My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 236: Yunshu mutation

Xu Qingmo could only hide under the boulder. Once he got out of the shadow of the boulder, he would be exposed to Song Yinzhang's vision. Therefore, Xu Qingmo had to wait for Song Yinzhang to leave before he could come out.

But Song Yinzhang probably found such a place where he could bask in the sun. He didn't mean to leave at all.

When Xu Qingmo was bored, he supported his chin with his hand, looked up, and admired Song Yinzhang's various gestures. It was very ecstasy, and his eye addiction was overwhelming.

From Xu Qingmo's perspective, the scenery is exceptionally beautiful.

Xu Qingmo didn't want to leave, but suddenly, there was a sound from the distance, as if someone came over.

Song Yinzhang was shocked, stood up straight, and then turned Xu Qingmo's coat to cover his buttocks, watching the sound assured.

Xu Qingmo also showed his head from behind the boulder, watching the movement over there.

A figure came over from there, walking a bit sloppy, Yunshu!

Yun Shu's clothes were a bit messy at this time, covered with leaves and grass juice, as if rolling in the jungle, staring at Song Yinzhang madly, and then came over.

"Yun Shu, have you found a soft tone?" Song Yinzhang asked.

Yun Shu didn't answer, just went to Song Yinzhang.

Song Yinzhang felt something wrong and said again: "Yunshu!"

"Aunt Song." Yun Shu said.

"What's wrong with you?" Song Yinzhang asked.

"I like you!" Yun Shu said amazingly.

Song Yinzhang stayed for a while, but did not expect Yun Shu to say such things.

"What are you talking about!" Song Yinzhang said.

"I didn't talk nonsense, I just like you Aunt Song, I especially like you, I like you until I can't, I have liked you since I was a kid, I really like you." Shouted Yun Shu.

"What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?" Song Yinzhang angered.

"I have nothing to do with it. I just told the truth that has been in my heart for more than ten years. I'm good to Qingyin, and it's only because she is your daughter and looks like you!" Yun Shu yelled, "I love you from beginning to end!"

"You shut up!" Song Yinzhang said, "I'm your aunt Song, I'm your elder!"

"I know, so I have never dared to say that, I only respected you, and only dared to hit you side by side with the soft tone." Yun Shu waved his arms. "But I don't want to continue to choke today, we are not immediate family members , You are not much older than me, there is nothing to stop love! "

"Funny!" Song Yinzhang's voice was distorted, and he was really angry.

"I checked it carefully. Our blood relationship is very thin. It is no longer a non-marriable relative. Only because my parents and you have a good relationship, I keep calling you Aunt Song. Actually, we are together. , Will not violate the law and morals! "Yun Shu Yangtian shouted," Nothing can stop us together! "

Then, Yun Shu rushed to Song Yinzhang.

Song Yinzhang immediately said, "Stop!"

Yun Shu really stood halfway.

"You are still young. I know you just didn't think about it for a while. If you go back now, I will forget all of this and assume that nothing happened." Song Yinzhang calmly, but Xu Qingmo saw her calf tremble, apparently her My heart is not as calm as it seems.

"I'm not young! I'm an adult! I want to pursue my love." Yun Shu rushed over again, "Aunt Song, accept me, even if you don't accept me, I will let you accept me Yes, there is no one here. It is our good time. As long as your body accepts me, your heart will accept me. "

"You ..." Song Yinzhang heard the fierce danger in Yun Shu's words, and immediately became nervous and wanted to run away, but the road was blocked by Yun Shu. The other side of the boulder was three meters high, which was almost desperate. .

"You don't come over!" When Song Shu rushed to the boulder, Song Yinzhang was completely panicked. He had no calmer look than before, and stepped back step by step, trying to avoid.

"Aunt Song, you don't have to run, I will treat you well, will Yang Guo be with Xiaolong Nu?" Yun Shu opened her mouth and said greedily.

"Don't!" Song Yinzhang all cried.

"You call it, you just shout your throat and no one will hear it." Yunshu was a little mad.

"Don't ..." What did Song Yinzhang think of, "... Are all these deliberate bureaus designed for you, soft tone? Where did you get the soft tone?"

"Haha, you despise me too much. If I had the courage, I would have confessed to you. Why is it that today, I haven't lied before, my cousin has really disappeared. All this is God's providence. Together! "Yunshu yelled.

Hearing Song Qingyin's disappearance was not a ghost of Yun Shu. Song Yinzhang was relieved, but then she was unlucky and forced by Yun Shu to this share, and she had no way back.

"I'm here!" Yunshu flew forward suddenly.

"Ah!" Song Yinzhang yelled, stepping back in fright, stepping on the air with one foot, and falling from the boulder.

Xu Qingmo scratched her head, and when she was out, she stretched out her hands to catch the beauty who fell from the sky.

Song Yinzhang landed in Xu Qingmo's arms, and the screaming stopped suddenly. When he saw Xu Qingmo, he immediately showed a grateful expression.

"Aunt Song!" Yun Shu yelled on the boulder, and then looked out, only to see Xu Qingmo holding Song Yinzhang.

