My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 264: Happy family

Fei Huiyin's car.

"I'm sorry, it may hurt you." Fei Huiyin sat in the back seat, hugging Tingting.

"No." Xu Qingmo sat in front of the car and drove.

"This time, they are ninth, seventh, fifth, and fourth," said Fei Huiyin. "But the first three are completely different from these. The next three may be the next three."

"that time……"

"I may not be in Jinling at that time, but he ... may still come to you." Fei Huiyin's voice was worried.

"It's okay, it's better to be here. It's lonely to live without an opponent." Xu Qingmo smiled.

"Big brother is the best, no one is afraid to come!" Tingting said with a tight fist.

Fei Huiyin touched Tingting's head, and then said to Xu Qingmo: "You better be careful."

"Um." Xu Qingmo nodded.

"Mom, are we going to leave Big Brother in a few days?" Tingting asked.

"Well, but I will come back if I have a chance." Fei Huiyin said.

"Then can we be with our older brother today?" Tingting hurriedly asked.

Fei Hui stunned for a moment, then looked at Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo laughed: "I'm fine today, it's up to you!"

What Xu Qingmo is telling is the truth. Qinghui Group ’s initial difficult initial stage has passed, and because the cooperation between Song Yinzhang and Qinghui Group has not yet been determined, Lin Ruochu does not want Xu Qingmo to go to work in the company, so Xu Qingmo does not go to work these days. problem.

Fei Huiyin also showed a smile, but I did n’t know whether the smile was a doting smile or whether he laughed for himself: "Okay, we are fine today."

Said, did Fei Huiyin quietly take out her mobile phone and sent a text message to the assistant to cancel all the arrangements today.

"Oh yeah! I can play with my elder brother today, shall we go to the amusement park?" Tingting suddenly jumped off Fei Huiyin's knee and malfunctioned, her face full of joy.

Xu Qingmo immediately changed direction at the intersection in front and went straight to the amusement park.

However, when they got out of the amusement park and got out of the car, the three of them suddenly looked blank. This was almost crowded. The key was that there were many student groups blocking the entrance and waiting in line for at least half an hour.

Xu Qingmo looked at Fei Huiyin. Fei Huiyin was also a bit helpless. Although she was in an extraordinary position and rich, she would not find privilege to enter here.

"Mom! Big brother! Let's go here!" Tingting suddenly ran over, holding Xu Qingmo's hand in the left hand, holding Fei Huiyin's hand in the right hand, and taking them to the entrance with few people.

When Xu Qingmo and Fei Hui looked up, they saw the four characters above: "Family entrance!"

Uh ... Xu Qingmo touched his nose to see Fei Huiyin, who was also a little embarrassed.

"We go in from here, there is no one here, we can go in at once," Tingting said.

Xu Qingmo and Fei Huiyin are still hesitating. This is the entrance to the family. Xu Qingmo is not her father.

"Or else, you go first, I'll line up slowly over there?" Xu Qingmo said.

"No, I'm going to play with my elder brother. It's boring to be apart." Tingting muttered, "Will we go in from here?"

Fei Huiyin thought about it and said, "Just go in here, it's just a title."

Xu Qingmo nodded immediately, Fei Huiyin didn't care, so he naturally wouldn't care, not to mention that before, he just meant it. Fei Huiyin is a big beauty, and she doesn't take advantage of it? Xu Qingmo's brain was broken.

"Oye, our family is going to play in the playground." Tingting bounced, took two people's hands, came to the entrance of the family, and handed the ticket in the hand to the ticket inspector: "Auntie, this is mine, this It's my mother's, this is my older ... daddy's. "

"Child, get your ticket, you are so cute." The ticket inspector said Tingting was a little girl, and said kindly, "Your parents love you very much, and your family must be very happy."

After hearing this, Xu Qingmo smiled, and Fei Huiyin lowered her head.

After entering the playground, Tingting was so happy that he let go of Xu Qingmo and Fei Huiyin and ran to the nearby carousel.

Xu Qingmo and Fei Huiyin followed with a smile, really like a couple taking their daughter out to play.


"I'm going to sit with my elder brother." Tingting said, and climbed onto the horse in front of Xu Qingmo.

Fei Huiyin had to sit alone, but suddenly a group of elementary school students rushed in and robbed all the Trojans all at once.

This time, Fei Huiyin was not sitting.

"Mom comes up," Tingting said.

"It's not good, I'll go out," Fei Huiyin said.

As a result, the staff outside were careless and did not see that Fei Huiyin had no seat and locked the door directly. Soon the carousel was about to turn.

"Come up." Xu Qingmo looked at Fei Huiyin, then stretched out his hand.

Fei Hui hesitated for a moment, but finally reached out and grabbed Xu Qingmo's hand and boarded the Trojan.

The Trojan is still very strong, and it is not a problem to bear three people, but the point is that the space above the Trojan is not enough.

