Movie Witcher

Chapter 118: Heike

One of the biggest benefits of dataization is that it can help Luo Ning understand himself clearly and intuitively, and check his growth progress and physical condition in real time, so that he will not make wrong judgments.

Along the way, ordinary killers were not counted. Luo Ning encountered hundreds of assassinations by first-order extraordinary people alone. He also killed hundreds of people and experienced hundreds of battles.

But relying on his strong physical fitness and weapons and equipment, as well as the continuous recovery ability brought about by the blessing of the third-order divine arts, Luo Ning's state has always been relatively full.

From the beginning to the end, his health has never dropped below 800 points, and although the mana consumption is relatively high, it has never dropped below 700 points.

During the whole process, Luo Ning maintained more than 80% of his combat power to deal with any unexpected situations.

This is also one of the reasons why he chose to walk to the Continental Hotel. He needs time to recover the physical strength and magic power consumed by the battle, so as to ensure that he is always in a high and full fighting state.

Of course, trapping those killers was also one of the reasons why Luo Ning chose to walk.

It's rare to have such a good opportunity, such a good state, if you don't reap it well, how can you be worthy of yourself?

At present, the income is still good. There are hundreds of first-order transcendents alone. Although there are only those three people in the second-order, they have contributed more experience than all the first-order transcendents combined. .

Now, the killer has been cleaned up, and there is only one Continental Hotel left. I don't know how much can be gained.


The heavy rain was pouring down, and Luo Ning walked slowly towards the hotel where the lights were still on, and stopped again when he passed a green tree beside the street.

Stretching out his hand to stick to the trunk, a spirit pattern emerged like a swimming dragon, shining with green light, absorbing the vitality in the tree.

"You have absorbed the vitality of a tree with the ancient priest of Ai Sifei, your life recovery speed +10, your mana recovery speed +10, and the duration is twenty minutes."

Following the system's icy notification, the green tree that was growing in good condition directly withered and broke off. A large amount of powder flowed out from the cracked bark like yellow sand, without feeling the slightest greenness and vitality.

With this, Luo Ning further strengthened his state, and the magic power consumed in the battle just now was quickly refilled, and he started to walk towards the hotel again.

In the hotel, it was unusually quiet. Neither the staff nor the customers could be seen at the moment. It seemed that they had suspended the operation of the hotel tonight.

Being quiet does not mean safety. The moment Luo Ning stepped into the hotel under the rain...


The door opened, and a large number of swordsmen with short knives poured out, forming two rows in the aisle.


In the middle of the two rows of knives, Ichiro Heike, who was also wearing a suit and holding a short knife, looked at Luo Ning at the entrance of the hotel, smiled coldly, and said, "Let's end this!"

Luo Ning glanced at him, then looked at the two rows of swordsmen on the left and right, without saying anything, he pulled out the silver eagle, raised his gun and shot.

"Bang bang bang!"

The bullets shot out, and the targets were the swordsmen on the left and right, not Ichiro Heike in the center, because Luo Ning knew that this attack would not have much effect on him, and it was better to clean up these swordsmen first than wasting bullets.

Although they are not threatening, they are very obstructive when rushing up!

Three bullets shattered the bodies of the three of them, and the flesh and blood exploded and splattered everywhere, but the remaining swordsmen were not afraid at all, and still had a cold expression, and rushed towards Luo Ning with their swords in hand.

It wasn't just them, outside the hotel, a group of swordsmen rushed out of the rain, and surrounded Luo Ning in the center.

Regarding this, Luo Ning also simply put down the weapon box, pulled out the second Silver Eagle, stood sideways in the hotel, and pulled the trigger without hesitation towards the swordsmen rushing to the left and right.

That's right, it's buckling, not buckling!

The Silver Eagle switched to the automatic mode showed the terrifying lethality of the firearms, the dazzling fire spit,

A frightening tongue of flame was formed, and the bullets poured crazily, rushing towards the crowd like a torrent breaking a bank.

"Puff puff puff!"

In an instant, among the roar of guns, there was the muffled sound of bursting flesh and blood. The many swordsmen rushing towards Luo Ning collided with this torrent of metal pouring out, just like a sea wave hitting a reef, and instantly shattered It opened, stirring up a wave of scarlet flesh and blood.

Gunslinger style, magic shooting, and magic bullet characteristics, let the silver eagle in automatic mode pour out hundreds of bullets in an instant.

These hundreds of bullets directly smashed the charge of these swordsmen into the waves of flesh and blood.

It's a pity that the consumption of magic bullets is not low. A magic bullet suitable for Silver Eagle shooting requires five points of magic power to condense.

One shot is five points, one hundred shots is five hundred points. Although Luo Ning now has nearly a thousand points of mana, he can't bear such consumption.

Therefore, after the first round of blows stopped the charge of these swordsmen, Luo Ning stopped shooting, retracted the two silver eagles with hot barrels, and pulled out the third silver eagle and the holy flame of expelling demons.

At this time, the surviving swordsman also rushed through the aisle where his companions were piled with flesh and blood, and quickly approached Luo Ning.

Luo Ning's expression remained unchanged, standing in the middle of the aisle, with a silver eagle in one hand and a demon in the other, he continued to shoot at these fearless swordsmen.


Needless to say, the power of repelling demons, as a melee weapon, the attack range and killing effect of a shotgun is like a nightmare for these unarmored swordsmen.

One shot, just one shot, the first few swordsmen who rushed to the front were crushed by the oncoming shotgun, and the people behind were covered in blood.

It's a pity that Luo Ning only had a shotgun in his hand. On the other side, facing the attack of the Silver Eagle, several swordsmen dodged. If they couldn't dodge, they slashed with short knives and knocked out the incoming bullets.


Samurai of the Heike Dojo!

At the moment of exposure, the Heike samurai who was hidden in the ordinary sword's hand flew out immediately, swung his sword and slashed at Luo Ning.

On the other side, several Heike warriors jumped up from the crowd, flew out, and slashed down.

More than a dozen warriors slashed and slashed with their knives, covering Luo Ning under the sharp light of the knives, leaving no room for dodging or retreating.

However, Luo Ning had no intention of dodging. With one hand, he inserted the silver eagle into the back of his waist, and with the other hand, he spun and waved the demon.

"Bang bang bang bang!"

Following a series of thunderous explosions, the dark red magic power mixed with the golden holy flame spewed out, pouring out its own anger and strength from all angles and directions.


The last bullet casing fell, and there was a clear echo, and then everything returned to calm.

In the corridor, apart from Luo Ning, there was no living person, not even a complete corpse.

The pungent gunpowder smoke mixed with the rich blood makes people sick and at the same time feel inexplicably excited.

This is here...

A figure rushed out, rushed through the bloody ground, and slashed at Luo Ning's face with a knife.

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