My 24-year-old Beautiful Boss

Chapter 375: Lin Ruochu

Stupid! Lying on the bed and looking at the pattern on the ceiling above, Xu Qingmo only had these three words in his mind.

It's too fucking.

I was confused and actually got caught.

Two hours ago, Xu Qingmo hadn't decided yet. The jade in the dark actually used strong force to push Xu Qingmo, who was half-pushing, to the bed.

Later things can be thought out with your knees.

It's just that Xu Qingmo feels awkward, and he hasn't agreed yet. Why is this so?

Xia Xiaotong, who had taken the medicine, was so crazy and quiet in peacetime, he was not alone!

At this moment in the bed, there was only Xu Qingmo alone. The Iraqi person had disappeared. Xu Qingmo didn't even see her face. Even before humming, Xu Qingmo only heard his voice and saw no one.

Xu Qingmo panicked a bit.

In this way, I had a relationship with Xia Xiaotong, but how can I face Lin Ruochu.

Although Xia Xiaotong was sent in by Lin Ruochu and Lin Youxi, Xu Qingmo still felt bad.

And then we have to face a Xia Xiaotong who lost himself ... Xu Qing Mo suddenly felt that the first two were bigger.

Forget it, this is to save people!

Yes, save people!

Xu Qingmo comforted himself, and then saw the lights shining out of the window, crowds, as if something happened.

Xu Qingmo came to the window to take a look. It was two hours past. The sky outside was dark. Under the blue sky corporate building, the red and blue lights of the police car gathered into a streamer. Armed police vehicles, neatly parked on the side of the road.

Xu Qingmo was in a daze, and almost forgot that the whole thing was not over yet.

Xu Qingmo turned on the killing ring at the Blue Sky Enterprise, spit fire and killed a lot of people. This was actually nothing to Xu Qingmo. As a mercenary, the blood on his hands was no longer clean.

However, this is not a foreign mercenary battlefield, but a prosperous and stable Chinese city!

In Huaxia, the death of one person was a major case, not to mention several people are being killed or injured. The weapon is still a firearm strictly prohibited by Huaxia law!

No wonder the police from the entire city of Gusu have come here, but this time a very large case will definitely be investigated carefully.

Xu Qingmo didn't panic. He killed someone. This is irrefutable. The police are not idiots. They must be able to find out. It is useless to escape.

Blue Sky Enterprise is not a good bird. Looking at the manager and his sons, they know that they must have committed many dirty things. As long as they are thoroughly investigated, the crimes found from them can be shot at least several times.

However, Xu Qingmo also knew that although Manager Zhao's father and son should be damned, it should not be shot by him. No one can replace the law, neither Xu Qingmo.

The police will definitely come and arrest themselves.

Xu Qingmo had this consciousness, but he was also confident. Once the police investigated the matter, those who came to arrest him must be Divine Swords. Only they were qualified to arrest himself.

Xu Qingmo was confident that he could clarify things about Shen Qingfo with the Excalibur.

Shen Qingfo actually has such terrible robot technology and it is used for human experiments. This is absolutely not allowed in Huaxia. Before the law, he doesn't have to be much better himself.

Xu Qingmo was arrested, and Shen Qingfo was not much better.

Thinking of this, Xu Qingmo's eyes narrowed slightly, Shen Qingfo was not dead!

Shen Qingfo is the first one who can escape from his own gun!


The knock on the door suddenly sounded, and it was very hasty.

Xu Qingmo got dressed, opened the door, and saw Xu Lin Youxi rushing in with Xia Xiaotong.

"Fast, run away, Big Satyr, you run away!" Lin Youxi said anxiously.

"What's wrong?" Xu Qingmo asked slowly, watching Xia Xiaotong with the light from the corner of his eye.

Xia Xiaotong's face was reddish, but that was not shyness, but tension.

how? After the recent incident, Xia Xiaotong was not shy. Is this still Xia Xiaotong?

"All the police are out there to catch you. You must run away!" Lin Youxi said anxiously.

It turned out that Xu Qingmo smiled: "Escape, where can I escape?"

Lin Youxi was at a loss: "How do I know, anyway, you are now fleeing for a while, I will find a way for you, and when you are done, you will come back first."

Xu Qingmo smiled and reached out and touched Lin Youxi's head. "What are you talking about? I won't run away, I kill people, and I will be responsible for my actions."

"But ... but you will be sentenced!" Lin Youxi said anxiously.

Xu Qingmo shook his head. This is not necessarily because he is not an ordinary person. The king of mercenaries, Shen Qingfo cannot find out, but it is impossible for Huaxia to find out the entire state machine. For such people, every country will have its own set of things. Law is different from ordinary people.

After all, Xu Qingmo is also a special talent, and Xu Qingmo did not cause trouble in the general public, attacking innocent people, whether it is Blue Sky Enterprise or Shen Qingfo, I believe the country knows their details, maybe we also want to thank Xu Qingmo for eliminating them Pests.

