Movie Witcher

Chapter 103: Killer

"Movie Witcher ()"

Sometimes the dead are worth more than the living.

Lawrence is a typical example.

If Lawrence is still alive, as a member of the Alliance Parliament, he can certainly use part of the resources of the Night Alliance, but it is absolutely impossible to mobilize the power of the entire alliance to hunt down and kill Ronin.

After all, Lawrence does not belong to the Dark Night Alliance alone. As a member of the Dark Night Alliance's parliament, he has certain rights, but only certain rights.

With that little right, it is simply unrealistic to tie the entire Night Alliance to his chariot.

Therefore, if Lawrence is still alive, this matter is at most a personal grievance between him and Ronin. Due to Ronin's status as a hunter, the Night Alliance will not directly intervene in this dispute.

But Lawrence's death is different. As the godfather of the Anthony family and a member of the Council of the Night Alliance, Lawrence's death has a completely different meaning.

The Mafia and the Night Alliance must avenge Lawrence. This is their duty and even more their responsibility.

Therefore, after Ronin killed Lawrence, this matter was no longer a personal grievance between Ronin and Lawrence, but Ronin's challenge to the entire Dark Night Alliance.

For this reason, the entire Dark Night Alliance will be activated to mobilize its own power to avenge Lawrence's death against Ronin.

Among them, the mafia family within the Night Alliance must be the most active, because the Anthony family is also a mafia and a member of their faction.

After the Anthony family was destroyed, their resources, wealth, property, status, and membership qualifications in the Night Alliance should all be inherited by the mafia faction.

This is a huge piece of cake. In order to obtain this benefit and not be taken away by other factions in the alliance, the Mafia faction will definitely push the Night Alliance to chase and kill Ronin.

This principle is the same as the death of the leader of an ordinary underground gang.

The former leader is dead, if the new leader does not avenge his predecessor, how can he convince the public, how can he be qualified to inherit the rights, wealth, and status of the former leader?

Therefore, the conflict between Ronin and the Night Alliance is inevitable, unless he is willing to give in and let Lawrence go.

But is Ronin likely to back down?

Obviously impossible, even if the factor of Shirakawa Qingya is ignored, it is impossible for Luo Ning to let go of this cultist who blew up his car and wanted to get rid of him together.

In this world where the weak prey on the strong, not only the great powers with big families cannot back down, but also the lone ranger who is alone cannot bow his head either.

Weakness and concessions will not bring peace, but will only make the other party more unscrupulous and make progress.

Could it be that by bowing to Lawrence and handing over Shirakawa Qingya, this matter can be ended peacefully, and everything that happened before can be simply erased like chalk?

Impossible, the Cthulhu sect is a poisonous snake, a vicious wolf, who must retaliate, and cutting grass and roots is their usual style of action.

Even if Luo Ning backed down, they would not let Luo Ning go, because Luo Ning killed their people, knew their secrets, and knew their identities.

Most people dare not ignore such hidden dangers and threats, let alone the shady evil god sect?

Therefore, it is meaningless to back down, and Luo Ning never thought about backing down. His prudence is only responsible for his own life, not timidity, let alone weakness.

Luo Ning cherishes his own life, but he will not be afraid of death because of this, because he knows that only those who dare to face death are qualified to live and truly control their own life.


All in all, Ronin's conflict with the Night Alliance is inevitable, no matter whether he killed people in the hotel or not.

After all, the fundamental reason for the existence of hotel rules is for the benefit of the Dark Night Alliance.

The so-called rules are just a nice excuse, interests are the core, interests are fundamental, as long as someone touches their interests, they will definitely do it.


Killing people in the hotel and killing people outside the hotel are actually the same for the Dark Night Alliance.

As long as Ronin killed Lawrence and the council members of the Night Alliance, then the Night Alliance would definitely retaliate, because this was related to their interests and the foundation of their alliance.

Knowing this, Ronin didn't waste his energy trying to capture Lawrence from the hotel and kill him. It was meaningless, but would give the Night Alliance a feeling that he was afraid of them.

Still the same sentence, weakness and concessions will not bring peace, but will only make the other party more unscrupulous and push forward.

If you want to end this matter, Luo Ning can't bow his head, let alone show weakness. Only with strong strength and a strong posture, you will be beaten to death by them, and these hyenas hunting in the dark will put you in their eyes. Weigh the pros and cons of being against you.

In this world, everything is profit!


Luo Ning left the hotel, and drove back to the office in the pattering night rain.

Although it is Luo Ning's character to take the initiative to attack, but the Dark Night Alliance is too powerful and has too many tentacles. It is impossible for Luo Ning to uproot them. It is meaningless to attack some small characters.

So Luo Ning decided to wait for a while, until the Dark Night Alliance started to operate, and then counterattacked in a targeted manner, scaring them, hurting them, and bowing their heads in one breath.

Tier 3, this is the upper limit of Luo Ning, and also the upper limit of the Dark Night Alliance. It depends on whether Luo Ning can't bear it or they can't bear it.


Returning to the community, turning the corner of the street, looking at the Chinese restaurant that was still open, Luo Ning thought for a while and got out of the car.


Because there was no hidden breath, Luo Ning was discovered by everyone just as he walked into the restaurant.

Seeing him approaching, the expressions of several diners and waiters changed drastically, and they buried their heads in their meals without daring to look around.

Obviously, the psychological shadow left on them by the last shootout has not disappeared.

Only one waitress didn't care, she ran over quickly and smiled at Luo Ning: "Brother Luo, you are here, what do you want for dinner tonight?"

Luo Ning glanced at her and said, "One roast suckling pig, five roast geese, five roast chickens, ten catties of roast pork, ten catties of roast pork, twenty baskets of steamed dumplings, twenty baskets of steamed buns ……Take away!"

"That... the suckling pig is gone!"

"Then change it to ten catties of beef."

"Okay, come right away!"

"and many more!"

Luo Ning stopped the waitress who was about to leave, and said, "Tell your bosses, and everyone in the vicinity, the store will be closed for two weeks."


The waitress was taken aback, but she didn't dare to ask more questions. She nodded to Luo Ning, then turned her head and left.

Afterwards, Luo Ning turned to several members of the Haitian gang who were buried in their meals, and said, "Did you hear that?"

Hearing this, several people got up quickly and said tremblingly: "Listen, I heard it!"

"Then why don't you go?"

"Yes, yes, we will notify immediately!"

Looking at the members of the Haitian gang who fled, Luo Ning shook his head, pulled out a chair and sat down, waiting for the kitchen to pack things.

After a while, several waiters came over with large and small lunch boxes, handed them to Luo Ning, and said in a trembling voice, "You, what you want."

Luo Ning didn't say anything to the terrified waiter, and prepared to pay after taking out the banknotes.

This is here...

A cold light suddenly appeared, and the waiter who was trembling just now approached suddenly, his expression was cold, and his movements were even more swift. A dagger stabbed sharply, straight to Luo Ning's neck.

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