My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 215: Go to my house

When Xu Qingmo returned to the stage, everyone looked at him in surprise and couldn't make any sound.

"What's wrong? I have flowers on my body?" Xu Qingmo smiled suddenly when she saw the eyes of the crowd.

"Really Palin sauce and Li Qingshi!"

"They were really invited!"

"It was really your invitation!" Zhang Fengshuo couldn't help yelling

"You said it before, you can really invite them," Li Xueli was surprised, "they did not go to the carnival because of your invitation?"

Xu Qingmo shrugged: "Maybe."

"Maybe, it's all right!" Zhang Fengshuo grabbed Xu Qingmo's shoulders suddenly. "You brother, you're too stingy, you're so stingy, the five-body body admired by my brother."

"Before you were not bragging or joking." Li Xueli looked at Xu Qingmo's eyes and said, "Why didn't you explain at that time?"

Xu Qingmo touched his nose: "I explain, does anyone believe it?"

Li Xueli smiled at herself, then thought of what immediately turned to stare at Zhang Zhihao: "What should I call you? Are you no longer Zhang?"

Zhang Zhihao's face was unbelievable at this moment. Looking at Li Qingshi and Palin sauce in the distance, he closed his mouth in surprise. He heard Li Xueli's words as if he hadn't heard them.

Li Xueli shook her head to see Zhang Zhihao's appearance. It is estimated that he did not want to confess the account. However, he still had a face before and said that if Xu Qingmo could really invite Li Qingshi Palin sauce, he would surrender to the police station.

Li Xueli turned her head to Xu Qingmo again, and saw that he was talking and smiling with Zhang Fengshuo and others. He didn't care about Zhang Zhihao's affairs at all. He couldn't help but feel that Zhang Zhihao targeted him, but he didn't take Zhang Zhihao at all. The two were so close to each other, the man in front didn't know where to compare Zhang Zhihao.

On the other side, Jiang Wuyi's handling was over, and he walked over all by himself, his figure alone, like a loser, but he was glorious.

"Old Chiang!" Zhang Fengshuo rushed forward and hugged Jiang Wuyi.

"I'm fine, just to show you a joke." Jiang Wuyi cracked his mouth.

"What are you talking about?" Zhang Fengshuo punched him in the chest. "Who dares to laugh at my brother and see that I won't give him a scrape?"

Jiang Wuyi smiled and couldn't help looking back to the door. Luo Xiaoxiao stood there alone. The sunglasses man thought about what he wanted to say to her and took her hand, but Luo Xiaoxiao broke free and ran away. Go out.

Jiang Wuyi looked in his eyes, and his heart was inexplicably painful.

"Lao Jiang, if you catch up now, we won't laugh at you." Zhang Fengshuo said.

Jiang Wuyi shook his head: "I can now pull her back after catching up, but she is returning for the star, not for me, not what I want."

Zhang Fengshuo stopped talking, but just hugged Jiang Wuyi.

The whole wedding was so lingering, Luo Xiaoxiao ran away, Zhang Zhihao and others also had no face to slip away, leaving slumped, Li Xueli actually looked at Xu Qingmo for a few times, but wanted to come and say something, but finally gave up, and Several female classmates left together.

Zhang Fengshuo cleaned up the endgame here, and Xu Qingmo was in charge of entertaining Li Qingshi and Palin sauce.

"Sorry, let you run for nothing." Xu Qingmo said to the two women.

"What is this Shao Xu, as long as you are there, how can we run away."

"That is, Shao Xu, you don't want to rely on dinner that promised us."

Xu Qingmo laughed: "Rest assured, where do you want to eat, let's go now!"

"it is good!"

Three people left in a car, and Xu Qingmo became a driver again. The two women discussed for a long time behind them, and they did n’t know where to go to eat. It took them a long time to reach an agreement. !!

"Are you sure?" Xu Qingmo laughed.

"OK! I just want to eat barbecue." Li Qingshi said.

"We are wearing hats and sunglasses and will not be recognized." Palin sauce also said, "It's Xu Shaoyou, but you have to worry about it, don't be recognized by other actresses and give you from us. Robbed."

Xu Qingmo smiled and said while driving: "Then you can rest assured, except for you two, I don't know any other stars in Jinling."

Xu Qingmo said, but two figures appeared in his mind.

"Really?" Li Qingshi looked surprised.

"Really." Xu Qingmo said, he and the two are familiar, but they are not in Jinling, and now they don't know where they are, are they doing well?

Li Qingshi and Palin sauce looked at each other in surprise. They knew that the young man in the front was different from the other brothers, but did not expect that he would not play female stars at all. Such a young man was hard to see.

At a street stall, Xu Qingmo stopped the car and three people got out of the car. People here were very noisy. Li Qingshi and Palin sauce sat down and would not be recognized. Who would think of two female stars? Will come here for food.

Sitting at a barely clean table, the three ordered barbecue and wine and talked.

"The sanitation is not good here, I hope Xu Shao won't mind." Li Qingshi said.

"Don't mind, I often eat these." Xu Qingmo said.

"Xu Shao really is so lonely, I thought your son-in-law was a wine dinner every day." Palin sauce said.

