My Animation Era

Chapter 1119 Specially invited review consultant

Jiangchuan, Strawberry Kindergarten.

This is not the first time for Gu Miao to come here, but every time she comes, she comes and goes in a hurry and has not carefully observed the situation of this kindergarten.

It coincides with parent-child activities, and the kindergarten invites parents of all children to visit and play parent-child games, so he has to take time to come here.

All I can say is that he is too busy.

Similar parent-child activities have been held several times before, but each time they were missed because they were too busy at work. Basically, Keke went to participate.

As Keke became pregnant, she was unable to participate in such parent-child activities, so the task naturally fell on Gu Miao.

"Yo? What a coincidence!"

Gu Miao did not expect that when she came to the kindergarten to participate in her son's parent-child activities, she would meet an old acquaintance, Lao Wang, the former director of Honghe Cartoon TV, who had just retired this year.

After Lao Wang was transferred to Beijing as director, he was unable to be promoted because of his age. He officially went through the retirement process in March this year and returned to Jiangchuan for retirement.

Coincidentally, his granddaughter also attends Strawberry Kindergarten and is Xiao Sensen's classmate.

This was the first time Gu Miao heard the news and couldn't help but sigh: "You also have a granddaughter. Why haven't I heard you mention it before?"

"Don't mention it..."

It seems that something happened. Lao Wang was not happy to talk about these things, and said vaguely: "Young people are not sensible. They get divorced when they say divorce, and there is no one to take care of the children."

"I thought that I would have nothing to do after retirement, so I might as well take over the children and take care of them."

It is quite common nowadays for grandparents to take care of their children.

Take the parent-child event held by Strawberry Kindergarten as an example. At least seven out of ten parents who came to participate in the event were elderly.

On the contrary, parents of the younger generation like Gu Miao are relatively rare.

"How are you after retirement?"

They are old friends after all. Gu Miao is very concerned about Lao Wang's retirement life and takes the initiative to ask him how he is doing recently and if he needs help.

Lao Wang told Gu Miao that he had a good life after retirement.

Because his position before retirement was decent, his retirement salary was higher than ordinary people imagined. With this generous retirement salary, there would be no problem whether he was traveling or playing cards and entertainment.

It’s just that the children are not quite up to par.

Lao Wang has a daughter and a son. After graduation, the eldest son went to Pengcheng to work on electronic products and opened a small factory.

In the past few years, when the business was still going well, life was indeed going well. However, in the past two years, because the digital world has become too busy, it has become increasingly difficult to run the factory business run by his son.

His daughter didn't let him worry either.

Originally, her son-in-law was a very honest person, but she was forced to file for divorce. After the divorce, she cried all day long, but she missed her husband who had always been submissive.

"Every family has its cupboard."

Gu Miao advised Lao Wang to be more open-minded. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. He is already his age, so he should not worry about his children's affairs and just live his own life.

Lao Wang is indeed quite old.

At this age, the most important thing is good health and a peaceful mind. The more things you worry about, the faster you will grow old in the end.

"It's easy to say, but how can you not worry about being a parent?"

Lao Wang shook his head, and then seemed to have thought of something. He couldn't help but frown and said, "By the way! Gu Sen is your son, right?"

"Yes what's the matter?"

"You have the nerve to ask what's wrong!"

Lao Wang was furious: "It's that brat of yours who plays tricks on my granddaughter in the kindergarten all day long, right?"

ah? Is there such a thing?

Gu Miao was shocked.

He knew that Xiao Sensen was very naughty. After all, he often received calls from the kindergarten teacher. He knew that this guy was dishonest in the kindergarten and was like a demon king.

But he really didn't expect that he would bully his classmates at such a young age!

What a bastard!

Upon hearing this, Gu Miao quickly called her son who was playing on the slide and asked him if this happened.

"I did not do it on purpose……"

Xiao Sensen said aggrievedly: "I just want to make friends with her, so I often talk to her. I don't bully anyone!"

Who taught you this?

Just make friends, why are you scaring a little girl into tears? Is this how you make friends?

In front of Lao Wang, Gu Miao felt a little embarrassed. Xiao Sensen, a brat, needed to be dealt with properly.

Beat him when you get back!

After Lao Wang called his granddaughter, Gu Miao gently patted her son's head and asked him to apologize to the little girl.

