My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 346: Nine Gates Touching Golden Horn

No wonder I was able to wake up from the illusion for no reason at that time, and see that there is no handwriting inside the medicine tripod, it is actually an illusion, just to make myself feel that I am out of the illusion!

No wonder pinching the broken fairy jade, crossing back without doing anything, in fact, all are fake, everything is an illusion!

Xu Qingmo finally understood that the illusion he experienced was far more complicated than the others, and seemed more real, so that he experienced an illusion of crossing.

In the end, all this is false.

Xu Qingmo's heart brightened, and she suddenly realized that although she had been deceived by hallucinations for so long, she thought she had passed through the past like a fool, but she was more convinced by the truth.

Xu Qingmo still does not believe in ghosts and gods crossing. If he can really pass through, his three views must be subverted. Now that he knows it is an illusion, he can accept it frankly, but this illusion is more realistic, but in the end it is false. Whatever gods exist, even if there is a crossing, it may only be based on Einstein's theory of time relativity, instead of grasping the **** tree fairy jade, you can go back to the past.

Xu Qingmo knows everything, he is much calmer, he is relaxed both physically and mentally, but the others are not so happy compared to him.

Especially the three students, Wu, saw that it was only Yi Guan Tzu, and suddenly pulled down his face. Wang Fatzi kept arguing and smashing the broken grave.

Scrape it again and bring all the valuable things in the tomb, and then they leave and return to the big house.

The magnificent decoration reappeared in front of everyone's eyes, making people look bright, as if reborn, the illusion just experienced below is simply a nightmare.

Xu Qingmo turned and stared at three Wu students. Now that they are out of danger, they should give themselves an explanation.

The long-haired brother is still cold-faced, with no expression at all. Wang Fat is complaining that the items brought out are not good. This grave is very simple, except for the medicine tripod and the small saplings inside, the rest are just ordinary. Earthenware pottery and the like, not even a piece of porcelain.

And Yao Ding is also in the hands of Yue Lingsu. She is good at medicine and she can't let go of Yao Ding. The little sapling is also with her needs, so even though Wang Fatzi glared at the treasure in her arms many times, Yue Lingsu remained indifferent. Although she has a gentle personality, she hasn't been bullied by people for years. Besides, Wang Fat is not a good product.

In the end, Mr. Wu couldn't stand Xu Qingmo's gaze and took the initiative to say: "I'm sorry, all this is caused by us and damaged your friend's house."

Wu said, bowing his head in shame, compared with a cold and rude person over there, Wu was the most polite.

"How do you know there is a tomb below?" Xu Qingmo asked, this was something he didn't understand. He had been here before, and had cut down a large locust tree in the courtyard, but he didn't find another tomb below.

If it is said that Huai Muxi grows in a dark place, but they have chopped Huai Mu themselves, how do they know.

Student Wu thought for a while and said to Xu Qingmo: "Do you know Xiangshu?"

Xu Qingmo stunned, Xiangshu, and Xiangshu again!

"Do you know Xiangshu?" Xu Qing Mo said.

Wu nodded. "We are nine people."

Nine gates? Xu Qingmo hesitated. He had never heard of this martial art.

"What nine gates, you two are, I am not." Wang Fatty called, "One fat man is lonely and one is wandering, and one is Yunyunye."

"Old Nine Gates?" Yue Lingsu suddenly said.

"Exactly!" Wu said positively.

Xu Qingmo and Yue Lingsu glanced at each other, and immediately knew that the nine gates were indeed the martial arts of Lijianghu.

Student Wu looked at Xu Qingmo in amazement with blood. He saw Xu Qingmo's skill so well. He must be a man in the rivers and lakes, but he had never heard of Jiumen. It was strange.

"My family has a yin and yang xiangshu technique. I have some experience in Feng Shui. We have been looking for the tomb of the **** Lai Buyi. We have traveled many places, but most of them are false tombs. It was so imposing that I thought I could do it this time, but I didn't expect it to be ... "Wu said with a low voice. Obviously, the tomb below was just a tomb, and it was a big hit for him.

"Laibuyi?" Xu Qingmo heard the name again, as if all the questions about Xiangshu were inseparable from this person.

"This Lai Buyi is not the Lai Buyi in history." Wu said, "The Lai Buyi in history is indeed related to the origin of Xiangshu, but he is from the Song Dynasty. The Lai Buyi we are looking for is the Ming Dynasty. During the period, there is another saying that this Lai Buyi will in fact have been a great hero Liu Bowen! "

Xu Qingmo was astonished!

Bowen Liu, Lai Buyi!

This is not a coincidence with that mural story!

Can't do it ...

Impossible, not, everything is an illusion!

Wu did not notice Xu Qingmo's face and continued: "We are willing to compensate for the damage to your friend's house."

