"I understand, this probably means being in a nest.

There's the influence of that Death Starship.

The Li Chamber of Commerce can move sideways within the Zhongli River System! Liu

Zhi nodded and said

"It seems that the Zhongli River System is regarded as the territory of the Death Starship.

If the Li Chamber of Commerce doesn't go too far, it can be unscrupulous here."

Wu Baiyi analyzed it more thoroughly.

"But these little brats are a little too arrogant!

He even wanted to board the ship for inspection! dream!"

Although I understand the reason.

However, being treated like this by the two battleship formations belonging to the Li Chamber of Commerce.

Everyone on the Tianpeng Zongheng couldn't help but feel raging anger!

Shi Zunhou took the lead and cursed

"Ordinary foreign Star Destroyers, or local Star Destroyers from the Kingdom of Mahan, may have to bow their heads a little because people are under low eaves.

But Tianpeng Zongheng is no ordinary Star Destroyer!"

Liu Zhi's eyes were shining brightly.

"With a vest on... hehe!"

Wu Baiyi sneered repeatedly.

"These people are so disgusting!"

Even the good-tempered Wang Guannan was angry. Wang Dong naturally would not remain indifferent.

"Close the shields and let them come up. Wang

Dong said coldly.

This is certainly not a compromise.

"Just in time, don't we want to get the whereabouts of the White Horse Roaring West Wind from the Li Chamber of Commerce?

Didn't this come to your door?"

Everyone laughed - sneered!

Shortly after the two battleship formations belonging to the Li Chamber of Commerce issued a warning.

The Tianpeng Zongheng followed the instructions and proactively closed the energy shield and opened a hatch, as if prepared. Cooperating with the boarding inspection.

In the eyes of the two battleship formations belonging to the Lee Chamber of Commerce and many starships in the nearby airspace, this undoubtedly means that another Star Destroyer is photographed by the Lee Chamber of Commerce. He did not choose to surrender.

This obviously made the commanders of the two battleship formations affiliated to the Lee Chamber of Commerce very satisfied.

He just liked the pleasure of suppressing the Star Destroyers with battleships!

"So what if you're a Star Destroyer?

Don’t you have to put down your high airs in front of my battleship?

I, Mr. Li, am so awesome!"

The proud commander immediately commanded the ship to dock with the Tianpeng Zongheng.

He brought a large number of people with him and entered the cabin along the hatch that the opponent opened on his own initiative.

The internal volume of a Star Destroyer It's so big that there's not much to be found without the number of people.

Then, the hatch behind them was closed.

The next moment, a large number of stormtroopers wearing exoskeleton armor poured out from each cabin and boarded the ship. This group of people was so tightly surrounded that they didn’t look like they were welcoming us!

"You...you, what do you want to do?

I represent the Li Chamber of Commerce!

Do you know what the consequences will be if you offend the Li Chamber of Commerce in the Mahan Kingdom?

Before the commander could explain in detail what the consequences would be, he was hit on the head by a tall man wearing a light golden"Dawn" exoskeleton armor and knocked unconscious with the side of a round ax!

The men he brought, Then a large number of stormtroopers were also swarmed forward, and they were all knocked down in an instant!

"They were all taken away, held separately, and interrogated."

After knocking the commander unconscious, Lieba ordered


A group of stormtroopers responded to the order.

After finishing here.

Over there, Wu Baiyi gently pushed the eight-way rudder

"The surging power of the"Death Shadow Dark Matter Reactor" is converted into acceleration through the power system on the Tianpeng Zongheng and the engine nozzles installed at multiple positions on the ship's hull. It drives the huge hull of the Tianpeng Zongheng to accelerate in a short period of time. , and gained a considerable speed! I was caught off guard.

Several cruisers and a battleship belonging to the Li Chamber of Commerce that were blocking the Tianpeng Zongheng were hit!

In space, this kind of collision is very difficult for the weak. For one party, it was undoubtedly fatal!

As we saw, where the Tianpeng Zongheng's huge and solid bow pointed, violent collisions occurred one after another.

One after another, the cruisers belonging to the Li Chamber of Commerce were knocked to pieces!

Looking at the Tianpeng Zongheng again, he didn't care at all about the damage to the armor on the bow of the ship that was pitted due to this impact.

Because of the Tianpeng Zongheng's self-healing ability, such minor injuries did not even need to be used. Any means will be able to heal itself soon!

Wu Baiyi continued to increase the engine output.

The Tianpeng Zongheng quickly hit the last battleship blocking its front!

It was a battleship belonging to the Li Chamber of Commerce.

A few days ago This battleship has already seen the fate of their comrades.

They have already begun to try to avoid it.

However, the Tianpeng Zongheng's surging power and outstanding acceleration performance are not what ordinary fire battleships can possess.

In addition , , Wu Baiyi turned the rudder slightly.

The Tianpeng Zongheng changed direction slightly, making the evasive actions of the battleship seem so useless!


The most violent collision occurred between the bow of the Tianpeng Zongheng and the middle of the hull of the battleship belonging to the Li Chamber of Commerce!

In just over ten seconds, the final result of the collision was revealed.

The Li Chamber of Commerce 's battleship The battleship it belonged to was broken in half, and a large amount of debris was thrown into the vacuum background.

The Tianpeng Zongheng, whose speed did not slow down at all, restarted its pale golden shield, and sailed straight and long at an increasingly faster speed. Go!

Only the azure light in the nozzles of the multiple engines is left!

And the unusual embarrassment behind them, and because the commander was captured, they were in a hurry and didn't know what to do. Two battleship formations belonging to the Lee Chamber of Commerce!

And, There was a lot of discussion from people in the surrounding airspace.

"What a tough guy!

Where did this dragon cross the river come from?"

"Not afraid of Li's Chamber of Commerce, I'm afraid he has some abilities"

"The Li Chamber of Commerce has something good to watch now!"

"Hahaha, so enjoyable, so enjoyable!"


The news that the Li Chamber of Commerce had been beaten quickly spread outward from the Xuanzhong Galaxy to the entire Mahan Kingdom and even the Zhongli River System!

This is not because Tianpeng Zongheng has"protagonist qualities", but because the Li Chamber of Commerce is too famous as the"number one" in the Zhongli River system.

After leaving the Hanging Clock Galaxy, Tianpeng Zongheng was not in a hurry to escape into hiding. the reason is simple.

Because the captured commander of the battleship formation belonging to the Lee Chamber of Commerce did not have a high enough status.

During the interrogation, Lieba was unable to obtain from him information about the movements of the White Horse Roaring West Wind that the Li Chamber of Commerce had.

The first time I tried"fishing", I failed.

No one was discouraged.

Isn't it just that the"fish" I caught for the first time was too small? It doesn't matter, just try it again!

So, after a brief discussion.

After leaving the Hanging Clock Galaxy, the Tianpeng Zongheng sailed directly to the nearest border of the Kingdom of Mahan.

He looks like he's"running away when he gets into trouble"!

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