My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 266: Family photo

After leaving the roller coaster, Tingting saw the Ferris wheel again, and suddenly shouted, "Wow, Ferris wheel, mother, brother, let's go to the Ferris wheel, OK?"

Xu Qingmo nodded, just about to agree, and suddenly found that Fei Huiyin's expression was a bit unnatural.

Before any request from Tingting, Fei Huiyin would agree, but this time, she was hesitant.

When Xu Qingmo looked at Fei Huiyin, she turned back and smiled and nodded: "Okay, let's take the Ferris wheel, but after we sit down, can we tell you something?"

"Huh, mom is the best." Tingting said with a smile.

The three men lined up again, then boarded a ferris wheel and sat down.

There are two benches on each side of the box, and a small table in the middle. It is very delicate. The staff reminded to sit separately and try to keep the center of gravity of the compartment at the midpoint. So Xu Qingmo sat on the side alone. Sit on the other side.

As the Ferris wheel got higher and higher, Tingting became excited and couldn't sit still, jumped off the stool, looked through the left window, and then looked through the right window.

Xu Qingmo also took a look, but he was not very interested. When he was performing missions abroad, the planes skipped. This altitude was nothing to him.

When Xu Qingmo looked at Fei Huiyin, she found that she was sitting upright on a stool with her waist straight, motionless, and looked a little unnatural.

what happened?

The next moment, Xu Qingmo realized that Fei Hui was afraid of heights!

No wonder she had hesitated below, but in order to satisfy Tingting, she finally agreed.

"It's okay, this carriage is very firm ..." Xu Qingmo and Fei Huiyin said this, trying to pay attention to her attention.

As a result, Fei Huiyin was like seeing a straw for life-saving, and suddenly reached out and grabbed Xu Qingmo's hand.

At this time, Fei Huiyin can no longer be shy or shy. For her, Xu Qingmo's hand is the world's strongest safe point. Hold it tightly without loosening.

The corner of Xu Qingmo's mouth slightly tilted. This was the first time that Fei Huiyin knew that his hand had been actively grasped.

Xu Qingmo held Fei Huiyin's hand in one hand, and patted the back of her hand with the other to signal her peace of mind.

Fei Hui was slightly better because of her complexion.

"So pretty!" Tingting was looking out the window, and then she turned her head.

Fei Hui quickly released Xu Qingmo's hand because she was scared. She didn't want her daughter to see herself shaking hands with Xu Qingmo, but when she let go of her, she was a little scared, and she felt a little high when Xu Qingmo clawed her back. It eased a bit, but this time it's mentioned again.

"Mom, the fountain over there is so beautiful, we will rest there when we go down." Tingting said.

"Uh-huh." Fei Huiyin didn't hear it at all, just nodded.

After Tingting became hot, she turned her attention and went to look elsewhere.

Fei Huiyin and Xu Qingmo, who had a sense of rhinoceros, stretched their hands under the small table and held them together again.

Fei Huiyin's complexion looked better, but found that the opposite Xu Qingmo was staring at herself, her face suddenly flushed, but even so, she still did not let go, but just bowed her head, did not dare to look at Xu Qingmo .

Xu Qingmo smiled. This appearance of Fei Huiyin actually had a lovely taste, and then couldn't help but use the ring finger of the hand holding Fei Huiyin to dig out in the palm of Fei Huiyin.

"Oh." Fei Hui couldn't help whispering because of his itchy hands. When he uttered a voice, he felt a bit frightened. He looked at Tingting in worry and found that Tingting hadn't noticed. Then he was relieved, and then glared resentfully A glance at Xu Qingmo.

At this glance, Xu Qingmo was so impressed that he wanted to divert the attention of Fei Huiyin in this way. He never expected that this eye of Fei Huiyin had such charm and could be a shame to the world.

Xu Qingmo tasted the sweetness and began to attack the palm of Fei Huiyin again and again.

Fei Hui was tickled by Xu Qingmo's palms, but he didn't dare to laugh out loud. He could only hold back, slap, and glared at Xu Qingmo from time to time. Xu Qingmo's teeth looked tickle.

The two people ’s small movements have been going on, but they are well hidden, and Tingting is not seen. Sometimes Tingting turns around and they part their hands. When Tingting turns back again, she immediately understands and understands Unannounced stretched out his hands tangled.

The time for fear of heights would have been long, but this time, Fei Huiyin felt too fast. It felt like it was less than a minute later, and it ended.

The speed of the Ferris wheel slowed down, and the passengers went down one by one. Xu Qingmo and Fei Huiyin also loosened the book, and Fei Huiyin's eyes showed a bit of perseverance.

Xu Qingmo looked in her eyes and felt her palms warm.

Fei Huiyin did not dare to look at each other boldly like Xu Qingmo, but lowered his head.

Leaving the Ferris wheel, Tingting took the lead and ran towards the fountain.

When I got to the fountain, I noticed someone was taking photos here.