Therefore, there is no need for Xu Qingmo to run away. What he needs to do now is to wait until the state machine responds and wait for the Excalibur to come.

Lin Youxi was a little embarrassed, and she didn't know what to do. Before letting Xu Qingmo run away, it was only the most primitive reaction in the most urgent situation. Now Xu Qingmo said, she calmed down and knew that she was trying to escape the legal sanctions. That is the stupidest way.

"Then what should we do?" Lin Youxi said in a loss.

"Cold dressing, it's okay, rest assured." Xu Qing Mo calmly said, "You see your body is so dirty, go to the shower first, don't worry about me."

After Lin Youxi came out of the Blue Sky Enterprise, she never took a bath. Her body was really dirty. After listening to Xu Qingmo's words, she remembered something. She immediately pinched her fingers and ran out of the room.

As soon as Xu Qingmo's eyes lighted, he found a strange place.

The fingers of Lin Youxi's curled up fingers, the nails of the middle and index fingers were cut short.

Before Xu Qingmo saved her, she clearly remembered that the nails of her **** were very long, and she was also painted with light-colored nail polish, which looked pretty good. Why did she cut it after a while of work?

You know, Lin Youxi didn't even take a bath, how could she remember to cut her nails?


As soon as Lin Youxi was gone, only Xia Xiaotong was left in front of Xu Qingmo.

"By the way, do you see Lin Ruochu?" Xu Qingmo asked.

"Ah, you said if the first sister? Before I saw her walk into the room and take a bath, then I said go back first, let me tell you not to worry, just go back to Jinling City and wait for her."

Xu Qingmo froze, how could Lin Ruochu say such a thing, she had to go back first?

There were more and more strange places. They were stuck in Xu Qingmo's mind, and there was a mess and no clue.

Xu Qingmo had to leave these behind temporarily, watching Xia Xiaotong continue to ask, "Your body, are you all right?"

Speaking of this, Xia Xiaotong's face turned red instantly, and he shook his head lowered, and his voice was lower than that of the mosquito: "It's all right, thanks to You Xi, I've vented ... vented."

Ok? Lin Youxi? Aren't you?

Xu Qing was surprised, and then all the questions before that suddenly came back to her mind.

All the strange points were strung together by a ray of light.

Xia Xiaotong saw that he was not shy. Lin Youxi cut her fingernails. Lin Ruochu did not bid farewell. Xia Xiaotong did not thank himself but thanked Lin Youxi.

Is it ... Xu Qingmo looked at Xia Xiaotong before he came out of that only possibility.

The person who helped Xia Xiaotong to vent and cure her was not Lin Yuxi, but herself!

In other words, it is Lin Youxi's finger!

No wonder she was cutting her fingernails because she was afraid of hurting Xia Xiaotong.

In this way, you can explain why Xia Xiaotong is not shy when she sees herself, because in this matter, nothing has happened to her!

So, who will be with you in the dark before?

Xia Xiaotong hit Chun Yao and was unconscious. He needed Lin Youxi's help to treat him. Lin Youxi must be helping Lin Youxi too, so the answer came.

Lin Ruochu!

The jade man in the dark was actually Lin Ruochu.

Xu Qingmo stood alone, motionless, as if smashed by a star falling from the sky and fainted.

Lin Ruochu, that person is actually Lin Ruochu!

"My God!" Xu Qingmo almost jumped up.

No wonder Lin Ruochu said goodbye to her, and after such a thing, he would definitely not want to see himself.

But why did she do that?

Seeing Xia Xiaotong's appearance, she and Lin Youxi did not know. In other words, the shame in the dark was completely determined by Lin Ruochu himself.

This is strange. Lin Ruochu is not a casual person. Even if he has a good opinion of himself, he will not make such a decision casually.

What caused Lin Ruochu, who was usually calm and elegant, to behave in a way that was contrary to her usual temperament?

Xu Qingmo suddenly had a bad feeling.

"Not good!" Xu Qingmo yelled, "If at first, I have to find her!"

No matter what decision Lin Ruochu makes, it is certainly not an ordinary decision, and it is even very dangerous.

Under what circumstances do women actively dedicate themselves?

Only when they decide to do something very dangerous, so dangerous that they feel they are very likely to be unable to return, will they choose to dedicate themselves this way, even if it is the last nostalgia!

Lin Ruochu, what are you doing!

Xu Qingmo shouted, ran Xia Xiaotong out of the room, ran to the next room, and opened the bathroom door.

"Ah!" Lin Youxi screamed, and the white and delicate body was exposed in front of Xu Qingmo's eyes.

Xu Qingmo didn't appreciate it carefully, just glanced at him, pulled the bathrobe, wrapped it, and backed out.

"Come on, we have to go back to Jinling City to find your sister right away." Xu Qingmo said earnestly.

"My sister? What's wrong with my sister?" Lin Youxi hurriedly wiped herself and asked anxiously.

If so, what do you want to do?

Xu Qingmo was also asking questions in his heart.

Just then, Xu Qingmo's phone rang.

Reading Yue, reading Yue exciting!

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