Movie Witcher

Chapter 598: Chaos

Arrogant Angel Sean!

Winnie, daughter of the Demon King!

Mysterious Devil Moore!

Destroy the demon Beirut!

Hell Black Dragon Othos!

There is also an unknown void demon.

The six overlord species of demons.

What is the overlord species?

That is, the overlord race!

The overlord race can easily defeat opponents of the same rank, it can be called invincible at the same rank, and it is superior to others.

Only the overlord can stand against the overlord.

These six demons are not only the dominant species, but also have the support of the high-ranking lords behind them. It can be said that they have already stood on the top of the lower-ranking lords, and they want to defeat them unless the higher-level middle-ranking lords make a move.

But the median lord cannot enter the secret realm of Anslant.

In other words, they are invincible.

Get rid of each other!

They check and balance each other, and no one side can become bigger alone and suppress the other five overlords.

Unless you can get enough Rubik's Cube fragments.

This is the key to breaking the balance and changing the situation.

And now the key lies in front of them.

How to deal with it?

Or how to distribute?

This is an unavoidable problem.

The universe Rubik's Cube, all six parties are bound to win, who is willing to let go, who is willing to give in?

But if you don't let go, don't give in, and the six parties fight for each other, who knows what the outcome will be?

Moore looked around, finally stopped his eyes on the void demon, and said with a chuckle, "Saladin, as descendants of the Anslant family, how do you think we should distribute it?"


The Void Demon named Saladin sneered, and said, "Assignment, why assign?"

"This is the nature of the devil, weaving his plots, lies, and traps all the time!"

Proud Angel Sean looked disdainful, as if he didn't pay attention to several opponents at all: "Let each speak with their own strength."

"Well said!"

The hell dragon Otos also stood up, unexpectedly did not disagree with Sean, and laughed and said, "Whoever grabs it later will be the one."

"I agree!"

Winnie, the daughter of the Demon King, also smiled, stroking the black python on her body, her playful eyes flicked between several people: "I believe that everyone has no complaints."


The destruction demon Beirut snorted coldly, expressing his attitude with disdain.

Obviously, except for Moore, an old and cunning devil, none of the other five overlords have the idea of ​​sitting down and negotiating.

Because it doesn't make sense at all.

It's not that there are no feasible solutions, but that there is no basis for trust.

They don't trust each other at all, no matter what plan they come up with, it will eventually turn into a chaotic war.

So things seem to be back to square one.

It is not.

Moore, who rejected the proposal for everyone, did not insist any longer, and said with a chuckle: "Then each depends on his own strength!"

After finishing speaking, he turned his gaze to Morika in the azure blue beam of light.

As time went by, the azure blue beam of light that rushed into the sky and was visible from all directions was no longer the grand occasion it was before.

The light began to weaken, the strength began to decrease, and the barriers generated by the Rubik's Cube were about to collapse.

Once the azure blue beam of light collapsed, Mo Lika, who lost the protection of the barrier, would have to face six extremely powerful overlord demons.

This made Morika feel a little desperate.

Still no sign of Ronin.

Maybe he didn't intend to show up at all.

After all, the ones standing here at the moment are the six overlord demons.

Although Luo Ning was strong, he didn't seem to have much advantage in the face of the overlord demon.

Could he have risked his life and come to rescue him under the pressure of the six overlords?

Obviously impossible.

People value self-knowledge, and so do demons. Morika is very clear about her position and weight in Luo Ning's heart.

It's just a stranger who has been together for less than three days. There is no relationship at all. There is no relationship at all. The reason why they get together is entirely the result of self-interest. During the period, she even coerced the other party a little.

For a person who only has an interest relationship and once threatened him, why does Luo Ning take such a risk to rescue him?


If there is, it means that Morika holds Luo Ning's identity, and the possibility of Luo Ning being exposed after her death will increase geometrically.

But exposure is a risk, so coming to rescue is not a risk?

The six overlord demons can completely threaten Luo Ning's life.

With his personality, it is absolutely impossible to come to the rescue.

Of course, she would not take such a risk for such a person if she changed places and replaced Morika with Luo Ning's position!

Therefore, Morika did not resent Ronin.

It's just... I feel a little disappointed and desolate.

This is the feeling of being abandoned.

Morika hasn't felt this way for a long, long time.

Because she hadn't trusted anyone for a long, long time.

If you don't believe it, you will naturally not be betrayed or abandoned.

It's like a thing, as long as it doesn't belong to you, then you can never lose it.

As a descendant of the Anslant family, a nightmare witch with demon blood, Morika, who lives in the world, has long understood this truth from the anger and pain of being betrayed by her relatives and friends.

After that betrayal, she closed herself and stopped pouring her trust into others.