Tingting ran over and saw a big sign saying: "The most adorable family photo contest, a family takes pictures on the spot, and then select ten groups of the most adorable family, the winner can participate in the game in person, the winner will Get a prize. "

Many children brought their parents together, lining up for special photographers to take pictures.

Tingting looked very emotional, and ran to Xu Qingmo and Fei Huiyin: "Mom, shall we also take pictures?"

Fei Huiyin walked over and looked a little, her face turned red, then turned and squatted down, touching Tingting's small face and said, "You need to see clearly, it says that parents must bring their children to participate, only the mother is Can't participate. "

"Ah." Tingting's small face suddenly collapsed. "But I really want to participate in the game."

Fei Hui comforted her not to be sad because of the helpless silent Tingting's head.

Tingting turned her eyes, looked at Xu Qingmo, and said, "People have mom and dad, I have mom and big brother, so the three of us can take pictures together."

"Stupid child, they said they want parents, but my brother can't count." Fei Huiyin said.

"Mom, you're stupid. We don't say that the big brother is my big brother. We just say that the big brother is my dad, and they don't know." Tingting laughed. "It wasn't like this when we entered the playground before. What. "

Fei Huiyin was stunned, this is to make her and Xu Qing ink costume husband and wife. When I entered the amusement park before, I just walked a cut scene, but this time I want to take a picture together, maybe we have to play games together ...

"Brother, please, please help Tingting, Tingting wants to play the game." Tingting pulled Xu Qingmo's hand again and begged.

Xu Qingmo was originally stunned by Fei Huiyin's charm on the Ferris wheel. How could such an opportunity be rejected? Nod immediately: "I can, but you have to ask your mother to agree."

"Mom, mom, you and your elder brother pretend that you and your husband are good." Tingting went to Fei Huiyin again.

Fei Huiyin blushed, raised a glance at Xu Qingmo, and then quickly lowered her head, nodded a little.

Xu Qingmo was happy, and Fei Hui actually agreed!

Seeing Fei Huiyin nodding, Tingting ran to sign up, pointing at Xu Qingmo and Fei Huiyin, saying, "At that time, my father, then my mother, they were brothers and sisters."

The staff did not doubt, after all, they did this event to hope that more people and families would participate, and they said to Tingting: "Children, if you want to participate, call your parents to come and sign. It must be signed by three people. sure."

Tingting pulled Xu Qingmo and Fei Huiyin over and signed one by one.

Xu Qingmo signed his own name and handed it to Fei Huiyin.

Fei Huiyin held a pen and looked at the register. This register was very innovative. Each family had a separate copy, which was specially made into an account book.

Writing it down like this really has the meaning of getting married and starting a family.

Fei Hui hesitated for a moment, and then wrote.

"Oye! Let's go take a picture." Tingting clapped her hands and said happily.

Because they are the same photographer and have to be judged, each family has the same camera pose.

There are three in total. The first chapter is the child standing in the middle, holding the hands of parents.

Tingting stood in the middle, Xu Qingmo and Fei Huiyin stood on both sides, but the photographer said: "Children, let your parents come closer, so far, the results are not good."

It turned out that Fei Huiyin was still a bit unnatural, a little far from Xu Qingmo, and was seen by the photographer.

After readjusting it a bit, this shot was good, but Fei Hui became redder because of her face. The other shots are all from a family, and she is still not a husband and wife ...

In the second chapter, the father holds the child with one hand, and then the other hand takes his wife.

"Big ... Dad." Tingting smiled and stretched out her hands to Xu Qingmo.

As soon as Xu Qingmo reached out, Tingting hugged. Xu Qingmo's arm was strong. It was not laborious to lift Tingting with one hand. On the other side, it was a little embarrassing. Fei Huiyin stood beside Xu Qingmo, her face was ashamed and embarrassing.

Xu Qingmo took a deep breath, slowly reached out his hand, and then fell on Fei Huiyin's waist.

The piece was soft and silky, and it felt amazing. Just after Xu Qingmo's hand fell, he felt Fei Huiyin's body tremble.

Xu Qingmo was no longer gentle, and he directly exerted his strength to capture the Fei Huiyin and held him tightly in his arms.

Fei Hui almost didn't stand fast because she fell into Xu Qingmo's arms. She looked up at Xu Qingmo in surprise, her hair was a little messy.

She did not expect that Xu Qingmo would be so powerful, or that she had never encountered a man who dared to be so powerful and overbearing against her, and suddenly a strange ripple appeared in her heart.

After cutting the hair, Fei Huiyin leaned against Xu Qingmo's arms in this way, his eyes were complicated, and the corner of his mouth was gently raised at the photographer's suggestion.

After the second photo experience, the third one was much smoother.

Xu Qingmo sat on a chair, then Fei Huiyin sat in his arms, Tingting stood in front of both of them, posing poss at will.

Fei Huiyin sat on Xu Qingmo's lap and lowered her eyebrows, just like a gentle and kind wife.

Xu Qingmo felt that the two petals on his leg were soft, and his heartbeat speeded up instantly, banging, even Fei Huiyin could hear.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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