"Currently, the reserves of titanium crystals on board the Tianpeng Zongheng exceed 90,000 pieces...

The evolutionary bottom line of 150,000 pieces is getting closer and closer!"

Liu Zhi said with some excitement.

In this harvest, there are actually dozens of ship-based modules, all of which are stored in the secret warehouse of the Four-Star Chamber of Commerce.

But these highest-quality ship-based modules are only golden, and they are not suitable for today's As far as the Tianpeng Zongheng was concerned, it was really not worth mentioning. Wang Dong just glanced at it briefly and put it into the stowage compartment without hesitation.

Looking back, after returning to the territory, these Tianpeng Zongheng looked down upon. Modules, but for ordinary Fire warships, are high-quality ship-based modules, which will be put into the public treasury and used as territorial resources.

"Sir, this different space signal beacon seems interesting. Take a look."

Ma Da suddenly said.

Wang Dong followed the words and looked

【Level nine different space signal beacon: stores the space signal of a certain level nine different space civilization.

Valid until: October 10, 10118

Number of uses: This is a one-time use module and will be destroyed after overload.

Note: It has been identified that this different space signal comes from the home galaxy of a level nine different space civilization. This civilization is suspected to be a human civilization.】

"Suspected to be a signal beacon for the ninth-level human civilization in another space?

It's really interesting."

Wang Dong raised his eyebrows and said with interest.

He was indeed interested.

During the Tianpeng Zongheng's many trips to the battlefields in different spaces, he encountered human civilizations in different spaces quite a few times.

But if It is said that it is such a high-level civilization as the ninth-level civilization of the human race. In fact, I have never come into contact with it.

And this ninth-level alien space signal beacon collected by the Four-Star Chamber of Commerce, judging from its remarks, it points to the alien space battlefield. The human civilization in the world!

It just so happens that during this period of time, Wang Dong has been carrying out different space mining operations in the different space battlefield where the European Locust Civilization is located, and Wang Dong also feels a little tired of it.

This ninth-level different space signal beacon can be said to be worth it. Just in time!

March 10th.

Just a few days after the news spread that the headquarters of the Four-Star Chamber of Commerce was raided by unknown forces and the entire army was exhausted. The Tianpeng Zongheng's shipboard fire was completed.

Wang Dong resolutely activated the A ninth-level alien space signal beacon, the Tianpeng Zongheng, which was in a hidden state, quietly disappeared into this universe. The alien space battlefield, the Warhammer Federation, and the home galaxy Gaia.

What appeared to everyone on the Tianpeng Zongheng was A desolate galaxy.

A single star emits light and heat, feebly shining on the six planets in the galaxy.

Among them, four rocky planets have traces of large-scale development.

Unfortunately, they are all abandoned ruins after development.

The entire In the Gaia galaxy, there is only the third planet with life.

With the blessing of"Zheng's Compass", it only took a few seconds for the"Eye of the Abyss" to remove this planet without any energy shield. The detailed conditions inside the sheltered planet can be clearly scanned.

"Most of the resources on the entire planet have been mined.

The planet's surface environment has also suffered serious damage.

After a long period of natural repair, partial recovery was achieved.

Only a small amount of intelligent life survives on this planet.

This is an abandoned planet. Liu

Zhi said with some regret.

As he spoke, he adjusted several pictures to the middle of the command cabin.

They were all scenes of human beings who were very similar to Wang Dong and others, working on the planet.

"However, judging from the remaining intelligent life on this planet, it is indeed the human race."

Gao Luanqin has completed the preliminary identification conclusion.

"This galaxy looks abandoned."

Xu Zhenzhi pondered.

"No man-made equipment or space structures that meet the level of a ninth-level civilization were found."

"Don't worry, wait for further intelligence collection results to come out."

Wang Dong didn't care.

He didn't think that the level of the Four-Star Chamber of Commerce would be able to identify a different space signal beacon.

Lean a little, and the first battlefield briefing is generated.

"Different space civilization: Warhammer Federation, civilization history 127,930 years Civilization level: Level 9 civilization

Main energy sources: stellar energy, chemical energy

Scope of influence: 18,600 light years, 1,085 habitable planets

Group members: 2.18 trillion

Ship types Combat strength: 120-160 Wan

Language: Warhammer Language

Civilization System: Federalism."

The long-lost battlefield briefing made everyone confirm one thing first. This is indeed the territory of a ninth-level alien civilization Warhammer Federation!

"Your Excellency, the digital signal collection has been completed, and the Warhammer Federation text and language has been deciphered."

Liu Zhi reported the good news.

Wang Dong nodded slightly.

The ship-borne optical brain on the Tianpeng Zongheng has much higher computing power than the ship-borne optical brain on ordinary Tinder battleships.

This is mainly due to"Hundred The credit for the module"Le Sheng Hua Nao".

Although the planet under your feet seems to have a low level of civilization, it is not without civilization.

As long as there is civilization, there will be language and writing. Correspondingly, by deciphering these languages ​​​​and writing, They can obtain a lot of information.

Just like now.

By deciphering the language and characters of the Warhammer Federation and combining it with the information on the planet at their feet, Wang Dong and others quickly obtained information about the Warhammer Federation and the Gaia galaxy where they are located. First-hand information!

As the place where the Warhammer Federation civilization was first born, the Gaia galaxy was once a prosperous and beautiful habitable galaxy.

On the third planet of the Gaia galaxy, civilization sprouted and was born.

After thousands of years of melee , a unified civilization finally appeared on this planet, namely the Warhammer Federation!

But at this time, most of the resources on this planet have been consumed in endless melee.

Time is left for the rebirth of the Warhammer Federation. , not much more!

In order to make use of limited resources and break through the limitations of surface civilization, in the following hundreds of years, the Warhammer Federation had to adopt destructive mining strategies to plunder all the resources in the mother system! Exploitation has gradually depleted the originally rich resources of the Gaia galaxy and become increasingly scarce.

Fortunately, the Warhammer Federation finally succeeded in breaking through the shackles of civilization before the resources within the exploitable range were exhausted. The civilization on the planet's surface has entered the sequence of interstellar civilization!

In the next more than 100,000 years, the Warhammer Federation inherited the characteristics of human civilization and expanded its territory to the stars in all directions at a rapid speed.

And Gai The sub-system, the mother system where the Warhammer Federation first prospered, has exhausted its potential due to years of depletion. In the end, it was reduced to an administrative reserve and was in a semi-enclosed state, retaining only relatively rudimentary human activities and allowing it to recover on its own.

More than 100,000 years have passed.

The Gaia galaxy, the home galaxy of the Warhammer Federation, has almost become just a term in elementary textbooks, ignored by the vast majority of Warhammer Federation people.

And what the Tianpeng Zongheng arrived at was exactly This half-closed, half-abandoned Gaia galaxy!

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