My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 335: Huanglong

Red Sister deserves to be the mummy of all the young ladies in the clubhouse, and her skills are also top-notch. A twenty bridge on the moonlit night, blowing Xu Qing's ink.

For a long while, Red Sister looked up, took out the paper towel on the table, wiped the corners of her mouth, and looked at Xu Qingmo with a resentful look.

Xu Qingmo moaned comfortably. At this time he asked him to make an evaluation of Red Sister. The rest was unknown, but her mouth was the best in the world.

"Pay." Red Sister looked at Xu Qingmo's expression that she would not wake up for a few hours, and she still spoke out.

"Want money?" Xu Qingmo pointed at the handbag next to him. "It's all yours. Don't look for it."

Seeing Xu Qingmo's so bold, the doubt in Red Sister's heart faded a little, and her eyes moved, still pulling a handbag and unzipping.

Xu Qingmo didn't stop, just looked at Red Sister with a smile.

The handbag was opened, and the red coins were full of red, which made her sister flushed, but she had seen people in the big scenes, and how much money could not make her dazzled.

Taking a deep breath, Red Sister reached out and took out a stack of money. Although she turned it over, it suddenly changed color, except that the first one was real money, and it was all white.

Red Sister couldn't believe it, and hurried to turn other money.

"No need to turn it over, it's all the same." Xu Qingmo lazily said.

Hong Jie turned her head suddenly, staring fiercely at Xu Qingmo.

"You look at me, and the money won't increase. It's 2,000 yuan in total. It's all yours. Don't look for it. If there is more than a tip," Xu Qingmo said disapprovingly.

"Are you kidding me?" Red sister's voice sank?

"Just? I don't." Xu Qingmo shrugged. "Your service is worth so much money?"

Red sister heard this and almost vomited blood!

No matter whether she was bald or bald, Xu Qingmo had always been skeptical, but the dangerous breath revealed by Xu Qingmo all over his body, they all regarded him as a hero, but they couldn't figure out what he came for, or he was kind. Even the four beauties who usually show up for hundreds of thousands of faces are free.

However, Xu Qingmo didn't look down, but it made Red Sister and the bald head look at each other, and gradually they believed that Xu Qingmo was indeed a hero.

Later, Xu Qingmo called out Xie Hongli and went out. They were suspicious again. Just when she returned, Red Sister found that the label on the handbag had not been torn off. It was the product of Jinling Supermarket.

The best way to verify Xu Qingmo is to look at the goods in his bag. For this reason, Red Sister had to aggrieved herself and serve this guy in person. But afterwards, it turned out that all the money was fake. Ten thousand, actually only two thousand, and that abominable guy actually said that he was worth only two thousand?

In the past, Jinling City made millions of people and asked for drinks with him, but he refused. Now he is doing what he does to serve him. In his eyes, it is only worth two thousand.

More importantly, what if the money in this handbag is fake? What about this guy?

Sister Hong looked at Xu Qingmo's eyes, and slowly became ill: "What the **** are you?"

"What do you think I am?" Xu Qingmo smiled. "It's not easy. A poor boy with a swollen face and a fat man who uses newspapers as money for your consumption."

After that, Xu Qingmo smiled even more pretentiously: "Your service here is quite good, a pair of newspapers can let Mommy go out on his own, enough, I will bring you a new newspaper every day to order you!"

Red sister almost vomited blood, this guy!

Although Red Sister was very angry, she did not do it because she knew that she could not be the opponent of this guy.

"Do you know who you messed up with?" Red sister frowned.

"I don't know, can you introduce me?" Xu Qingmo said, "I just happen to be a little curious, what is the role of a guy who can win over so many people."

"You are not an ordinary person." Red sister said again.


"Ordinary people are scared to urinate pants at this time." Red sister said, "You are different."

"How is it different?" Xu Qing Mo Le went on.

"It's different ... I didn't regret what I just did." Hongjie stood up and hooked at Xu Qingmo, "Come with me."

Although she didn't know where Hongjie was going to take herself, Xu Qingmo was not afraid, she stretched herself comfortably, walked up and grabbed her waist, and went out.

The waiter outside saw Xu Qingmo holding her red sister, one by one, unable to open her mouth in surprise.

Throughout the club, everyone knows that Red Sister can be one of the three leaders, but also the one with the most power. Outstanding guests outside, came in here, and saw Red Sister in order, even with eyes If she swallows Red Sister, she will not dare to use her feet. In addition, the leader covets the young lady below, but she also dares not make trouble.

It can be said that Red Sister is the queen of the entire clubhouse, and does not need to look at anyone's face, nor will anyone be taken advantage of by anyone to eat tofu.

But today, someone broke this situation!

A guy actually walked in a grand and swaying Red Sister, but Red Sister didn't mean to resist, and even looked at her, there was no rejection of that man.

Oh my god, who is that man?

Everyone was amazed, Xu Qingmo took Hong sister upstairs and went into an office.

The office is large and the lights are bright, but the walls, ceiling and floor are actually made of black marble, which makes the interior very dim.

