My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 359: My boyfriend is here

Xu Qingmo did not leave on purpose, but Lin Ruochu called and she arrived at the airport.

The rescue has been finished here. Xu Qingmo naturally went to pick up Lin Ruochu, but he did not forget why he came to Gusu City.

As for Sheng Yating, her condition is not very serious, and she is not in a hurry. Xu Qingmo can't just rub her mother's thigh in front of her, and then pull her to take a bath ...

Of course, it was mainly because Sheng Yating always thought that Xu Qingmo was a satyr. He thought that if she was treated so easily, that would be really sorry for those words that Sheng Yating had.

Satyr, hum!

Xu Qingmo came to the airport and went all the way to the place where Lin Ruochu had told her before, but he did not see any figure.

"Well, what about people?" Xu Qingmo was surprised.

Lin Ruochu is not the kind of person who missed the appointment. She is not here without prior notice. Then something must have happened.

Xu Qingmo quickly took out the phone and dialed Lin Ruochu's number.

Cell phone ringtones have been thinking, but no one answered, Xu Qingmo felt weird.

"Ah, then." Xu Qingmo whispered.

Finally, Xu Qingmo heard the sound coming from the mobile phone. It was very messy, not a single person's voice, but a large voice.

"... you're here ..."

"... I'll take you for fun ..."

"... rest assured that we are ... good people ..."

"... Didi ..."


All kinds of sounds rushed in, but the sound was very low, and Xu Qingmo could not hear clearly.

Xu Qingmo froze, since the mobile phone was connected, it must not have been lost, but why did Lin Ruochu not speak, it must be that the scene did not allow her to speak at this time, and she was asking for help.

Xu Qingmo held her breath and heard herself.

"... My boyfriend will come soon. I have an appointment with him at Hua Xia Bank ..." Lin Ruochu's voice flashed away, but Xu Qingmo heard it.

HSBC Bank……

Xu Qingmo immediately took out her mobile phone to search for the map. Soon, there were seven Huaxia Banks nearby. Three of them were ATMs, which should not be what Lin Ruochu said. It must be an iconic building. ATMs cannot be.

Then combine the sounds you heard before, including the sound of a car, but not the whistle of a car, but the brake and whistle of a motorcycle, electric car, etc ...

So it's not on the side of the road, this! There is a small alley next to this Huaxia Bank. It should be here!

Xu Qingmo flew away immediately, came under Huaxia Bank, and surely saw an alley nearby.

Xu Qingmo walked in and saw some people around at the end. The one inside was not Lin Ruochu!

The people outside were all foolish, one by one, and smoking cigarettes, talking to Lin Ruochu.

Xu Qingmo's face sank and approached the past.

"... Don't make fun, beauties, do you have a boyfriend?" Said a joke.

Lin Ruochu's face changed, and he immediately asked: "How do you know I don't have a boyfriend?"

The jumbled shut up, and after a moment, exclaimed: "... in short, just walk with us, we won't bother you, you can rest assured."

"I won't go with you, and my people are here." Lin Ruochu saw Xu Qingmo passing by, and his face was happy.

"Your man? Is your boyfriend? Beautiful, don't talk and laugh." That murmured.

"Oh, are you laughing?" Xu Qingmo said.

The punks turned around immediately and saw what Xu Qingmo had actually gone behind. They were all surprised, and had not heard any footsteps before.

"Who are you?" That stared at Xu Qingmo.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is who instructed you!" Xu Qingmo said coldly, and then started directly.

First, kicked two flying yellow hairs next to him, but then leaned aside, avoiding a straight straight circle in front, while extending his right hand, pushed a mixed chest with earrings over there, and suddenly Push him upside down.

Xu Qingmo walked in his leisurely courtroom, as if he was strolling around the garden. He just lifted his feet and stretched his hands, and the lumps fell down one by one.

Soon, Xu Qingmo walked in front of Lin Ruochu, and the ground was full of people who couldn't get up.

This is not the place to speak. Lin Ruochu just nodded to Xu Qingmo, then went outside.

When he walked up to that foolish side, Xu Qingmo squatted down and stepped on one of his fingers with one foot.

"Who asked you to come."

That gnashed his teeth and didn't speak.

Xu Qingmo pressed **** his feet, and then he said, "I don't understand what you say. It is because I have no eyes and see your woman is beautiful. I want to hook up, I admit it!"

Xu Qingmo smiled: "Really?"

Both Xu Qingmo and Lin Ruochu understand that this matter is not so simple. These people surrounded Lin Ruochu, but did not manually manipulate her. Instead, they behaved properly. It was obvious in this previous sentence that Lin Ruochu had no boyfriend. They knew who Lin Ruochu was and did not come here casually.

These people, there are people behind.

"You're smart!" Then when you saw Xu Qingmo like this, you knew you couldn't hide it. "If you have a seed, go to No. 18 Guantang Second Road."

"Where is that?" Xu Qingmo said with interest.

"Then I don't know, we just use money to do business."

