Chapter 633 They just kept kissing us

 Ruanruan quickly took out the ball and showed it to Mianmian: "Sister-in-law, do you think this is it?"

Mianmian smiled: "Yeah, that's it."

  Ruanruan:! !

 My sister-in-law will not lie! !

“There is... gold in this stone ball?” Ruanruan asked cautiously.

Mianmian nodded again and stretched out her hand: "Do you need Mianmian to help you get the gold out? Mianmian's skills are very good."

The audience in the live broadcast room said they wanted to untie it, so Ruanruan nodded: "Okay, untie it, my fans all want to see it."

Mianmian took out the tools and performed a live performance of peeling the stone.

The tool in her hand was a black dagger, and the skin on the outside of the stone was like an apple peel, falling to the ground bit by bit. After a while, the golden inside was revealed.

“It’s the whole one.” Mianmian smiled, “Did you make a wish to get rich? Look, it’s come true.”

 The gold nugget the size of a table tennis ball returned to Ruanruan's hands.

 Ruanruan is not feeling well, and the audience in the live broadcast room is not feeling well either.

Just now, some people said that Huang Baba was just a stone, too shabby, and not like the kind of spirit that has become a spirit and has many treasures.

Now, there is a lump of gold inside the broken stone! Gold, something that can be measured in grams, who wouldn’t want it among today’s young people? Who is not confused after reading this?

"I...I really didn't expect it to be gold." Ruanruan looked around for Huang Baba, "I got a lot of money from this piece of pure gold. How about I return it to him?"

"It doesn't matter." Mianmian stopped Ruanruan, "Mianmian said, the gifts can be prepared according to what they want, they can have them or not, and then Mianmian will give him other wages to make up for it. You don't have to worry."

After hearing what Mianmian said, Ruanruan was a little relieved and put the golden ball back into her bag: "Well, then I will continue to visit the zoo. Goodbye, little aunt."

Mianmian also waved goodbye to Ruanruan.

 Soon, the first day of opening passed, and it was time to close the park in the evening.

 The time has been announced in advance, but the tourists are reluctant to leave.

 When they gathered at the door, they were still communicating with each other: "Oh my god, the panda actually shared bamboo shoots with me."

“Hahaha, the gorilla broke open its fruit and gave half of it to me, but I refused...”

“You actually refused! The fruits the animals eat are so delicious. They are different from the ones I usually buy. I took a bite and they were so delicious that I couldn’t bear to give them up.”

"Really? Then I shouldn't refuse, ah, I regret it."

 While the tourists were discussing, they suddenly saw Mianmian.

Mianmian waved to everyone and smiled like a little leader: "If you have any suggestions after you go back, be sure to tell Mianmian. Mianmian Zoo will make corrections. If you collect all the seals, take a photo and post it to the official account. Someone will review it and send it to you. It’s a single link.”

 The zoo closed relatively early. After seeing off the tourists, Mianmian immediately rushed to the amusement park to check it out.

 The tourists all agreed that they would share their experience of today’s visit when they get back. If you have collected all the seals, take out your phone now and prepare to take a photo.

Mianmian felt relieved and took a car to the amusement park.

 The amusement facilities in the amusement park are still in operation, there are few tourists and the queue time is not long.

 At night, there will be fireworks in the amusement park.

 When Mianmian arrived, she immediately looked for Mrs. Su and Mr. Su.

Two old people said they wanted to help out today, so they also acted as NPCs in the amusement park. NPCs cannot always stay in one place and must move around so that visitors can feel like they are treasure hunting.

Mianmian was afraid that her nephew and niece-in-law would not be able to bear it due to poor health, so she prepared pills for them in advance to replenish their physical strength.

 “Nephew, are you okay?” The first person to find him was Mr. Su. Mianmian asked Mr. Su's health condition with concern. Mr. Su patted his chest: "It's very, very good. Is the zoo closed?"

Mianmian nodded: "Yes, it's closed."

Mr. Su said: "I'm sitting here waiting for tourists to check in. There are still a few tourists who haven't come to redeem their stamps."

 The old man is more rigorous in doing things. When he knows in advance how many tourists there will be today, he will count every tourist that comes.

Basically, he gave a thousand yuan in red envelopes to every young man who was willing to talk to him and make him happy, as a contribution to his sister-in-law's career.

Mianmian saw that Mr. Su was indeed in good condition, so he went to see Mrs. Su again.

Mrs. Su is surrounded by a group of young girls, all with smiles on their faces.

“Really? This brand of toner and lotion uses more solid ingredients? Okay, okay, remember, thank you, old lady, for your suggestion.”

“Ah, this factory belongs to the Su family? I remember it and will buy from this company in the future.”

“Oh oh oh, these clothes are actually made by a factory under the name of the Su family? I thought it was so cheap and not suitable for me... So the fabrics are all good?”

 The girl and Mrs. Su were talking about clothes and cosmetics.

Mrs. Su recommended some cosmetics and clothes from companies under the Su family’s name.

There are many companies under the name of the Su family. Not all of them are high-end, but some are cost-effective to benefit ordinary people. It's just that people generally don't trace the source factory when buying things, so they don't know that it is also an industry under the name of the Su family.

Seeing Mrs. Su chatting happily with the tourists, Mianmian glanced at her from a distance and did not go there.

 She went to see other friends.

 You won’t know if you don’t look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

 Zombie brother and sister, Meranti and the others have lipstick marks all over their faces.

Mianmian asked what was going on. The three little guys gathered together hesitated and said: "We wanted to give them gifts. Only the male tourists accepted the gifts. The female tourists said they didn't want them and just wanted to kiss them."

 “We agreed and they kept kissing us.”

There happened to be a young female tourist nearby who happened to be passing by. She covered her mouth and said sheepishly: "You are so cute. If you kiss and feel cute, we will be cute too."

As he spoke, the female tourist stared at Mianmian: "Can I give you a kiss, my aunt?"

Mianmian quickly covered her face: "No, no, Mianmian just put some fragrance on her face, she will faint if she kisses her."

The female tourist saw that Mianmian was not willing and did not force her. After taking a group photo, she left.

Seeing Mianmian's refusal, Meranti's tone was a bit unbelievable: "Didn't we agree that we should try our best to make the tourists happy today? How come you, as the boss, still refuse the tourists' request?"

Mianmian looked at Meranti with wide eyes: "I'm sorry, Mianmian should say that if the tourists' request makes you uncomfortable, then you have to refuse like Mianmian did."

Her eyes lingered on those terrible lipstick marks, thinking about what would happen if she was kissed, and she couldn't help but shudder.

“Mianmian will give you more wages! Thank you for your hard work!”

 Hearing the word "more wages", Meranti's expression improved.

As long as you have money, it doesn’t mean you can’t be kissed if you have money. He recently wanted to buy some study materials, but he was worried about having no money!

 (End of this chapter)

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