My Animation Era

Chapter 1026 Tamago Market

Most of the rumors from the outside world are fabricated facts and have not affected the normal operation of Kyoani Studio.

But they did hold their breath.

Although the success of the animation "Hyouka" has made Kyoani Studio famous, many people say that the original "Hyouka" itself is very exciting, and the animation is just the icing on the cake.

If you really want to show your strength, it must be an original animation!

Therefore, with the idea of ​​proving himself, the first work Kyoani produced after joining Wanbao Animation (Neon) Division was an original animation.

"Tamako Market"!

This is a heart-warming and healing daily animation. It mainly tells the story of Tamako, the daughter of a rice cake shop in Usagiyama Shopping Street, and the incredible bird that can speak human language, as well as the only son Oji Mozozo of the noodle shop "Ojiya". Interesting stories about the bond between friends.

When he first saw this project, Seto thought it was a traditional campus romantic comedy, but later he realized he was wrong.

This is not a romantic comedy!

Although there is a love element in the plot, it is not obvious, and it is not the main focus of the animation.

The animation "Tamako Market" depicts a picture of a commercial street full of fireworks through the perspective of the heroine Tamako, constructing a two-dimensional utopia that should only exist in people's imagination.

Obviously, this is not the same style as Kyoani's previous works.

"Tamako Market" is a movie that is difficult to describe in words, but after watching it, you will think: It's really good! Every neighbor is so honest and enthusiastic, and the story is simple but warm and healing...

A true healing episode!

This is Seto's judgment for "Tamako Market" and it is also the main reason why he strongly supports this project.

Similar animations are not uncommon on the market, but most of them are unsatisfactory. They want to touch the softest place in people's hearts, but they always go the wrong way.

From Seto's point of view, there is no problem with the general direction of "Tamako Market". He even had an illusion: Could this be a companion piece to "The Three Sisters of the Nan Family"?

It’s so similar!

The whole project gave him the same feeling as the original "Three Sisters of the Nan Family". It was warm and healing. It was obviously a trivial matter between parents, but it could bring a feeling of spring breeze to the audience.

Seto really likes this kind of animation.

He also believed that in the current neon animation market, this kind of warm and healing animation has a great future, so he reported his findings to the president.

It was through Seto's report that Gu Miao, who was far away in Jiangchuan, learned that the new animation Kyoani was producing after joining Wanbao was actually "Tamako Market".

All right!

He had seen this animation. If Seto had not falsely conveyed the imperial edict, the "Tamako Market" being produced by Kyoani would have been the "Baiko Market" in his memory.

Quite a classic work.

Putting aside style and so on, if we just talk about reputation, this should be considered one of Kyoto Animation's masterpieces.


The previous work "Hyouka" was an instant hit. Why did Kyoani not choose to produce a second season, but instead chose to produce a daily healing animation like "Tamako Market"?

“Because they want originality!”

Seto explained: "Many people say that the success of "Hyouka" is due to the original work. The production team just had a good eye and picked a high-quality novel."

"Kyoani wants to prove that in addition to adaptation, they also have strong originality capabilities, and "Tamako Market" is their first step to test the waters of originality."

I see!

Gu Miao suddenly realized that no wonder Kyoani was not in a hurry to consolidate its popularity after becoming a hit with "Hyogo", but instead produced an original animation.

It turns out that these people really care about what the outside world thinks!

Is Bingguo the original work awesome?

Is Kyoani actually not that powerful?

If "Tamako Market" is also successful, these remarks will naturally be defeated without attack. And Kyoani Studio, which just joined Wanbao not long ago, has been able to firmly establish itself, and no one dares to make irresponsible remarks.

It comes down to it.

"Hyouka" is a great animation, but this animation does not help Kyoani Studio prove itself, because this is an adapted animation, and the original novel is well written.

Therefore, Kyoani needs to create an original animation. Even if the results are slightly worse than "Hyouka", it will be enough to get rid of all kinds of rumors.

“This theme is well chosen!”

Gu Miao said thoughtfully: "The fast pace of life and the confinement of the reinforced concrete forest have become the most suitable soil for the growth of such animation works."

"Tamako Market" is pretty good.

If this kind of animation were put aside a few decades ago, not many people might be interested in it, and they might even be confused and have no idea what the meaning of animation is.

But in today's context, the human fireworks shown in the animation "Tamako Market" have become a wonderland that many people long for.

Times make heroes!

Kyoani can smell the market trend, realize this, and produce high-quality animations like "Tamako Market". He is happier than anyone else.

after all……

Kyoani Studio was the team that he decided to merge with, and their outstanding performance didn't prove that Mr. Gu's vision was indeed ruthless?

But then again.

Gu Miao was very dissatisfied that Kyoani Studio only considered the TV animation "Tamako Market" but not the theatrical version of "Tamako Love Story".

How could we miss this movie?

Without the addition of "Okja Love Story", simply "Okja Market" would not be so powerful in the market.

It is no exaggeration to say that Okja Love Story + Okja Market perfectly plays the role of 1+1\u003e2. This is a theatrical movie that will lead many viewers to go back to watch the TV version after watching it.

Others don't know.

Anyway, Gu Miao first watched "Tamako Love Story" and felt that the pure love between Panzo and Tamako was to her liking, so she watched the TV version of "Tamako Market".

There may not be many viewers like him who watch the theatrical version first and then the TV version, but there are some.

So from Gu Miao's perspective, he hopes that the production team of "Yu Zi Market" can produce the theatrical version of "Yu Zi Love Story" as soon as possible after completing the TV version.

But this brings another problem.

Is Kyoani Studio the illegitimate son of Mr. Gu? Why are you so nice to them? Just make something original when you first come up. Just make it original. The question is, will the first original animation be released in a theatrical version?

What will others think?

At the headquarters, Gu Miao's prestige may be able to suppress him, at least no one dares to complain openly.

But other people in the overseas branch may not think so.

Aren't "Dragon Ball" and "Tom and Jerry" excellent animation works? None of these works have been scheduled for theatrical release, so why did Kyoani confirm it so quickly?

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