Xu Qingmo stood up and went out with Lin Ruochu.

"Hi, my girlfriend." Xu Qingmo turned and smiled at Lin Ruochu.

Lin Ruochu looked surprised.

"But you just said that I am your boyfriend, why is it that it depends on the account?" Xu Qingmo smiled.

"I just said casually, you don't take it seriously." Lin Ruochu hurriedly.

"Oh, you said I was me, you said I wasn't me, I wasn't." Xu Qingmo suddenly hurriedly and stretched his hands over Lin Ruochu's shoulder.

"Ah!" Lin Ruochu was startled. Although Xu Qingmo had talked to her in the past, she had never done it manually. Suddenly, she was not used to it.

Lin Ruochu reached out and pushed Xu Qingmo's chest, stepping back, trying to pull away.

Xu Qingmo didn't allow it, and wrapped his hands around Lin Ruochu's waistline, tightening her tighter.

"Someone." Xu Qingmo's face flew together again, and came directly to Lin Ruochu's face, seemingly a strong kiss, but actually speaking quietly.

Lin Ruochu didn't move for an instant. No wonder Xu Qingmo was so active today. It turned out that some people were peeping here.

"Struggling," Xu Qingmo said again.

Lin Ruo didn't pronounce it in the first day, and looked at Xu Qingmo stingily.

Xu Qingmo no longer spoke, and the thief's hand on the waist slipped down suddenly, pinching hard.

Lin Ruochu was attacked on a sensitive part, and immediately struggling violently, his arms twisted, trying to break free of Xu Qingmo's arms.

Xu Qingmo pushed forward, as if using strong, to push Lin Ruochu all the way to the ATM of Huaxia Bank behind him.

After entering the glass door, Xu Qingmo relaxed and did not continue to move, although Lin Ruochu was still in his arms.

Lin Ruochu did not dare to move, and looked out from Xu Qingmo's shoulder, but did not see any suspicious people.

Xu Qingmo turned her head, her eyes narrowed, she just felt the silver light on the top of the building opposite her, and then disappeared.

"How long will you hold me?" Lin Ruochu asked coldly.

Xu Qingmo smiled: "Hold well, it's dangerous."

Lin Ruochu stepped on Xu Qingmo: "Let go."

"If you don't let it go, it will be dangerous." Xu Qingmo said.

Lin Ruochu stepped on it again hard, and Xu Qingmo jumped with pain and had to let go.

"You ... you are too cruel!" Xu Qingmo grinned.

"Here is Huaxia. Except for terrorists, who would kill with a gun?" Lin Ruochu calmed down.

Xu Qingmo shook her head.

"Even with a gun, the opponent cannot shoot at such a long distance." Lin Ruochu continued.

Xu Qingmo was unconvinced. The distance from the building opposite was really far, even beyond the effective range of the sniper rifle, but he could.

"Huaxia Bank, Huaxia State-owned Bank, has the highest specifications. All its glass doors are bulletproof." Lin Ruochu stared at Xu Qingmo, "What else do you have to say."

Xu Qingmo was ashamed, and he dared to feel that Lin Ruochu knew a lot, and he wanted to take advantage of it, but it was pierced all of a sudden, which was embarrassing.

To alleviate the embarrassment, Xu Qingmo turned away from the topic: "Who was then?"

Lin Ruochu shook his head: "I don't know."

"Surprisingly, everything in Jinling City is normal and there are no problems. Why does anyone target you when you come to Gusu?" Xu Qingmo said.

"Maybe it's because of this cooperation." Lin Ruochu said, "Blue Sky Enterprise is very powerful and there are many forces wanting to cooperate with them. Once our agreement with Blue Sky Enterprise is reached, naturally people will be disappointed."

Xu Qingmo nodded and shook his head.

Commercial competition is indeed possible, and any means of commercial competition may appear. It is not life-threatening. However, he has an intuition that this whole thing is not so simple.

"By the way, how did you get them there?" Xu Qingmo asked again, he was curious about this. Lin Ruochu was not faint. How could he come here from the airport, but it was not very far away, but It's at least a kilometer, and it will take a few minutes to walk by.

Lin Ruochu paused before he said, "I saw a begging girl."

Xu Qingmo turned his back on his lips. Any beggar at the airport is a liar, not to mention that these people's income is really not low, even higher than Xiaobailian's monthly salary.

The airport management is relatively strict, and blatant begging does not exist. Those people do not disdain this way. The most common is pretending to be dumb, or really disabled, with a disability certificate, and then submitting a list when they see someone What donations are love, if you do n’t give them, they will always follow.

Many people are overwhelmed by tourists, and they just spend a few dollars to send them, but they don't know how much they can accumulate. Those people rely on this method to earn a lot of income in a day.

"I know she's a liar. Just because she's young, she must have been persecuted, so ..."

"So follow her and see who is behind her?" Xu Qingmo added.

Lin Ruochu nodded gently.

"Well, this is a trap designed for you."

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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