"Wait, Ye Kun?" Yuan Tian thoughtfully, exquisitely blushing, with the girl's unique ruddy.

"He should be the mysterious patient hidden by his father!"

Mu Shenyan nodded, "At that time, even if something happened, I heard that Yuan Xuan was the first person to be protected, that is Ye Kun. He heard that he was sent to the military hospital of the third uncle!"

"Dad is watching very tightly, and he has a few confidants specializing in treatment. A separate ward was opened, and the third brother sent someone to guard!"

Yuan Tian was a little bit dissatisfied when she thought of the Military District Hospital and where she couldn’t get in.

Yuan Tangshuo was indulgent towards Yuan Tian. In addition to the strict academic requirements, she was usually troubled by her temperament. For this reason, Lu Shan was not angry with Yuan Tangshuo.

Now that she knows that there is a ward that she can't go to, it seems that it is Ye Kun who Mu Shenyan said.

"Why does my brother want to hide a patient? Qing'er deliberately asked Zhao Yanni to harm this person?"

Yuan Tian asked a series of questions.

"I want to know these, but you also know that Yuan Xuan is too careful. He won't let me know!"

"But, the more you want to know, isn't it?" said, Yuan Tianxiao's cunning.

"You have a way to help me, don't you?"

Mu Shenyan had a silver lining in his heart, and some looked forward to Yuan Tian.

"This, I'm going to try it. My dad is watching tightly. It is not his special doctor. It is not easy to get close to the rehabilitation area."

Yuan Tian said, if she thought about it, after a while, she said slowly, "You wait for my news! I want to find a way to let you go to see him!"

Mu Shenyan was so excited that she now felt that she was too lucky. Jiang Xiaotuan was sick and had unexpected gains.

Mu Shenyan didn't know how she was interested in that mysterious Ye Kun, but, intuitively, she also wanted to meet that person.

Why does Shu Qinger persecute a patient in a psychiatric hospital, and what purpose does the person behind her have?

Mu Shenyan had something to worry about, and turned to sleep, but at night eleven or two, he couldn't sleep.

Mindful of Jiang Xiaotuan, Mu Shenyan got up from the bed and quietly went upstairs to see the sick cat.

Jiang Xiaotuan took the digestive medicine prepared by Yuan Tian and massaged it again. The little guy pulled a foul odor. After a while, his mental state improved, and he was able to fight with briquettes.

Seeing that her future wife has recovered from the fierceness of the past, Coal Ball has forgotten her promise to sleep with her father, tearing herself away with Jiang Xiaotuan, and using her fangs to chew Jiang Xiaotuan's ears from time to time.

This fat cat, Jiang Xiaotuan, didn't move really, it moved, it really couldn't beat the briquettes, but only because of the briquettes, she has always been spoiled for her, so sometimes she is arrogant.

How do you say something? Yes, pride and pride!

Mu Shenyan watched the two little guys play well and was relieved. She got up, patted the dust on her body, turned to leave, but slammed into a hug.

Warm, with a bit more temperature, a bit hot!

Fan Xiang, with a little more confusion, some intoxicating!

The other party put her ring in her arms tightly, tightly.

Mu Shenyan yelled in a low voice, and his heart thumped unceasingly. The smell in this embrace is the familiar mint bath fragrance!

When it became clear that the other party was Yuan Xuan, she thumped his shoulders with her small hands in annoyance, "Frightened! The walk was silent!"

Yuan Xuan didn't make a sound, only concentrated on the woman's small face, and the waves were already in his eyes.

"Don't make a sound, do anything here, and don't go back to bed soon!"

Saying that, Mu Shenyan wanted to push his shackles away. Unexpectedly, the man leaned over and hugged her horizontally, and ran towards the recliner in the corner...

"Nothing, just want to be you!"

Mu Shenyan saw the familiar emotion in his eyes.

The body shivered involuntarily, "You...you are too much...just got it last night...~"


Mu Shenyan couldn't figure it out, how could this man have endless energy in this matter?

Regardless of her protests, Yuan Xuan's voice was deeper, with a little husky, "I can't sleep well with the briquettes around, I can only come to the wife to talk!"

Mu Shenyan was pressed on the recliner by the man, wandering on her side with one hand, and stripping the thin silk pajamas on her body with one hand.

His fingertips were slightly cool, and wherever she went she caused trembling waves, especially now on the balcony in the open air, Yuan Tian still lived in the guest room on the second floor, and Afu lived in the room on the first floor. And a couple of cats in front...

"Wait... Yuanxuan... Is it another day?"

Mu Shenyan thought that if Yuanyuan woke up, she came to find herself, and she would be ashamed to see this scene.

"What day? Huh?" The man didn't stop. Instead, he gently left a series of marks on her collarbone, causing the woman to take a breath.

"I remember your relatives, coming soon!"

Yuan Xuan's lips stopped at a high place, and the tip of her tongue swept her outline, Mu Shenyan grunted uncontrollably, breathing more and more quickly.

Her aunt is really in these two days, damn, this man remembers this so well!

"That... can only be done once..."

Mu Shenyan pleaded in a low voice.

Thinking of the past, he came to be interested, and tossed her two or three times a night.

Fortunately, this kind of intemperance only occurs at a specific time, and in most cases they will be like ordinary couples!

But he got it once, too long...

Yuan Xuan saw Mu Shenyan's face red, and her eyes were already covered with water mist, but her small hands were still resisting. Knowing that she was worried about what he was asking for, the man leaned over and kissed her earlobe, reassuring, "Relax, please If you send it up, I will end..."

The recliner is not too big, but it is covered with comfortable cotton fabric cushions. Afu often changes it for cleaning. It also has a faint detergent fragrance and mixes the smell of the sun.

Yuan Xuan used her lips to patrol her territory again and again until she turned into a pool of water...

"Xiao Shenyan, did I say that I was poisoned..."

Yuan Xuan's voice was unusually hoarse, and the heat wave invaded her ears, stimulated by him, Mu Shenyan hummed softly, and the man continued, "Only you are my antidote..."

The man grunted...

Mu Shenyan's body was played by men, so soft that she could not imagine it.

She clenched her lips and dared not yell, but Yuan Xuan forced her to despair.

"Xiao Shenyan, why not call it?"

He was sweating and raining, his mouth had not stopped to provoke, his eyes smirked indiscriminately, his movements were more compact...


Mu Shenyan couldn't stand his rhythm, shouted out in silence, pleading in his big eyes, "Yuan Xuan... please... not..."


The man was afraid that she would lose her fighting power, and her lips blocked her begging...

From the perspective of two cats...

Coal Ball and Jiang Xiaotuan don’t know what activities mom and dad are doing. Dad “cries” by bullying mom!

My mother begged for mercy, but my father was more and more excited!

Wow, in the end, my mother really cried and lost her temper, scratching and scratching on the back of Dad...

Not only was Dad not angry, but he was very happy, but he also fought back, biting on his mother's shoulder and soft meat...

"Mew meow... briquettes, do you see what's going on?"

"Mew meow...Small group, I don't understand too much, but in the future we can try the actions that Dad is doing now..."

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