"Haha, although the big meal is good, it doesn't have such a snack." Xu Qingmo smiled.

Li Qingshi and Palin sauce stared at each other again. After discussing for a long time, they chose this place just to leave a distinctive impression on Xu Qingmo, but they were a bit worried that Xu Qingmo could not accept it. Now it seems that everything is perfect .

Soon the barbecue and beer came on the table, and the three of them started to eat and drink. Xu Qingmo was naturally gobbled. I didn't expect that the two female stars would not be ladylike.

Li Qingshi drank while talking about her difficulty in entering the entertainment industry, and she was almost harassed several times. Fortunately, she escaped by various methods.

Palin Sauce is the same. Speaking of squid skewers, she talked about the fun of her live broadcast. She also said that at the beginning, she didn't have any audience, but she didn't want to be like other female anchors. Meat, I had to go online to search a lot of idiots, and then said it during the live broadcast, persisted for a long time, and finally slowly turned out.

Xu Qingmo looked at the two gorgeous faces in front of him. Sure enough, in any industry, if he wanted to get ahead, he had to work hard. At first, he suffered so much torture under the old man's hands, and he clenched his teeth, so only later mercenaries s King.

Han Yi people like them, do not know what hardship they have suffered for their dreams?

Xu Qingmo suddenly missed the girl she met in the film and television city.

After the barbecue was finished, the two women were already drunk. Xu Qingmo had to support the two by one person, one by one arm, and then helped them into the car.

Xu Qingmo also drank, but those bottles of beer were not worth mentioning compared to the amount of his drink, and because of the longevity of immortality, he could quickly get rid of the drunkenness, even if he was stopped by the traffic police on the road. Nor could he detect that he drank.

"Where is your home?" Xu Qingmo placed the two women on the back seat and asked.

"Come, continue to drink." Li Qingshi hugged Xu Qingmo, shouted, and the wine in his mouth rushed to Xu Qingmo's face.

Xu Qingmo put down Li Qingshi, and then asked Palin Sauce, "Where do you live? I'll send you back."

"I'm not drunk yet, why did I leave?" Palin sauce said with a smile, holding her hands, and hugging Xu Qingmo's head.

It took Xu Qingmo a long time to pull his head out of Palin Sauce's arms, and he no longer asked, opened the window of the rear door, and then took a ride directly on the road.

Ten minutes later, when Xu Qingmo stopped the car and asked the two women, the two women were half awoken by the cold wind, and they could only tell their address.

The two women lived in the same community, door to door, and Xu Qingmo drove the two women downstairs.

When getting out of the car, the two women were completely awake, and they were a little bit crooked besides walking, but there was no problem speaking normally.

"You are home already, then I will go back." Xu Qingmo sent the two women into the elevator and said.

The elevator door slowly closed between Xu Qingmo and the two women. At the moment of the final closing, Li Qingshi finally gritted her teeth and stuck out the book, and inserted into the elevator that was about to be closed.

The elevator opened slowly, Li Qingshi looked at Xu Qingmo and said, "Xu Shao, should you go up and sit?"

"Yes, you have a drink too, sober up with a cup of tea, or it will be bad to be caught by the police uncle on the road." Palin sauce also said.

Xu Qingmo is a bit weird. It stands to reason that the two women should be very skilled in hanging people at the door, but they are really nervous about these words, as if they were talking for the first time, especially when they drink tea and sober up. Will appear.

"Alright." Xu Qingmo shrugged and went into the elevator.

On the elevator, the three went to Li Qingshi's home first. Xu Qingmo looked at it. The room was not large, but it was clean and dressed warmly, making people feel comfortable.

"My family is small, making Xu Shao laugh." Li Qingshi said.

"Where, it feels like home." Xu Qingmo said, "It's not a hotel. What is it to be so luxurious?"

"Xu Shao, you are really different from other young people." Palin sauce looked at Li Qingshi's shoulder and stared at Xu Qingmo.

"Oh, it's different." Xu Qing Mo said.

"Can't tell, but it's different." Palin sauce said, "especially your eyes."

"Benny, you can't see this, Xu Shao's eyes won't be fixed on our chests like those people." Li Qingshijiao laughed.

"Yes, this is a little different, but there is something else." Palin sauce twisted his body and stared at Xu Qingmo, "But if Shao Xu is watching, I will."

"No harm." Li Qingshi squeezed a handful of Parin sauce, and immediately caused Parin sauce to scream, and then she retaliated against her backhand.

Two fans of countless female celebrities rolled into a ball on the sofa in front of Xu Qingmo, and from time to time, spring flashes, neckline, waist, calf, flashed, making Xu Qingmo over-eye addiction.

After the trouble was over, the two women sorted out their clothes and let Xu Qingmo sit on the sofa. Then they made a sober tea and sat beside Xu Qingmo.

"Xu Shao, you are really different from the rest." Palin sauce drank sober tea ceremony, "You can give us a feeling of peace of mind."

"When we were with the rest of us before, both of us were worried, but with you, we were very relaxed, as if we knew you wouldn't hurt us." Li Qingshi also said.

"Oh, did they hurt you?"

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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