My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 213: Rob marriage

"Sure enough, you stole it!" Zhang Zhihao suddenly saw Xu Xuemo's trousers and yelled at Xu Qingmo.

"Uncultured thief."

"Dare to have a loyalty card for Haoge."


Everyone immediately gave up on Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qing's wind is light and light, and he ignores the clamor of these people, but just looks at Li Xueli.

Li Xueli shook her head involuntarily, and murmured in her mouth, "Impossible."

Then, Li Xueli took out the card in her pants pocket.

"The stolen goods are here, see how you quibble!" Zhang Zhihao shouted at Xu Qingmo without looking.

"Call the police directly and take this guy away!"

"Xue Li, this guy is a shameless thief. Don't be deceived by his appearance. He is not a good thing." Zhang Zhihao said to Li Xueli.

"This is your membership card?" Li Xueli raised her membership card and asked Zhang Zhihao.

"Yes! That's my member ..." Zhang Zhihao said firmly, but when he found that everyone's eyes were wrong, he quickly looked at the membership card in Li Xueli's hand and couldn't say any more.

The card in Li Xueli's hand is indeed a membership card, almost the same size as Zhang Zhihao's, but this one is black.

One black and one white, naturally cannot be the same.

"Why?" Zhang Zhihao couldn't give up, grabbing a membership card in Li Xueli's hand, took a closer look, and then was even more shocked. The words were unfavorable. "This ... This is also the membership card of the Liyun Club ! "

Zhang Zhihao's words shocked everyone and looked at Xu Qingmo in disbelief.

"The membership card of Lianyun Club ... black ... is it a diamond membership card!" A person remembered what Zhang Zhihao said before, and said involuntarily, "But there are less than ten in Jinling City!"

Everyone looked at Xu Qingmo inconceivably. One after another, they couldn't help but grabbed Xu Qingmo's collar and asked loudly how he would have the membership card of Lianyun Club.

"Why do you have the Diamond Membership Card of Lianyun Club!" Zhang Zhihao looked at Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo ignored him at all, but looked at Li Xueli.

"He has his own membership card, or a diamond, which is much higher than your white one. How could he steal your membership card?" Li Xueli glanced into the bag again and said to Zhang Zhihao.

"Impossible, I obviously let her put it inside!" Zhang Zhihao couldn't figure out why, and then he shook his head and looked at the girl who gave Li Xueli's suit jacket before.

Quietly, after the whole box was remembered by Zhang Zhihao, he immediately quietly got up, and even at this time, even a strand of hair can be heard clearly by the wind.

Everyone was surprised to look at Zhang Zhihao, he also held his own. After reacting, it was too late to cover his mouth.

Looking at the girl again, she also had an unbelievable face at this time: "I put it in my clothes!"

"Did you mean this?" Li Xueli took out another card from the bottom of the bag, this time it was indeed a white membership card.

Li Xueli had seen this card before when she took out her pants, but she did not take it out smartly, but only held a black membership card to challenge Zhang Zhihao, and Zhang Zhihao was exposed by herself.

Now everyone understands that the whole thing is that Zhang Zhihao and the girl came to frame Xu Qingmo.

"Zhang Zhihao, how can you look like this!" Li Xueli looked at Zhang Zhihao angrily.

Zhang Zhihao opened his mouth, but was speechless.

"Here is Luo's little wedding. Can you toss this way?" Li Xueli's energy hasn't faded away yet. "Can't you take part in the wedding in peace? You all know that you have a rich cousin, and whatever you want Apparently, but you don't want to frame an innocent person like this. "

Zhang Zhihao was flushed with Luo Xiao's novel, and finally he could n’t help shouting: "I just look at this kid who is not pleasing to the eye. I show off. He is more than me. Say I can invite Dao Palin sauce and Li Qingshi? I talk to you, you just ignore me and roll your eyes at me, he can talk and laugh with you, he can wear the clothes you bought for him, and he can take off Get down your clothes! "

"What is he? You are our goddess this time. Why is he qualified to treat you like this!" Zhang Zhihao shouted.

"That is, I don't agree with it. I also participated in this matter. Why did it drop?"

"That boy is not pleasing to me, and Brother Zhihao did nothing wrong."

Unexpectedly, there were actually several people who supported Zhang Zhihao, and the rest were not at ease. Although at this time he looked at Zhang Zhihao's application with disdain, he did not stand up against Li Xueli and scold Zhang Zhihao.

Li Xueli didn't expect these people to say so, and she was involved, and she didn't know what to say.

"You ..." Zhang Fengshuo was annoyed by the cheekyness of these people. When he wanted to speak, he was stopped by Xu Qingmo.

"Today is the wedding of all of our friends. Just be happy, let these small things pass." Xu Qingmo went to Zhang Zhihao and stared at his eyes.

Zhang Zhihao looked at Xu Qingmo's eyes, feeling inexplicably short, and then obediently returned the diamond membership card in his hand to Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo took the membership card, and then returned to Zhang Fengshuo's side and said something to him.