Xu Qingmo sat at the back, and then she was seated in front of Fei Huiyin, and Tingting in front.

Sitting this way is fine, but when the merry-go-round is started, because the back of the merry-go-round is sunken in the middle, Tingting in front slides unconsciously and leans on Fei Huiyin, and Xu Qingmo in the back , Also slide forward.

Although Xu Qingmo experienced support, after all, he still leaned on Fei Huiyin.

In this way, Xu Qingmo can clearly feel Fei Huiyin's body.

Soft and full, one point is fat, one point is thin, Fei Huiyin's body is so hot and moving.

Xu Qingmo was able to restrain himself on the first lap, but he couldn't hold himself up on the second lap. On the third lap, he was already exposed.

Fei Huiyin was also here, and suddenly felt Xu Qingmo's change, and she blushed suddenly.

However, Tingting didn't know all this, she was happy to sing auspicious Sambo.

"... We are a happy family ..."

People outside were envious when Tingting was so lively, and they started talking.

"That little girl is so cute!"

"so beautiful!"

"A child can see how beautiful you are, you are a real beast!"

"I'm talking about her mother!"

"Fucking back here, can you also see?"

"Just looking at the back figure, it's definitely a beauty."

"I feel that the little girl's father is handsome, that is, the young is overdone. It must be early love and early marriage. It is really a winner in life."

The carousel went round and round, Xu Qingmo's abnormality could not be eliminated, and Shao Feihui bowed her head.

Xu Qingmo is also embarrassed. He does have some inconsistencies about Fei Huiyin, but it does not mean that he is willing to expose himself in this way.

Finally, the merry-go-round stopped, and Fei Huiyin jumped down as if running away. As a result, when he landed, his feet were crooked, his body was unstable, and he fell to the side. .

Before sitting on the horse on the side, Fei Hui felt Xu Qingmo's change in her thighs, but now she fell into Xu Qingmo's arms face to face, and the part where she felt Xu Qingmo's change was ...

Fei Huiyin was like being burned by a red-hot iron, and quickly jumped away. Fortunately, her feet were crooked, not crippled, so although her actions were a little inconvenient, she was still unable to walk.

Because Fei Huiyin's foot was injured, the next three people did not go to play exciting outdoor projects, but went indoors to watch various 3d, 4d to 7d movies.

Most of these indoor projects are sitting in a seat or a small trolley, and then looking at the screen in front of it. With the special effects of the seat or the rotation of the small trolley, people have a feeling of being immersive.

However, this kind of effect is more useful for children. People such as Xu Qingmo who practice martial arts will clearly distinguish such special effects, so they will not feel anything.

Three people were sitting in the trolley. Although the front screen was on and the trolley slowly slid, Tingting cried suddenly.

There was a scream around, but Xu Qingmo was calm, but Xu Qingmo was surprised that Fei Hui yelled like Tingting.

It turned out she was also afraid of these things.

The scene of the scene is a small pulley rushing out of the cliff and falling down. Many people see this scene, the body will feel weightless, but in fact the small pulley just down a small downhill.

Tingting yelled, grasping Xu Qingmo's left hand tightly with both hands, and Fei Huiyin also yelled, frightened to grab Tingting's hand, and finally caught Xu Qingmo's hand.

Xu Qingmo moved in his heart and was about to pull away, but when she saw that Fei Huiyin didn't realize that she had grasped the wrong hand, she kept quietly, and realized the warmth of Fei Huiyin's hand quietly.

After the fall scene, Tingting was still excited. Fei Huiyin could wake up, and then felt that her hand was a bit large. Looking down, it was Xu Qingmo's hand, and quickly let go.

After letting go, Fei Huiyin took a peek at Xu Qingmo and found that Xu Qingmo looked at the big screen seriously, but did not find himself, and was relieved.

In fact, Xu Qingmo blossomed in his heart.

The last climax came, Tingting cried again.

Fei Huiyin was nervous and wanted to grab Tingting's hand, but this time she realized that Tingting was holding Xu Qingmo's hand. She had to grab nothing, but the scene was really scary, and her hands were shaking a little.

Suddenly, a warm big hand grabbed her, making her feel at ease and warm.

Fei Huiyin stunned, then looked at it, it was Xu Qingmo's hand, but Xu Qingmo did not look at her, still looking at the screen.

Fei Huiyin thought for a moment, and Beijiao shook his lower lip without breaking away, so Xu Qingmo grabbed it quietly.

This feeling of peace, it's been a long time ... I haven't felt it for a long time.

Fei Hui was not attracted by the final climax of the big screen, but fell into a youthful feeling.

When the video was over, Tingting watched Fei Huiyin and Xu Qingmo's hand together and suddenly called out: "You two are too bad, holding your hands and forgetting the baby."

Fei Hui was awakened because of this, and quickly let go, blushing and turning his head away, afraid to look at Xu Qingmo.

"Big brother is holding me, I'm holding mother." Tingting held one with one hand. "This is a happy family."

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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