According to common sense, no rational royal family would allow a monopoly like the Li Chamber of Commerce to appear under its rule.

This has nothing to do with morality and legality.

Only linked to the instinct of the ruling class

"The reason is simple.

Because the Lee Chamber of Commerce owns a Death Starship."

Xu Zhenzhi said calmly.

There was no emphatic sentence.

But it was as if thunder sounded in everyone's ears!

"Death Starship?

Sorry to bother you, I shouldn't doubt the monopoly qualifications of the Li Chamber of Commerce."

Shi Zunhou screamed strangely

"How could it be the Mahan Kingdom and not the Li Kingdom?

No, I mean, why didn't the Lee Chamber of Commerce, which owns a Death Starship, replace it with the Mahan Kingdom?"

Wu Baiyi was a little incoherent.

"What does a Death Starship actually look like?

More than most Star Destroyers? Liu

Zhi asked very simply.

The others couldn't restrain their curiosity and kept asking questions around the key point of"Death Starship".

Xu Zhenzhi didn't know where to start from the answer.

In the end, it was still the same.Dong Dong spoke up in time and regained order.

Suddenly, he was also curious.

After all, there is no Fire Battleship like the Death Starship in the Changpan River System, which is one level higher than the Star Destroyer.

"I haven't seen a Death Starship in person either.

Not to mention the Zhongli River System, even within the Tiantang Empire, the Death Starship is an existence that ordinary citizens will never come into contact with in their lifetime.

Every Death Star ship is an important asset to the entire Fire human civilization.

At the same time, every Death Star ship often bears the burden of the entire civilization!

You don’t think that the Death Starship owned by the Lee Chamber of Commerce will really get involved in the internal competition with the Mahan Kingdom, right?

In fact, for thousands of years, it is unknown whether the Death Star ship will return to the Mahan Kingdom or even the Zhongli River System!

Also, the Mahan Kingdom is also a large kingdom listed in the Fire Human Civilization Alliance. How can it be so easily robbed?"

Xu Zhenzhi shook his head and smiled bitterly.

Everyone understood immediately.

Indeed, it is too low for an existence like the Death Starship to end up personally and intervene in the competition within a mere river system.

Besides, like a horse A country of the size of the Korean Kingdom is registered with the Fire Human Civilization Alliance.

Even if the Lee Chamber of Commerce has a Death Starship to rely on, it is impossible to ignore the relevant conventions established by the Fire Human Civilization Alliance and openly subvert the Kingdom of Korea. domination.

After all, the Death Star is not the highest-level Fire battleship.

"I really want to see the power of the Death Starship...

The Star Destroyer is so incompetent. Shi

Zunhou muttered, causing everyone to revise.

Indeed, the current Tianpeng Zongheng can really be regarded as a master in the Star Destroyer class.

In this universe, there have been many battles with Star Destroyers. During the conflict.

The Tianpeng Zongheng's main star-destroying cannon, the"Four-Elephant Crystal" controlled by Shi Zunhou, almost never worked at full power!

There is also a red-quality top energy shield"Black Hole Ranger" to protect it. , with the blessing of multiple ship characteristics, nearly 30 million points of shield durability, and ultra-fast recovery and restart speeds.

Even when facing the Death Star, it has up to 30% of all attributes to suppress the negative aura..

Everyone also sincerely felt that Tianpeng Zongheng was not without the power to fight!

What Shi Zunhou just said was not the thought that occasionally flashed in everyone's mind?

"What are you going to do to provoke the Death Starship when you have nothing to do, just eat enough to hold on?"

Wu Baiyi snorted and said lazily.

"The general meeting of the Interstellar Mercenary Association in the Zhongli River System should have arrived, right?"

"It's in this galaxy."

Liu Zhi responded.

The topic was changed, and everyone stopped discussing who was stronger or weaker between the Tianpeng Zongheng and the Death Starship. There are tens of millions of fire warships with thousands of abilities and module combinations.

Many times, there is no There was no meaning until the actual battle.

Wang Dong didn't think much about it.

According to his policy, cross-level challenges are really unnecessary.

Isn't it good to crush the same level?

Why bother so hard.

In the middle of the joke, Tianpeng Zonghenghao Unconsciously, we have arrived at our destination, the Hanging Clock Galaxy.

This is a seemingly inconspicuous ordinary galaxy, with a single star system and eight planets.

The Interstellar Mercenary Association's headquarters in the Zhongli River System is located on the only habitable planet in it. Go up.

The Tianpeng Zongheng had already escaped from hiding in advance.

They say that when one is in the country, do as the Romans do, so this time, Wang Dong’s vest for the Tianpeng Zongheng was the"Monster of the Bell Tower". Both

Zhongli Hexi and Zhong Lihe also carried a"bell" Words, hope everything goes well and no accidents happen

"By the way, why is this galaxy called the Hanging Clock Galaxy? Is there anything about it that looks like a hanging bell?"

Wang Guannan joked.

Xu Zhenzhi really couldn't answer this question.

He didn't stay in the Mahan Kingdom for long before leaving in his early years.

Except for some common sense, he was not familiar with everything in the Mahan Kingdom at all.

What's more, it's a matter of naming galaxies. In any galaxy, there are countless ordinary galaxies like the hanging clock galaxy.

"That's not the case, but when it was first developed, a Star Destroyer, the Bell, was sunk in this galaxy.

Later, in memory of this Star Destroyer, this galaxy was named the Hanging Clock Galaxy."

Ma Da took the rare time to answer.

After entering the Mahan Kingdom, he was probably the busiest person among the people. It was different from everyone leisurely discussing the Mahan Kingdom.

As an intelligence officer, Ma Da, every time he arrived at a In the new star field, the most important task is to collect as much intelligence as possible - the importance of intelligence is self-evident.

Regarding the origin of the name of the Hanging Clock Galaxy, it is obviously one of the messages that Ma Da just collected.

"It turned out to be to commemorate the martyrs who died."

After Wang Guannan heard this, his eyes looked different when he looked out the window.

The same was true for everyone.

Interstellar development has never been a simple matter.

To open up one piece of wild galaxy after another into human settlements, It is often accompanied by blood and sacrifice.

The initial development of the Hanging Clock Galaxy was so tragic that a Star Destroyer was lost.

Obviously, it is definitely not as simple as it seems.

Interstellar Mercenary Association Setting up the Zhongli River System's headquarters here must have its purpose.

The process of entering the Interstellar Mercenary Association in the Hanging Clock Galaxy is not that simple.

The Tianpeng Zongheng itself receives the wide-area communication channel in the outer airspace of the Hanging Clock Galaxy. , the relevant precautions for repeated playback.

Not to mention Star Destroyers, even battleships of the tonnage of battleships are prohibited from entering the interior of the Hanging Clock Galaxy at will.

All foreign warships can only be parked in the many buildings set up on the periphery of the Hanging Clock Galaxy. At the airport.

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