Is Ronin an exception?

Morika couldn't tell, perhaps she had hoped that he would be able to take her out of hell.

It is a slight belief.

So now she tasted the taste of being betrayed and abandoned again.

Although it was only a slight trace, it still felt very uncomfortable.

What should I do now?

Is it to accept reality, close your eyes and wait for death?

Or give it a go and die?

"I smell despair!"

Just when Morika was in a daze, a hoarse and low voice suddenly entered her mind through the azure beam of light.

"who is it?"

The sound of words coming from nowhere made Morika wake up instantly.

"Don't be nervous, I have no malicious intentions, at least not now."

The hoarse and deep words sounded faintly, with demagogic power: "I, like you, are descendants of the Anslant family, and are your blood-related relatives."


Mo Lika's eyes were fixed, and she finally realized the identity of the other party. She turned her eyes to the void demon Saladin outside the beam of light, and asked in surprise, "What do you want to do?"

She lowered her voice, fearing that it would attract the attention of others.

But he didn't want Saladin to be indifferent, and said with a chuckle: "Don't worry, I used the power of the Rubik's Cube to block their perception, and they won't notice that we are talking."

"Shards of the Rubik's Cube?"

Mo Lika murmured, and then said, "Please state your conditions."


Saladin smiled and said, "I like your directness. I want the Rubik's Cube in your hand. In exchange, I can guarantee your life."


Naturally, Morika would not easily believe his words, and immediately asked, "How can you guarantee it?"

"I can get close to this space barrier without their knowledge. At that time, as long as you send the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, I will be able to grasp part of the power of this artifact!"

The devil's whispers echoed in Mo Lika's ears, and he said to her earnestly: "Although this part of the power is not enough to help me defeat them, it is still no problem to send you out of the secret realm."

"Send out of the secret realm?"

Morika didn't accept his tricks, and said in a cold voice, "If I wanted to leave, I would have left long ago!"

"Ha ha!"

Saladin didn't care, and said with a chuckle, "This secret realm has been locked by the high-ranking lords. If you teleport away at will, it is equivalent to jumping onto the high-ranking lord's dining table. Is this the result you want?"

Morika's eyes were fixed: "Can you avoid this result?"


Saladin said confidently: "I, like you, am a descendant of the Anslant family. Why can I still be entrusted with important tasks and sent to the secret realm?"


"It's because the lord behind me is a descendant of the Anslant family just like you and me. I can transport you to his domain and guarantee your safety."

Saladin smiled and said, "What do you think?"

Morika's expression was tangled, but she still asked aloud, "How can I trust you?"

"You don't have to believe it, just wait for death to come."

Saladin was not in a hurry, and said softly: "Time is running out, let's make a decision."


Mo Lika lowered her head, finally succumbed to reality, and said, "Okay, I accept this condition!"

"very good!"

Saladin didn't waste time: "I'll get close to the space barrier right away, but this will cause some fluctuations. You must hand over the Rubik's Cube to me immediately, before others find us!"

"it is good!"

Morika didn't bargain any more, holding the Rubik's Cube in her right hand, waiting for Saladin to get close to the space barrier.

She didn't trust Saladin, but she had no other choice.

This is the only way to survive.

Either close your eyes and wait for death, or give it a go.

Morika is a life-loving nightmare who doesn't want her life to (presumably) end in this place, so she's just going to give it a go.


"Then each depends on his strength!"

Moore smiled and canceled the proposal that should not have been made.

This made Sean and the others a little surprised. They looked at Moore in surprise, wondering about the devil's intentions in their hearts.

The devil never does meaningless things. He knows that no one will accept this proposal, so why would he propose it.

What is the conspiracy?

But what kind of conspiracy can make him succeed, one person under the pressure of five people, and took away the Cosmic Rubik's Cube...

and many more!

Five people?

Sean shrank his pupils, finally realized something, and hurriedly turned his head to look at the void demon Saladin. Black and white depraved light shot out from his eyes, instantly piercing Saladin's body into gasification.



Seeing this, Otos and the others were startled for a moment, then woke up in an instant, and roared furiously: "Saladin, Moore, you two old foxes!"

Amidst the angry roar, the hellish black dragon Otos stood up, exhaled a black light breath, and shot straight at the azure blue beam of light.

Also at the same time, in front of the azure beam of light, ripples appeared in the void, and the goat-like void demon Saladin appeared, and went straight to the azure blue beam of light, and Morika in the beam of light also raised the Cosmic Rubik's Cube at the right time.

This azure blue beam of light is the space barrier condensed by the Rubik's Cube. As long as Morika is willing, she can control the Rubik's Cube at any time to remove this space barrier.

Although she didn't release it now, she also created a hole, and wanted to hand over the cosmic cube in her hand to the void demon Saladin through this hole.