In the middle of the room was a screen with a statue of Guanyin Bodhisattva.

What kind of taste is this?

At this moment, in the entire room, in addition to Xu Qingmo and Red Sister, there were two people, a man with a big belly, sitting on a chair in front of the screen, and a student Xu Mingmo who had seen him, Chen Mei, one of the four beauties. She leaned on the screen.

Hearing the sound of the red sister opening the door, the first belly turned and saw Xu Qingmo holding the red sister, and immediately stood up.

Red sister waved at him, and he sat down again, his face stunned.

Chen Chen, a college student, was also surprised, but she did not say anything.

Sister Hong found a place to sit down, and Xu Qingmo also sat beside her. Erlang had her legs on the seat in front, and her hands were also placed on her waist.

"What do you do?" Chen Chen said.

"What are you doing?" Xu Qingmo pinched the red sister in her arms. "Just a joke, isn't this why? You want to charge me more money, I don't want to confess it!"

Red sister said: "It turned out to be a guest, all of us who came here were our friends, but if you are not even willing to do it ..."

"Okay," Xu Qingmo laughed. "For your sincerity, let me tell you."

"Actually, I am a Jiangyang thief!" Xu Qingmo rubbed her hand with the soft and elastic flesh around her waist. "I just made a big ticket a few days ago. If you want to relax, I heard that you have a lot of people here, Niu Zheng, Your mouth is sweet, so come naturally. "

Xu Qingmo said, and stretched out his other hand to click the red lips of Red Sister.

Red sister embarrassed: "Your money is all in the newspaper!"

"Oh, yes, the money has been watched by you, my fault, my fault, I have to make up another one, wait for me." Xu Qingmo smiled badly.

"What the **** are you doing!" Cried the belly, and stood up from his seat.

"Don't be excited, fat man." Xu Qingmo waved his hand toward the big belly, "I told you it was."

"I said ..." Xu Qingmo glanced at the crowd. "I am a coward from the police. Do you believe it?"

"Well!" Red sister smiled first. "I'll believe who you are, but the police, it's impossible."

Xu Qingmo also laughed and said, "I didn't say I was a policeman. The policeman has been kicked out of me."

Hongjie suddenly changed her face and said suddenly: "That woman!"

"Bingo!" Xu Qingmo snapped his fingers. "I'm afraid that bald head is now handcuffed."

"Oh no!"

This is, the door was also knocked open, and a security guard rushed in in panic: "It's all police outside, we're surrounded!"

Sister Hong, big belly, Chenchen, Qi panicked, and did not care about Xu Qingmo, so they ran outside.

Even if they have power again, in Huaxia, they will eventually break the law. When they meet the police, they will encounter mice and cats. How can they not panic!

"Don't run in a hurry."

Xu Qingmo kicked herself on a table, and the table flew out, hitting a half-open door, closing the door, pushing the security guard out, and then closing it again and again.

"You have figured out what you want to know. I want to know, but haven't figured it out yet." Xu Qingmo said, "So, please resolve a little doubt in my mind first."

The three looked at Xu Qingmo nervously, one by one in a vigilant manner, but unfortunately the two women had a big belly and had no fighting power. If the bald head was there, they might have rushed up at this time.

Xu Qingmo was relaxed: "I'm very interested in your place ..."

Xu Qingmo took a step forward, walked past the big belly, and the big belly quickly stepped back, bumped into the chair behind him, and sat down with one butt, but the fat on the thigh pushed out of the chair, and then sat on the floor, making a loud sound.

"I'm not interested in fat pigs."

Xu Qingmo walked to her sister, stretched out her fingers and nodded on her red lips, like a dragonfly drank water.

"I'm interested in your little mouth."

Xu Qingmo crossed Red Sister again and came to Chenchen.

"Full college student? Sorry, I'm not interested."

Chenchen retreated in panic and reached out to hold the screen.

Xu Qingmo raised her hand and removed her hand holding the screen: "I am most interested in your real boss here, the person behind this screen."

Chen Chen's face suddenly changed, and she hurriedly looked behind the screen.

As soon as Xu Qingmo came in, he could see that here was obviously a meeting, or that the superior was giving orders to the subordinate. The big belly was that subordinate, and the morning before the screen was just a role like a secretary. The real turnip was Behind the screen.

But what made Xu Qingmo strange was that he stayed here for a few minutes, but he didn't feel the breath of the people behind the screen!

I don't even know how many people are behind the screen, male or female!

For a moment, Xu Qingmo almost felt that there was no one behind the screen, just a computer with a video on it, but Xu Qingmo felt a bit of breath passing from behind the screen.

Behind the screen, Xu Qingmo felt like a ray of soul, weak enough to dissipate almost at any time.

People who can give themselves this kind of feeling, Xu Qingmo is the first time they meet, naturally interested.

"Let me see, what is fun for you?"

Xu Qingmo said, grabbing the screen and throwing it to the side fiercely.

A meteor-like light is shining!

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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