Between them and the giant black dwarf where the mechanical master of the Spirit Wind Empire resides.

Thousands of mechanical ship islands have gathered, blocking their way!

The charge of the Warhammer Federation has failed!

Immediately, the backlash after failure of this do-or-die tactic came naturally.

The Warhammer Federation's giant battleship group was tightly surrounded by millions of Spirit Wind Empire battleships!

After losing momentum.

These giant battleships, like the cavalry that lost momentum and were surrounded by a large number of infantry in the cold weapon war on the planet's surface, were attacked from all directions.

At the same time, the always-maintained front arrow formation also revealed its flaws when it was forced to stop.

The front arrow formation lacks strategic depth and cannot provide ample operating space like the ball formation, allowing warships with severely damaged shields to return to the formation for repairs after suffering heavy shelling from the outside.

After the Lingfeng Empire forced the Warhammer Federation's giant battleship group to stop.

The latter was not given the slightest chance to change formation.

A large number of Lingfeng Empire battleships, relying on their own flexibility, forced their way into the giant battleship group of the Warhammer Federation.

Even most of them sank one after another after enduring the intensive crossfire from the Warhammer Federation's giant battleship group.

Can rely on the absolute advantage in numbers.

After some time passes.

The Warhammer Federation's giant battleship group is still filled with a large number of Lingfeng Empire battleships!

For now, don't talk about changing formations.

On the contrary, even the warships within the giant warship group of the Warhammer Federation have to withstand the crossfire from the Lingfeng Empire warships!

In just a few dozen minutes.

In front of everyone's eyes, no less than a hundred giant warships of the Warhammer Federation were sunk!

Most of these giant battleships are always located on the outside of the frontal formation.

It had already suffered a lot of shelling damage.

After the giant battleship group of the Warhammer Federation was forced to a halt, it was attacked by crossfire from a massive number of Lingfeng Empire battleships and mechanical ship islands.

The advanced energy shield he possessed was finally defeated!

Originally, even if the energy shield was defeated, these giant battleships were not without the ability to fight back.

With its thick armor, it is not impossible to wait for a while until the shield is restarted.

But unfortunately, the consequences of being surrounded are showing.

After the shield is defeated.

Facing enemies coming from all directions, these giant battleships are unable to protect the relatively fragile engine nozzles behind the hull!

Almost as soon as the shield collapsed, the Lingfeng Empire battleship seized its vital point and struck hard!

After the engine nozzles were destroyed, these giant battleships lost most of their power and could only be reduced to fixed turrets.

They couldn't hold on for long before they were sunk one by one.

And even worse.

Behind the giant battleship group of the Warhammer Federation.

There are also nearly 3,000 mechanical ship islands, advancing brazenly!

It looked as if it was going to completely surround and annihilate the giant battleship group of the Warhammer Federation!

"Good guy!

The Lingfeng Empire is a bit ruthless. They are obviously aiming to annihilate the Warhammer Federation!"

Shi Zunhou shouted

"That's right, Lingfeng Empire is ruthless to itself and even more ruthless to its enemies!

Even at the expense of a large number of members of civilization, the giant warships of the Warhammer Federation must be prevented from approaching their mechanical masters.

At the same time, we must also capture all the main forces of the Warhammer Federation in this battle!"

Xu Zhenzhi agreed.

"It seems that the determination of the Lingfeng Empire does not belong to the Warhammer Federation at all. Liu

Zhi sighed.

"Is the Warhammer Federation about to lose? Wang

Guannan asked nervously.

"not necessarily."

Wang shook his head.

"Because their commander has not asked us for help yet."

Everyone was stunned.

Indeed, from the beginning to the end, the Tianpeng Zongheng did not receive any communication from the commander of the Warhammer Federation!

Under the premise of somewhat understanding the combat capabilities of the Tianpeng Zongheng, the Warhammer Federation faced such a dilemma , still didn’t speak.

It couldn’t be a matter of face.

In the face of the survival of civilization, what does mere face mean?

Obviously, they still have a trump card to play!

And that trump card was pinched by the commander of the Warhammer Federation. Death.

On the battlefield, the disadvantage of the Warhammer Federation is becoming more and more obvious.

With a large number of Lingfeng Empire mechanical ship islands, the giant battleship group of the Warhammer Federation has been completely surrounded.

As well as millions of Lingfeng Empire battleships, Almost all of them were thrown into the encirclement and suppression of the giant battleship group of the Warhammer Federation. On the side of the Lingfeng Empire, the encirclement carefully set up was completely formed!

One after another, the giant battleships of the Warhammer Federation were sunk.

Watching, the Lingfeng Empire was about to To win the final victory in this battle

"Cast, star sinks!"

A command with the highest authority was issued from the flagship of the Warhammer Federation!


Among the few super giant battleships with a length of more than 200,000 meters located in the middle of the giant battleship group of the Warhammer Federation.

One of them opened the ejection chamber located above the ship.

Immediately afterwards, a dark black sphere with a radius of tens of thousands of meters was ejected.

After the ejection was completed, the super giant battleship immediately closed the hatch.


Liu Zhi quickly adjusted the virtual image of the"Eye of the Abyss", trying to see the true appearance of the sphere.

But before everyone on the Tianpeng Zongheng could see it clearly, he saw that the dark black sphere broke apart in an instant!

Next! In an instant.

Without the outer bounds of the dark black special material, a ray of light bloomed!

The speed of that ray of light blooming was difficult to describe in words.

The last time they blinked, everyone could still realize that the other parts of the sphere were hidden deep inside. The light inside began to bloom.

But wait until the next time you blink.

The range of that light has already included the Tianpeng Zongheng!

Even through the automatic filtering of the command module portholes, everyone can only see the vast white. one slice!

"Abnormally high-energy reaction!

Electromagnetic radiation levels are rising rapidly!

The intensity of gamma rays exceeds the warning value!

Sir, this is similar to a supernova explosion!"

Liu Zhi's spirit is highly concentrated.

He is equivalent to the eyes of Tianpeng Zongheng. The more moments like this, the more he needs to stay awake.

Liu Zhi has not been affected by the white outside environment at all.

Through the"Eye of the Abyss""The most accurate results were quickly observed and reported to Wang Donghui. With

Liu Zhi's adjustment, the virtual imaging picture presented in the command module of Tianpeng Zongheng was converted into a more intuitive mode.

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