This discovery made the four of Sean extremely frightened and furious, and they immediately took action to intercept Saladin's actions.

Why four?

Because Moore and Saladin are basically together.

These two old foxes who belonged to the chaotic devil had formed an alliance long ago, and the conversation just now was just to distract Sean and the others, giving Saladin a chance to collect the Cosmic Rubik's Cube.

Saladin was originally a descendant of the Anslant family. If he was allowed to obtain the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the others would definitely return empty-handed during this trip to the secret realm, and they would not want to get any benefits.

How could Sean and the others tolerate this?

Sean and the others shot out in shock, but the action was a beat slow. Saladin was already close to the blue beam of light, and was about to take the Cosmic Rubik's Cube from Morika.

That's too late!

This thought had just arisen in the minds of Sean and the others, when they saw...

Morika withdrew her hand abruptly, hugged the blue-lighted Cosmic Rubik's Cube to her chest, and looked at Saladin who was rushing towards her indifferently.


Saladin never thought that Mollika would suddenly take back the Rubik's Cube. He exploded with all his strength and was unable to stop for a while, and directly hit the space barrier, making a loud clang.

But this impact obviously couldn't cause any harm to Saladin, his body instantly turned into nothingness, flashed back to the original position, and while avoiding the attacks of Sean and others, he roared at Morika: "How dare you fool me! !"


Morika smiled dismissively, and said, "What makes you think that demons have credit?"

These words made Saladin furious: "You humble fellow, I will take out your soul and burn it day and night with the fire of pain!"

Mo Lika didn't care about his threats at all, and even said sarcastically, "You should worry about yourself first."



As soon as Mo Lika finished speaking, she saw Sean and others furiously approaching, as if they were going to join forces to besiege Saladin.

This is a matter of course. Although the six overlord demons belong to the three factions of corruption, destruction, and chaos, they are not united with each other and are independent six parties.

At this time, Moore and Saladin, two devils belonging to the chaotic camp, joined forces to secretly seize the Rubik's Cube, which naturally aroused public outrage.

Sean, Winnie, Beirut, and Ottos all made a move and attacked the alliance of Moore and Saladin, preparing to eliminate these two guys who broke the rules and the balance first.

Right now...

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"


Numerous cracks appeared on the azure blue beam of light, and finally exploded with a clang.

The space barrier condensed by this cosmic Rubik's Cube has finally reached its limit.

The azure blue beam of light shattered, the space barrier disappeared, and the movements of the two parties who were about to collide were stopped.

In an instant, just an instant, the four of Sean gave up attacking Moore and Saladin, and Moore and Saladin also gave up defending the four of them.

The six overlord demons all turned their heads tacitly and attacked the unprotected Mo Lika, to be precise, the cosmic Rubik's Cube in Mo Lika's hand.

Morika's expression changed, and she wanted to escape, but found that the surrounding space was as hard as iron, sealed and locked by the power of the six overlord demons.

The reason why she repented at the last moment and tore up the agreement with Saladin was because she wanted to use Saladin to cause chaos among the six overlords, and then seize the opportunity to take advantage of the chaos and escape.

In the end, the six overlords were furious on the surface, and they were about to fight in disorder, but their actual attention was still on the Rubik's Cube in the universe. Once the space barriers were removed, they all turned their offensives to seize the Rubik's Cube.

There was no chance for Morika to fish in troubled waters and escape while taking advantage of the chaos.

Arrogant angel Sean spread her wings, emitting black and white fallen light.

Winnie, the daughter of the Demon King, raised her hand and pointed, and the dark python roared out instantly.

The mysterious devil Moore turned into a dark mist, and launched an impact like a torrent.

The hell dragon Otos roared up, opening his mouth to spit out a violent dragon breath.

The destruction demon Beirut remained silent, and two scarlet blood-like destruction beams burst out from his eyes.

The void demon Saladin raised his hands high, forming a ray of lightning that penetrated the space in an instant.

The six overlords launched an offensive together, and the target was not Morika, but the Rubik's Cube in her hand.

Obviously, they also know that under such circumstances, no one can monopolize the Rubik's Cube, otherwise they will definitely become the target of fire and siege from all sides.

Therefore, they decided to break the Rubik's Cube first, and then compete for the pieces of the Rubik's Cube according to their abilities.

But this is the same for Morika, because she is also within the range of the six overlords who are holding the Rubik's Cube.

When this attack falls, not only the Cosmic Rubik's Cube will be shattered, but she will also be wiped out.

This is true despair.

However, at this moment when despair and life and death were intertwined, a dark red light that was not familiar but deeply remembered suddenly entered Morika's vision.

That is... the light of hellfire!

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