"Yes...I'm sorry!"

Although Xiao Sensen is a bit of a devil, his father is the plus version of the devil. Under the suppression of the big devil, the little devil can only bow his head and admit his mistake.

"I'll beat him up when I get back. Don't worry, Lao Wang, this kid is not bad in nature, he's just a little naughty..."

"Okay, why are you beating the child?"

Lao Wang waved his hand and said, "I just said it casually, do you take it seriously? My granddaughter is good at everything, she's just a little weak and shy, so she'll be fine."

Weak and shy?

Looking at the little girl hiding behind Lao Wang, holding on to his sleeve, Gu Miao quite agreed with this assessment.

This little girl seems to be very shy and shy probably because of her family background. No wonder she was scared to tears by Xiao Sensen. After all, her son's "Social Awesomeness" is not something that ordinary people can deal with.

It’s quite embarrassing to say.

In front of him, Xiao Sensen could only tremble and pretend to be pitiful.

As a result, as soon as he got out, he was a well-established Sheniu expert, and he didn't know who this brat learned from. He was so familiar with it that he could make a few sentences with everyone.

Couldn't it be Ma Kui?

Gu Miao, who once again blamed Ma Kui, found that Lao Wang's granddaughter was a little out of place in the kindergarten, so she told Xiao Sensen to take more care of this classmate.

He and Lao Wang have been friends for many years.

Lao Wang's granddaughter couldn't find a playmate in school because of her personality, so Xiao Sensen naturally had to shoulder the heavy responsibility and use She Niu's talents to change this little girl.

"Don't tell me, this is really a good idea!"

Lao Wang is happy to see this happen.

He also discovered that little Sensen is indeed a social cow. If his granddaughter interacts more with children like this, she might become more cheerful and talkative.


For children of this age, they will not ask too much.

It's a good thing to make friends, but it doesn't matter if you don't. It won't affect the friendship between parents or parents.

Parent-child activities are boring.

At least in Gu Miao's eyes, it was boring. It was nothing more than parents taking their children to play various small games to cultivate feelings according to the teacher's instructions and arrangements.

What's the use of this?

Does his relationship with Xiao Sensen still need to be cultivated? He gets angry when he sees his son, and his itchy hands can't help but want to beat him. This kind of feeling doesn't need to be cultivated anymore, right?

If he continued to train him, he was afraid that little Sensen would not be able to withstand the father's love as heavy as a mountain.

"Do you have time? Let's talk?"

After the parent-child activities in the kindergarten, Gu Miao took the initiative to invite Lao Wang and his granddaughter to his home for dinner and talk about Lao Wang.

Before Lao Wang retired, he was the leader responsible for the domestic animation industry.

Although I have retired, my connections and understanding are still there.

The most important thing is that he knows the domestic review standards for animation works and can clearly give review opinions.

This is very important to Wanbao Animation!

Therefore, Gu Miao wanted to hire him as a special reviewer of Wanbao Animation. You don’t need to do anything else, you just need to put forward some targeted modification suggestions before the new work comes out.

"Isn't this bad?"

Lao Wang enjoys his current retirement life and does not want to continue to worry about too many things.

But Gu Miao later said that he would open multiple animation IP licenses to Lao Wang's son's electronics factory to produce so-called co-branded products, and Lao Wang gave in.

Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings?


Even if you are old, who would refuse if you can help your children and grandchildren?

Besides, this matter is not difficult, and it does not violate the so-called disciplinary regulations.

He only serves as a special consultant to provide review opinions for Wanbao Animation's new works.

Gu Miao also said it.

For ordinary works, he would not bother Lao Wang, but some animations with special nature or special themes may require the help of Lao Wang, a professional.

Such as "Hell Girl 2"!

The opinions given by Lao Wang are not necessarily correct, but after all, he is a retired old man in the system, and his evaluation standards in this regard are basically consistent with the current standards.

In other words, if the animation he thinks can pass the review, it will probably pass. If he thinks the animation will not pass the review, then it will probably not pass.

After hiring Lao Wang as a special review consultant, Gu Miao also took a look at the "Three Thousand Questions of Naughty Blue Cat" project to him and asked whether this type of popular science animation could win certain subsidies.


Lao Wang made a judgment and said: "There are official subsidies and support policies for animations that popularize science knowledge. You just need to apply."

