My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 310: Clothes burned

Yue Lingsu was just fascinated by inhaling the smoke of snake spirit flower this time, not taking it, and the degree of poisoning was not as good as last time, so she woke up suddenly.

The horrible things were close at hand, almost sticking to her nose, Yue Lingsu's face was blushing. Before she was fascinated, she could instinctively behave like that. The affair of love is the instinct that lies deep in the human body.

But now, Yue Lingsu is sober, just like losing those instincts, her face is red and her ears are red, she doesn't know what to do.

He slowly raised his head and looked at Xu Qingmo, only to see that Xu Qingmo had closed his eyes, and he looked like he was destined, but there was a touch of enjoyment in his look!

Yue Lingsu doesn't know what's good, this guy doesn't stop himself now, does he have to say he's already good? However, if both people are sober, they should be so awkward ...

And, look at this guy, it should be quite enjoyable ...

He also remembered Xu Qingmo's reckless disregard for his life, but he was seriously injured, and Yue Lingsu's heart softened.

Don't ... pretend not to wake up ... let him ...

This thought rose in Yue Lingsu's heart, and then she immediately shook her head.

No, no, this is too shame. How can I think of this idea, it is really shameful.

Yue Lingsu felt ashamed herself, her whole face flushed, as if she had a fever.

Yue Lingsu felt she would be hot if she touched her face now.

But now is a huge problem.

Just now I was not awake, how to make it, I can use poisoning as an excuse. Although I am shy, it is a reason to accept myself, but now that I am awake, this guy thinks that he is not awake, but closed his eyes and let Do it yourself.

Yue Lingsu glanced at Xu Qingmo secretly, and saw Xu Qingmo lying there, closing his eyes, no matter how Yue Lingsu messed up next, he couldn't stop it, and could only enjoy it obediently.

Xu Qingmo felt that Yue Lingsu's movement was a bit slower, and she stretched out her hand ...

Yue Lingsu was startled, but was still caught by Xu Qingmo's hand, and then pressed against his chest.

Yue Lingsu was very nervous, for fear that Xu Qingmo would open her eyes at this time. In that case, she would not be able to conceal anything completely awake.

No, don't let him know that he's awake, it's too shameful, how can he face him in the future!

Yue Lingsu made up her mind and moved her hand, but instead of touching Xu Qingmo, she massaged Xu Qingmo.

Xu Qingmo has been paralyzed for several days, has been lying down, unable to move, is not good for the body, and massages the muscles, helping to maintain the vitality of the muscles, so that he can recover faster later.

Yes, just massage!

Yue Lingsu had an idea, and began to rub it with her heart. She showed the massage method she saw in several medical books, and massaged it a little bit.

Xu Qingmo felt quite comfortable, but why didn't he get to the main show, and he couldn't help but be anxious, and reached out to press.

Yue Lingsu was using the thirteenth set of massage techniques to massage Xu Qingmo's leg muscles. Xu Qingmo held her head and planted it all at once.


Yue Lingsu had something in her mouth and wanted to make a sound, but realized she couldn't, so she had to close her eyes and accept it ...

When Xu Qingmo opened her eyes, Yue Lingsu was no longer on her body, she was sitting beside her, wearing her white shirt, her back to herself.

Xu Qingmo opened her mouth, but didn't know what to say.

"Sorry, I'm poisoned again." Yue Lingsu whispered.

"I'm sorry for you, I didn't stop you." Xu Qingmo said guilty.

"It doesn't matter to you, your injury is not good." Yueling Su said.

"No, it's really my fault ..." Xu Qingmo said sincerely. He did sink at the last moment. Fortunately, he didn't break through the last step with Yue Lingsu.

"Don't say anything!" Yue Lingsu suddenly raised her voice. "This thing just passed away, and we didn't think anything happened."

Xu Qingmo thought for a while and nodded: "Um."

As a woman, Yue Lingsu said so, what else could he say.

"It's finished," Yue Lingsu said suddenly.

"Huh? What?" Xu Qingmo wondered.

Yue Lingsu looked at the fire in front, dying angrily.

Xu Qingmo looked down and saw the mess burned over the fire, not only the snake spirit flower as a firewood, but also the clothes that Yue Lingsu prepared to dry.

Before Yue Ling was so confused and tempted to come to Xu Qingmo, she didn't handle the clothes at all, she threw it away, and now she was totally burned.

Yue Lingsu didn't dare to stand up because she was wearing only Xu Qingmo's white shirt. She crouched on the ground and moved it slowly, pulling it in the ashes. Xu Qingmo also used her hand as a foot and pestered it.

Yue Ling was crying without tears. Before, she was just soaked, but at least she still had clothes. Now she is in good condition and her clothes are all gone. I knew this before, so I might as well not bake clothes.

Xu Qingmo reached out his hand, grabbed it in the ashes, and then grabbed a small piece of cloth.

The cloth pieces are pure white and triangular, because they are covered by a few green snake spirit flowers, which prevents them from being burned.

Yue Lingsu blushed, and quickly snatched Xiao Nene, this was her only clothes left.

"At least better than nothing." Xu Qingmo whispered.