"Hi, hello, your sentence was wrong. She didn't shout her throat and I heard it." Xu Qingmo smiled brightly.

Yun Shu froze.

Xu Qingmo hugged Song Yinzhang, walked out from behind the huge stone, and came to the front of Yun Shu.

"It's you again!" Yunshu gritted his teeth and said, "Why are you again?"

"What is me again?" Xu Qingmo asked.

"Cousin, you also hook up, Aunt Song, you hook up! Why is it always you!" Yun Shu said.

"I hooked up with your cousin?" Xu Qingmo was startled, blinded by himself, and actually hooked up with Song Qingyin.

"My cousin hasn't been ignored since I was a kid, but you are so cold to her on purpose!" Yun Shu hysterically called.

Xu Qingmo smiled, this is what Yun Shu said about the collusion.

"Sorry, I think you misunderstood. I didn't ignore her intentionally. I really ignored her." Xu Qingmo said cheerfully.

"You! Give Aunt Song back to me!" Yun Shu said, and rushed over.

Xu Qingmo hugged Song Yinzhang, twisted slightly, and let Yun Shu open, and he reversed the position with Yun Shu and came to the boulder.

Song Yinzhang was spinning in Xu Qingmo's arms, and he was a little embarrassed, realizing that he was still being held by Xu Qingmo, and he suddenly had the intention to come down.

Xu Qingmo tightened her arms, then glanced at her, as if the man in a couple looked at the woman who was about to break free.

Song Yinzhang suddenly lost his strength, no longer struggling, but just lowered his head and was afraid to look at Xu Qingmo's eyes.

Nearing her forty years old, she once again felt the banging heart of the girl matter.

"You said you like your aunt Song?" Xu Qingmo looked at Yun Shu and said, "Who is it to lie, I don't believe it!"

"No one can question my feelings for Aunt Song!" Yun Shu shouted.

"How could it be? Although I only knew you, I can see that your heart towards her is not so pure." Xu Qing Mo Duding said.

"Impossible, you lie!" Yun Shu could not tolerate Xu Qingmo's questioning.

"You just said it was me again." Xu Qingmo said slowly, "The word 'a' again shows that I have ignored Song Qingyin before, for you, it is no less than a blow to you this time, otherwise You cannot use the word 'again'. "

Yun Shu paused and stood still.

"So, you have feelings for Song Qingyin, but you don't admit it." Xu Qingmo continued, "You like Song Qingyin and her mother. You want mother and daughter hands! Admire you ! "

"Forbid you to talk nonsense, my feelings for Aunt Song are higher than the sky, deeper than the sea, and harder than steel! Don't allow you to question!" Yun Shu yelled wildly.

Xu Qingmo laughed directly: "Did you watch too many emotional dramas in the 90's, you can also say this kind of shame is explosive?"

Yun Shu yelled madly, then rushed to Xu Qingmo, trying to **** Song Yinzhang from Xu Qingmo's arms.

However, Xu Qingmo didn't give him a chance at all, and he no longer dodged. He kicked him out and kicked him out.

Yunshu flew backwards, then rolled over, and landed on the ground steadily, his agility was very fast.

Xu Qingmo frowned, in the impression that Yun Shu was a weak and hypocrite, how could he have such a good skill? Is it ...

Xu Qingmo stared at Yun Shu, his brows slowly wrinkling to become more compact.

The next moment, Xu Qingmo didn't wait for Yun Shu to move, and actually rushed forward holding Song Yinzhang.

Although Yun Shu's skills improved, he was not Xu Qingmo's opponent. He was approached by Xu Qingmo at once, and then flew again.

After Yun Shu landed on the ground this time, without any stops, he just turned around and ran, and got into the woods.

Xu Qingmo did not pursue, but let Song Yinzhang down.

Song Yinzhang stood on the ground, lowering his head just to see that Xu Qingmo's waist was wet with a round piece of clothing.

Song Yinzhang suddenly wanted to reach out and cover his own buttocks, and the wet mark on Xu Qingmo's body did not need to know how to get it.

Xu Qingmo didn't care, but picked up a blue-red flower from his feet and looked carefully.

"This is it?" Song Yinzhang didn't know how to say something. At this time, Xu Qingmo still had the mood to look at the flowers, was it for himself?

"Snake kiss flower," Xu Qing moaned, "how could he have snake kiss flower on him."

"What snake kisses the flower?" Song Yinzhang asked.

"A rare flower, perhaps it is the cause of Yunshu's mutation."

"Anomalies?" Song Yinzhang was surprised.

"Do you think Yunshu will suddenly become like this?"

Song Yinzhang was silent. Yun Shu had always been a good boy in her eyes. It was impossible to go crazy like hysterics just now, and she would still say such a thing.

"The snake kiss flower actually has such an effect." Xu Qingmo twisted the snake kiss flower, a function that the German biologist had never said before.

That German biologist could not cheat Xu Qingmo, so there was only one possibility. When German biologists studied the tongue kiss flower, they did not study this effect, or the snake kiss flower of Qiu Mingshan and the German biologist studied Snake kiss flower is not a breed!

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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