Sharks, carnivores!

The apex predator of the ocean!

"Don't regret your sister, you're not kidding, are you?"

asked Huang Lei tremblingly.

"It's true.

Luo said calmly.

Hearing this, Huang Lei subconsciously moved Ma Zha back.

Keep away from the water.

If you fall and run into a shark, ......

"Sharks are the dominant creatures of the sea. "

Sharks have a strong sense of smell and are said to smell blood every few nautical miles.

"If they are accidentally injured and the smell of blood spreads, they will immediately swarm to come!" Young

Master Duanmu took the opportunity to show off his knowledge.

This is what he saw on TV not long ago.

Whenever he is attacked by a shark, he can only see the churning muddy water on the screen, and then the blood that spreads out!

He watched this type of movie as a kid.

The streamlined dorsal fin that emerges from the water is a nightmarish existence!

"Sharks are really powerful and have a ferocious temperament.

"In the past, sharks used to come and attack fishermen.

"They swim so fast that they can't run unless they run away early. A

shadow suddenly appeared in the hearts of the people.

I couldn't help but lean back.

"It's horrible.

Ouyang Xue'er shuddered.

No matter how beautiful the scenery here is

, it's not more important than life!

" "Shouldn't we come?"

Listening to this, Young Master Duanmu couldn't help but be a little scared.

Those sea monsters are no match for sharks, let alone themselves?

If they accidentally fall into the water and encounter a shark, it is estimated that they do not even have the courage to resist.

"Don't be so afraid.

Luo Buregret smiled, his cheeks showing a pear vortex.

"I said, there used to be a lot of sharks. "

After Grandpa moved here, there were fewer and fewer sharks, and it seemed like they were all gone.

"It's been a long time since anyone has seen a shark. Then

the crowd breathed a sigh of relief.

"The old man won't hunt all the sharks, will he?"

asked Teacher He in surprise.

"It should be unlikely.

Huang Lei turned his head and glanced at the old man.

At this moment, the old man retracted the hook again and brought back a big fat fish.

He turned a deaf ear to the discussion of others.

There seems to be no interest in mentioning more.

"I think the shark must have been driven away by the old man.

Huang Lei turned his head and said seriously.

"The old man can tame wolves, and maybe he has a unique way to deal with sea creatures.

Young Master Duanmu also nodded.

"Shark hunting is not easy, and the TV is full of spearguns reinforced by big boats.

"I guess I was driven away. Immediately

, he also turned his head to look at the old man.

The old man actually has the ability to tame wolves! Sure enough, it's a monster!

"Don't regret my sister, don't you know the situation?"

Ouyang Xue'er asked curiously.

Whether it's chasing sharks or hunting them, there's something magical about it.

"I don't know.

Luo shook his head without regret and said.

She was young then.

Even if she had to deal with sharks, it would be impossible for Grandpa to take her.

"Alright, since there are no more sharks, let's stop talking about it.

Huang Lei hurriedly said, goosebumps popping up when he heard it.

Everyone nodded their heads one after another.

"The old man has taken more than ten hooks, and the rest are all big fish over five catties!" Teacher

He sighed.

"We didn't catch a single fish, so we had to work hard. So

they fished in peace.

Young Master Duanmu waited for a long time, but he still didn't catch a single fish.

That special form of fish hook has no effect at all!

"I caught it!" Sister

Zifeng's hands tightened, grabbed the fish hook violently, and exclaimed.

"Don't worry, this fish has a lot of strength.

Seeing this, the old man whispered.

"To deal with this fish, you have to learn to walk it, and first continue to release the line.

"Repeat it a few times, exhaust its strength, and pull it up all at once.

"Otherwise, the line may break, and even the rod will be snatched away by it." "

Sister Zifeng acted strictly according to the instructions.

After a few games, the fish ran out of strength and gave up completely.

She excitedly pulled back the hook.

"To say the least, it's five or six pounds.

Looking at the big black fish that surfaced, Mr. He exclaimed.

There are a lot of big fish in this place

! Under the guidance of the old man, Zifeng removed the hook from the fish's mouth and

put the fish in the plastic bucket.

Looking at the big fish that was jumping around, she couldn't wait to throw out the hook again.

"I caught it too!" exclaimed


"I've taken the bait here!" Huang

Lei's face was overjoyed.

"Sister Zifeng, help.

Ouyang Xue'er hurriedly grabbed the fishing rod.

The excited shouts of the crowd rang out one after another.

Young Master Duanmu's heart became more and more depressed.

So far, he is the only one who hasn't caught a fish.

Could it be that the old man's fishhook has a negative effect?

On the other side, the old man kept pointing at others.

The look is relaxed, and the hand has not stopped.

One by one, large fish were pulled out of the water and fell into his hands.

It's as if these fish love to eat his bait.

But everyone's bait is exactly the same!

"There's something big coming!" Suddenly

, Luo Xiu put down his fishing rod and searched the sea with sharp eyes.

It is as if you can see through the deep water.

The crowd was noticed, and they followed.


Young Master Duanmu said disappointedly.

The sea is not calm, the waves are rolling, and even ordinary small fish cannot be seen.

"Did you see that?" asked

Teacher He at Huang Lei.

Huang Lei shook his head.

"There are no anomalies on the water.

"Not to mention the depths of the water, I can't see anything. Only

Luo Buregret noticed something and stared at the water.

"It can't be a shark, right?"

said Ouyang Xue'er a little scared.

"It's not.

Luo shook his head without regret.

Suddenly, the old man got up from his horse, and his white robe hunted.

The crowd was drawn again.

I saw him reach out and grab the corner of his clothes and retreat silently.

The old man's figure was already tall and burly, and he was obviously honed for a long time.

But after seeing the eight strong abdominal muscles, everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Is this a centenarian?

Not only that.

When the old man took off his white robe completely, the muscles of his upper body were distinct and bulging high

! As if forged by an iron hammer! The

whole body was full of majestic and masculine beauty

! It was enough to put most bodybuilding enthusiasts to shame

! But what really attracted everyone's attention was the scars all over the body!

There were ugly scars everywhere, glowing, and there were almost no intact places!

There were also many extremely obvious scars that were linear-like from bullet abrasions!

Even the back was not spared, and the scars were all over the place! What

was even more terrifying was that

the muscles on the back were also towering, protruding from each other, as if they had formed a terrible face around the evil ghost!

In reality, can anyone really practice?

Luo Xiu glanced at everyone indifferently, without showing the meaning,

turned around and jumped into the sea.

"It's, it's amazing...... Teacher

He stammered.

He knew that the old man was very strong, but he never thought that he would be so strong

! That picture was deeply imprinted in the hearts of everyone

! The burly and masculine, muscular ghostly back, and scars all over his body

! Shocking

! It was terrifying!

But it also had a special sense of beauty, which made people unforgettable in this life!

"What does the old man want to catch?"

Huang Lei hurriedly approached the sea cliff and poked his head down.

Others followed suit.

The waves roll on the deep blue water, and the milky white bubbles disappear in an instant.

"It's gone.

Teacher He was surprised.

"I think it's underwater.

Huang Lei retracted his head.

"Is that thing underwater?, can the old man see something in deep water?"

"Hunting marine life underwater......"

Ouyang Xue'er looked worried.

After all, this is the opponent's home field! After

a while, a whirlpool surged on the water, and a figure could be faintly seen floating up.

Luo Xiu jumped out of the water like a fierce beast, holding an amazingly large yellow croaker in both hands!

At least more than fifty pounds!!

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