the beginning, but no one expected such an ending.

This also makes next week's North American box office list more lively. If we say that the box office broke out in the first week, it is more because of Lance's signature, the powerful publicity of the viral video, and the enthusiasm of the enthusiastic audience. Everything seems to be traceable. Follow, then the next week's decline "Fury Road" will usher in a real severe test, the second duel between "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" and "Fury Road", "Banshee" and "Monster House" are menacing, Coupled with the shackles of the laws of R-rated movies and cult movies, as well as the ebb of enthusiasm from female audiences and the picky reactions of male audiences, all of these make the suspense more unpredictable, with explosive points one after another, even more than This week's box office battles are even more exciting.

This is the long-awaited summer break, isn't it?

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