"How could you possibly have a diamond membership card! None of my cousins ​​have." Zhang Zhihao hysterically.

Xu Qingmo ignored Zhang Zhihao and took Zhang Fengshuo with the rest of the people to the door of the box. Passing by Li Xueli, he said to her, "Let's go to that box."

After speaking, Xu Qingmo and his team left, and Zhang Zhihao, who was so emotional, was like a jumping beam clown nailed to a pole of shame. The more excited he was, the calmer Xu Qingmo was, the more ridiculous his behavior became.

Fortunately, the wedding soon began, and two groups of people attended one after another, but they did not speak to each other, which saved them awkwardness.

"The newcomer appears!" As the emcee yelled, everyone looked towards the end of the red sugar.

I saw Jiang Wuyi in a handsome suit, surrounded by a girl in his white wedding dress holding his arms.

Luo Xiaoxiao is not ugly, and can even be said to be good. He has a petite figure, but it does not look like a thin person, but he will show a lively vigor.

The happiness of Jiang Wuyi's face seemed to be all he had, but Luo Xiaoxiao's expression beside him was a little strange, his eyes were a little dodging, and he kept looking around, even looking back at the hotel door several times.

Xu Qingmo frowned, but looking at Jiang Wuyi's happy look, there was no way he could be happy.

"Is the celebrity here?" Although Li Xueli hated Zhang Zhihao, but now everything is about a new couple, so she still held back and asked Zhang Zhihao, "When the next ceremony is over, the celebrity will appear."

Zhang Zhihao looked at his phone, and his face changed again.

"What's wrong?" Li Xueli's heart murmured.

"That Li Ming regrets it again!" Zhang Zhihao said, "She said that the carnival host invited her to come, saying that she would replace her seat with Palin Sauce and Li Qingshi, and she was willing to pay me 100,000 liquidated damages.

"How can this be done! I said so clearly!" Li Xueli was anxious.

"No way. For her, a carnival is more important than a wedding. Naturally, it is necessary to participate in the carnival, even if you lose money." Zhang Zhihao said.

"But ... but the wedding has begun, what to do when there are no stars to appear! Little will be very disappointed." Li Xueli said, "I don't have time to look for stars now."

Xu Qingmo said at this time: "Relax, there is no problem."

"You? Hehe." Zhang Zhihao mocked, but he didn't say much.

Li Xueli glanced at Xu Qingmo. Although Xu Qingmo did not continue, she was inexplicably relieved.

"Zhang Zhihao just said that the carnival did not allow Li Ming to replace the seats of Palin Sauce and Li Qingshi, did Palin Sauce and Li Qingshi not attend the carnival, did you really invite them both!" Li Xueli was surprised.

"Just him? If he could really invite Palin sauce and Li Qingshi, I wouldn't be Zhang, and I would go to the police station and surrender myself, saying I framed him!" Zhang Zhihao scorned.

Xu Qingmo said nothing, but set her sights on the two newcomers.

"Groom, are you willing to take the bride as your wife, live with her according to the Bible's teachings, and be one with God before God, love her, comfort her, respect her, protect him as you love yourself. Whether she is sick or not Or healthy, rich or poor, staying true to her until she leaves the world? "

"I do!" Jiang Wuyi raised his chest.

"Bride, are you willing to marry the bridegroom, live with him according to the Bible's teachings, and be one with God before God, love him, comfort him, respect him, protect him as you love yourself. No matter if he is sick Or is he healthy, rich or poor, staying true to him until he leaves the world? "

"I ..." Luo Xiaoxiao hesitated, then turned to look at the hotel door.

The people followed Luo Xiao's small eyes and looked at the door. A tall figure stepped in between, but the person didn't arrive, the sound came first.

"I don't allow it!"

The whole venue was in an uproar. Qi stood up and looked at the intruders. This was to stage a wedding robber!

"Oops!" Zhang Fengshuo patted his thigh, and what he worried about finally happened.

Jiang Wuyi was also aggressive with a look on his face. He didn't even know the man who broke in, and immediately went to see Luo Xiaoxiao around him, and his heart was immediately frightened.

Luo Xiaoxiao's eyes were wet, and he was really moved, and his body was leaning forward, as if he would leave from next moment and run to that person.

The man who broke in was tall and tall, wearing a pair of sunglasses as cool as possible, and the signs of his clothes flashed blindly. He was more casual than Jiang Wuyi's groom.

"Xiao Xiao, I regret it, I am back, I am back to pick you up, and follow me." The man in sunglasses extended his hand to Luo Xiao Xiao.

Luo Xiaoxiao stepped forward, as if rushing back to the man with sunglasses.

Jiang Wuyi clenched her hands tightly, and looked at her with affection.

Luo Xiaoxiao hesitated for a moment, looking at the man in sunglasses, and looking at Jiang Wuyi behind him, for a while I didn't know how to choose.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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