Therefore, the Wudie Civilization side had to show its trump card first before the B-110 extraterritorial battlefield side.

Those 60,000 ships have always been well preserved. Whenever there is any disturbance, the pseudo-six-winged warships hide behind the armed battle stars, contrary to their previous cautious behavior.

They quickly gathered under the order of the commander of Wudie Civilization.

And brazenly, he took the initiative to charge towards the Star Destroyer group on the B-110 extraterritorial battlefield!

"Have some courage!"

On the Tianpeng Zongheng, Shi Zunhou raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"It allows the Wudie Civilization warships that are good at maneuverability to give up their biggest advantage and take the initiative to launch a charge in groups.

If you don’t have some courage, it really won’t work.

However, the characteristics of the Wudie Civilization can be seen to some extent from the hundreds of thousands of four-winged Wudie Civilization battleships that knew they were going to die but still did not hesitate to fight to the death.

They really don't seem to be afraid of death."

Wu Baiyi said happily

"I don't believe that there are so many intelligent creatures in this universe that are not afraid of death.

There must be something fishy in this!"

Gao Luanqin frowned his beautiful eyebrows and said firmly.

"Wudie Civilization shows that it is not afraid of death. I don’t know if there is anything strange in this.

However, there must be something fishy about their charge!"

Liu Zhi's tone was more determined than Gao Luanqin!

"You see, the only ones launching the charge are those 60,000 pseudo-six-winged warships!

The remaining more than 10,000 true six-winged Mist Butterfly civilization battleships are still scattered in every corner of the wormhole defense line and do not act together!"

Everyone looked as they were told, and it was indeed the case.

Those who launched the charge were all pseudo-six-winged fog butterfly civilization battleships shrouded in a milky white halo.

"No matter if there is something fishy about him.

If you dare to come and die, you can be killed!"

Shi Zunhou showed his cold white teeth and said fiercely.

B-The No. 110 Extraterritorial Battlefield Command obviously thinks so too.

Soon, the Tianpeng Zongheng received a new order from the command center - to change the target of the fire to the 60,000 pseudo-six-winged fog butterfly civilization warships that were launching an assault!

There is not much suspense in the next stage of the battle.

Although those pseudo-six-winged fog butterfly civilization warships already have the combat power level of the strongest in the ninth-level civilization.

Can face two thousand Star Destroyers at full strength.

Their formation still seems a bit thin!

Just in the process of forming a charge.

In order to get close to the formation of a Star Destroyer group on the B-110 extraterritorial battlefield.

These 60,000 pseudo-six-winged fog butterfly civilization warships were blocked by a group of Star Destroyers on the B-110 extraterritorial battlefield. On the way to this charge, more than 10,000 ships were lost! at the same time.

When the remaining nearly 50,000 pseudo-six-winged fog butterfly civilization warships are about to rush into the formation of a Star Destroyer group on the B-110 extraterritorial battlefield.

Following the instructions of the B-110 Extraterritorial Battlefield Command.

Two thousand Star Destroyers, with the Star Gate as the center, adopted a highly contracted formation in response!

Shrink the large hollow ball array that was originally slightly loose, but more conducive to the use of naval gun firepower, into a tight semi-solid ball array!

This change in formation completely ruined the plan of those pseudo-six-winged fog butterfly civilization warships to overwhelm the formation of the Star Destroyer group on the B-110 extraterritorial battlefield!

Although it was tightly surrounded by nearly 50,000 pseudo-six-winged fog butterfly civilization warships.

However, the semi-solid ball formation composed of a group of Star Destroyers on the B-110 extraterritorial battlefield still maintained a neat formation and poured out a large amount of firepower non-stop!

In this almost face-to-face"fire exchange" method, one after another, the pseudo-six-winged fog butterfly civilization warships were destroyed and sunk by the bombardment with extremely high hit rate!

On the other hand, B-110 is a Star Destroyer on the extraterritorial battlefield.

Although they were also subjected to close-range artillery fire, with the blessing of a series of powerful buffs, they were much more durable than the Pseudo-Six-winged Mist Butterfly Civilized Battleship!

So there is ample adjustment time and error tolerance.

It is often possible to escape into the semi-solid ball array in advance to rest before the toughness layer of the armor collapses.

That's right, it was before the armor's toughness layer collapsed, not before the energy shield collapsed.

This kind of charge launched by the pseudo-six-winged fog butterfly civilization fleet did put a lot of pressure on the Star Destroyer on the B-110 extraterritorial battlefield.

This caused the rotation standard to drop from the previous energy shield to the level of the armor toughness layer, which was about to collapse.

But it is also this kind of contraction in the formation and the adjustment of the injury limit.

This makes the Star Destroyer group on one side of the B-110 extraterritorial battlefield even under siege by nearly 50,000 pseudo-six-winged fog butterfly civilization battleships that are dozens of times larger than our own and possess strong level nine civilization combat capabilities.

Still standing!

In fact, the loss is not much!

Several hours passed.

Along with the Star Destroyer group on the B-110 extraterritorial battlefield, they withstood the fiercest first wave of impact when those pseudo-six-winged fog butterfly civilization warships charged.

The situation after that naturally became more and more inclined to the B-110 extraterritorial battlefield!

The spherical array continues to harvest the Wudie Civilization warships.

And those pseudo-six-winged fog butterfly civilization warships gave full play to their spirit of fighting to the death.

Until the last ship was sunk outside the spherical formation of the Star Destroyer group on the B-110 extraterritorial battlefield.

Not a single deserter appeared!

The 60,000 pseudo-six-winged warships of Wudie Civilization are completely exhausted!

On the B-110 extraterritorial battlefield, less than five Star Destroyers were sunk!

Moreover, the crew members of those Star Destroyers that were unfortunately sunk were quickly rescued by surrounding friendly ships.

"Do you think this scene seems familiar?"

Before the Star Destroyer captains on the B-110 extraterritorial battlefield could breathe a sigh of relief.

In the internal communication channel, a Star Destroyer captain suddenly issued a soul torture.

This made many captains feel"thumping" in their hearts."A sound.

The next moment.

Just after the last pseudo-six-winged fog butterfly civilization warship was sunk


A familiar wave of thoughts swept through the battlefield again!

Many Star Destroyer captains have realized something.

The expressions on many people's faces have changed!

See you.

Sixty thousand bright milky white The halo rose from the wreckage of the 60,000 pseudo-six-winged Mist Butterfly civilization warships! It quickly gathered into six milky-white light groups!

This time, the milky-white light group was far more powerful than the previous one, which passed through the 100,000 four-winged warships. The light group formed by the hazy milky white halo separated from the wreckage of the Mist Butterfly Civilization warship is larger and more dazzling! The diameter of a single milky white light group is more than 10,000 meters!

The brightness is also significantly higher by at least Two levels!

"Good guy!

This kind of 'sacrifice flow' can actually be superimposed repeatedly? Shi

Zunhou was stunned at first.

Then he said triumphantly:"How about it? My intuition about men is very accurate."

Let me just say that there must be something fishy about what Wudie Civilization just did!"

Everyone on the Tianpeng Zongheng rolled their eyes.

This is obviously a blind cat encountering a dead mouse, okay?

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