Xu Qingmo waved his hand: "Forget it, we also get something below."

"Thank you," Wu said.

"Thank you, what are you grateful for." Wang Fatzi grotesquely yin and yang, Xu Qingmo struck his foot. He still remembers it, but unfortunately he doesn't remember who cut his neck like this.

Student Wu was still a little bit sad. After thinking about it, he took a pendant carved from a rhino horn from his neck and handed it to Xu Qingmo.

"This is my nine-door keepsake. If you need nine-way help in the future, as long as you find the nine doors and show this, I will definitely take it."

"Ah, heh, but ..." Wang Fatty yelled.

Xu Qingmo took it over and did not feel anything special about this rhino horn. It is estimated that the meaning it represents is very important.

Wu saw Xu Qingmo accept it, and then he left, and the long-haired brother and Wang Fat also chased after him.

Three people disappeared into the night.

"This is a nine-monument token, called Jinjin Horn." Yue Lingsu said, "Everyone in Jiumen has a Jinjin Horn, and the quality of the Jinjin Horn represents its status."

"This is very advanced?" Xu Qingmo handed the rhino horn to Yueling Su.

Yue Lingsu didn't pick it up, just looked at it, and then said, "I'm afraid it's the most advanced."

Xu Qingmo was stunned, and the student Wu was so confused that his status was not low.

"Nine Gates is a unique martial art in Lijiang Lakes. It was founded by nine people with unique skills and powers in all walks of life. It is said that Lijiang Lake has the closest relationship with ordinary people." Yue Lingsu said, "But it is because they have the closest relationship with ordinary people. They ended up staring at each other because of their interests. Nine gates have been torn apart for a long time. Recently, they have been caught in a dispute over the crowds. It is estimated that this classmate Wu is one of them. , And that ’s why we look for Lai Buyi ’s heritage. ”

"What's the crowd to win?" Xu Qingmo scratched his head, knowing nothing about the rivers and lakes.

"The head of this school of Jiumen is called the master, and the crowds capture the door, which specifically refers to the struggle of the gatekeepers of Jiumen to seize the identity of the head." Yue Lingsu was not impatient and explained to Xu Qingmo one by one. "He I'm sending you this golden corner, and I hope that I can get your help in the future. The nine gates are very complicated. In the battle to seize the leaders, the participation of outsiders is not restricted. "

"That's it." Xu Qingmo nodded. Although Wu was incompetent, his brains were still good. No wonder the three of them were not led by long-haired brothers or reckless Wang Fat.

At this moment, the moon is in the middle of the sky, which is a good time to sleep, but after going through just now, both of them have no intention to sleep, and their clothes are dirty, so they simply take a bath.

Xu Qingmo is convenient to take a bath and does not change clothes, but Yue Lingsu is a girl. It is difficult for her not to change clothes. Now she goes out to buy in the middle of the night without opening the mall. Xiao Rushi ’s bedroom may have clothes, but whether it is Xu Qingmo or Yue Neither of them is considered by the spirit.

So in the end, Yue Lingsu took a bath, and when she came out, she wore only the obscene clothes inside, which was the sports shirt she usually wore inside. Xu Qingmo had seen it in the cave under the deep lake in the dense forest, and her lower body was Around the bathrobe, it is not out of the question.

The two stood together in the courtyard, looking at the moonlight, Xu Qingmo said, "You said before that you had a dream? Can you tell me what dreams you have?"

"I had two dreams, two completely different dreams." Yue Lingsu's face was a little red and her eyes were a little confused.

"The first dream, my whole body became hot, and I became a fox. I want to eat you, bite off your ears, and let you be caught later. How can I struggle and beg you for not changing your face, cold and ruthless, I become Go back to yourself, but you are still cruel, reach out and grab my neck, and apply a little harder ... then, then my eyes are dark. "

Yue Lingsu said, her body was trembling, apparently recalling the feeling of death coming in such a dream, which made her instinctively fear.

Xu Qingmo touched her ears, intact, but there was a meal in her heart, and she quickly said, "What about the second one? What is the second dream?"

Yue Lingsu glanced at Xu Qingmo and said, "The second dream starts like the first one. I still bite your ear and get caught by you. You want to kill me, but suddenly a dark shadow appears. , Save me from your hands, and I see that that person is actually another you! "

Xu Qingmo stopped breathing, sure enough!

"I looked at the two of you, completely stunned, I don't know which one is the real you, but soon, the one who saved me disappeared, and then I woke up."

All this, is it an illusion, or did it really exist?

Xu Qingmo's head hurt, Wang Fatty dreamed that he was cut off by half of his neck, and when he woke up, the neck really bleeds. Then Yue Lingsu had these two dreams. Could it be said that these two dreams are true Happened?

But isn't everything an illusion?

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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