Yue Lingsu ignored Xu Qingmo, moved her footsteps, came to the river, and began to wash carefully. Xiao Nene was close to the place, and she must be cleaned.

Xu Qingmo did not pass, but re-ignited the fire. Pay careful attention to the amount of snake spirit flowers to ensure that the smoke will not cause too much concentration and lead to poisoning.

Yue Lingsu washed Xiao Nene, moved shyly, and she had to dry her clothes before she could wear them.

Xu Qingmo leaned over and said, "You wear my shirt."

"Um." Yue Lingsu whispered.

The two phases were speechless. Xu Qingmo suddenly heard the sound of clothes tearing from behind, and wanted to turn back, Yue Lingsu immediately said, "Not allowed to see."

"I don't see, what are you doing?" Xu Qingmo asked.

Yue Lingsu didn't answer, still tearing her white shirt.

After a while, Yue Lingsu stood up, looked at herself, and then said to Xu Qingmo: "Yes, you can turn around."

The shirtless Xu Qingmo turned slowly, his eyes brightened, and he hardly recognized this as Yue Lingsu.

Yue Lingsu tore the white shirt in half, half tied to the chest, even a small strapless vest, half around the waist, as a short skirt, covering the small inner lining below. Although the thighs are exposed, in the strict sense, they are not light, but they are like eye-catching young girls on summer streets, which is very eye-catching.

"Papapa!" Xu Qingmo could not help clapping.

Yue Lingsu's face was blushing and a little twisted. She felt that it was not appropriate to put her arms and thighs. She had never wore such exposed clothes and was very uncomfortable. , Is it necessary to take off Xu Qingmo's pants.

Speaking of Xu Qingmo's trousers, Yue Lingsu remembered the previous period again, her face turned redder.

Seeing Yue Lingsu's face blushing, Xu Qingmo thought she was not used to such exposure, so she comforted: "There are only two of us here, others can't see it."

Yue Lingsu didn't dare to see Xu Qingmo, ran to the river to squat down, and started fishing.

Xu Qingmo moved his body and came to the side of the snake spirit flower by the river. There are many snake spirit flowers here, clusters and clusters. These days, he and Yue Lingsu have not made many fires. Most of them eat raw fish. Film, so there are not many broken snake spirit flowers, even if broken, snake spirit flowers are also carefully stored by Yue Lingsu.

Xu Qingmo reached out and touched the flowering branch of a snake spirit flower, and then snapped a nail to pull out a piece of stem and leaf skin.

Touching this small piece of skin, Xu Qingmo turned her head to look at the white back of Yueling Su who was fishing by the river, and her mouth slightly tilted.




Yue Lingsu was really upset, and all the resentment was on the big white fish, and three of them were hit in a row.

Three big white fishes were jumping on the shore. Yue Lingsu was not enough. He continued to beat the water. Xu Qingmo hurriedly said: "Enough is enough. There is a lot of power in this big white fish. wasted."

Yue Lingsu looked at Xu Qingmo before she stopped.

Two people were sitting on the shore and started cutting sashimi with a stone knife.

Xu Qingmo eats with relish. He had consumed a lot of energy in the previous period, and he needed to make up for it.

But Yue Lingsu eats very little, cuts the sashimi very small, only the size of the fingernails, and the mouth is not large, as if the mouth is injured, it is not large.

Xu Qingmo was a little worried and curious, so she asked, "What happened to your mouth ..."

Yue Lingsu stared at Xu Qingmo fiercely, twisted her body and ignored Xu Qingmo.

Why is this guy so abominable, his mouth ... isn't it because of him! He actually has the face to say, clearly knowing why to ask! Is it intentional? Want to bring that up and want to come again?

Thinking of this, Yue Lingsu's heart was agitated, and the stone knife in her hand was suddenly broken.

"Are you okay?" Xu Qingmo moved over and asked. "The stone knife is broken. Is your hand not injured?"

Then, Xu Qingmo reached out and grabbed Yue Lingsu's hand. Yue Lingsu quickly drew her hand and shook her head: "I'm fine ..."

"Okay, it's okay, wait a minute, I'll regrind you."

Xu Qingmo moved to the edge of the wall, buckled down a stone, and then crushed it. He chose a long strip, and then came to the river to polish it. He washed it with river water from time to time.

Yue Lingsu watched Xu Qingmo drag her inconvenient legs, and she sharpened herself with a sharpening knife. She couldn't help but be touched, and her resentment was less.

"Be careful this time." Xu Qingmo handed the stone knife to Yue Lingsu.

Yue Lingsu took it and whispered, "Thank you."

Xu Qingmo smiled heartily, and then began to eat big white fish again.

Feeling the continuous flow of heat in the body, Xu Qingmo felt that if his realm had not been sealed by Meng Qinglou, I am afraid that the big white fish that he had eaten these days would be enough for him to make rapid progress.

It seems that going to Emeishan to find the Mengqing Tower to lift the seal needs to be on the agenda, and after learning about the rivers and lakes, Xu Qingmo also knows that in Huaxia, a country where guns are banned, his current cultivation is not invincible. It is necessary to improve our strength.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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