"But you Wanbao shouldn't lack this subsidy, right?"

Smaller animation companies can just cheat on subsidies by making animations. Why do big companies like Wanbao still focus on those subsidies?

"Mosquito legs are also meat."

Gu Miaole said cheerfully: "Besides, the number of episodes in the "Blue Cat Naughty Questions" series is quite large. Even if the subsidy is a little smaller, the total is not low."

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes!

In the current domestic animation industry, thanks to the leading effect of Wanbao, most companies do not attach much importance to subsidies and support.

But "Three Thousand Questions of Naughty Blue Cat" has a lot of episodes after all. If there is a subsidy, it would be quite good...

Just a quick mention.

As the glorious beginning of Wanbao Animation and the origin of everything, the "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf" series that initially received subsidies are still subsidized.

no way!

Who keeps this series going? If you don’t do it one day, the subsidy may stop being distributed!

In the blink of an eye, Lao Wang retired.

Thinking back to the scene when they first collaborated, Gu Miao still remembers clearly that Lao Wang's hair had not turned gray at that time.

But now it's half white.

Not only is Lao Wang's hair turning gray, Master Cao, who joined Wanbao in his early years and did not want a salary but only wanted to see domestic animation go global, has also turned gray.

"Almost ten years!"

Lao Zhang was a little curious, so he asked: "Next year it will be the tenth anniversary of Wanbao Animation. Should we hold an event to celebrate it?"

“Let’s talk about next year’s matters.”

Gu Miao shook her head and said immediately: "And next year, "Journey to the West 3D" should be almost ready. By then, this animation will be used as the tenth anniversary commemorative work."

We’re only halfway through this year.

It would be too anxious to think about next year now.

And to be honest, Gu Miao didn't have many special thoughts about the tenth anniversary of Wanbao Animation.

Although ten years have passed by in a flash and it feels like a long time has passed, in Gu Miao's view, not much has changed in the past few years.

After all, he is still the same.

Except for the age of about to turn four and the wolfberry in the thermos cup, everything else is the same as before. He doesn't feel that there is any difference between now and a few years ago.

If I must say it, my mentality has changed.

A few years ago, he was always worried about whether the new work would hit the market and whether the ratings would be sluggish. Worried about this and that, he always felt that Wanbao would not survive the second year.

But now he's not worried.

With Wanbao’s existing foundation and its team of producers such as Huang Kun, Hou Bin, and Guo Hongwei, the survival problem has been solved.

The next thing to consider is more about making some animations that you like, rather than making money for the sake of making money.

He has passed the stage of making money purely for the sake of making money, and he is still insisting on producing new works, mostly because of his love.

For example, "Three Thousand Questions of Naughty Blue Cat".

This series is profitable, but it is not as profitable as Dragon Riders. Gu Miao simply liked it, so she made this series.

He looks a lot like Dave now.

Dave from the North American branch has received too many achievements and honors, and now he takes all fame and fortune lightly. Making animation is all based on love and interest.

The new season of "Tom and Jerry" TV animation perfectly reflects this.

"The New Tom and Jerry" was launched shortly after the completion of the first season of Superman animation, and its main focus is to renew the schedule.

As the orthodox sequel to the world-famous IP "Tom and Jerry", the story of Tom and Jerry this season is simply unconstrained and imaginative.

Anything can be stuffed in it.

The key is that the audience who saw these elements did not find it problematic at all, but found it very interesting.

The original Tom and Jerry were more like animals than people.

But in the new season of Tom and Jerry, Dave gives Tom and Jerry human thoughts and gestures.

Tom played the piano, drove a car, and even skated and skied, every move just like a real person.

Same goes for Jerry.

Audiences who have an impression still remember that Jerry was a "greedy" mouse at the beginning, and most of the stories revolved around "stealing".

But now Jerry has got rid of his identity as a mouse and has become like a human being.

The fights or chases between him and Tom are no longer about stealing food or causing trouble, but are similar to "dramatic" conflicts...

In the past, Jerry was the culprit of naughty disturbances. If he did not steal food or cause trouble, Tom would not trouble him, let alone trigger a series of subsequent incidents.

But now, even if Jerry does nothing and sleeps in the cave, Tom will come to him and cause trouble, thus creating a series of interesting confrontations.

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