The two were not surprised by Wang Dong's effort.

The rise of illegitimate children is one of the topical labels on Wang Dong.

Wang Dong was also very frank.

He bluntly pulled his legs and said that he would do his best to catch up-the ranking of theoretical results is also calculated by a small team of three people.

One month after the start of school.

Ye Hao, who was brilliant on the first day.

Eight of his required theoretical courses have passed the examination!

More than An Yu.

There are more than [-] people who have passed the assessment of five or more theoretical compulsory courses.

Wang Changnian was also among them.

Even Lin Feng passed the four gates.

And Wang Dong...

I didn't pass any one, and I'm still studying hard.

Wang Dong dared to swear that in all his lifetimes, he had never studied so hard.

During this time, he really did not hear anything outside the window, and only read only the books of sages.

Fortunately, hard work will not be in vain after all.

Two months later, Wang Dong finally passed the assessment of the first compulsory theoretical course!

It's The Battleship Chronicles.

"¨.Tinder warships, from the moment they were born, were born to fight.

No matter what kind of collocation and modification is adopted, and in which field it is used, don't forget this. "

- "The Chronicles of the Tinder Warships".

"Tinder battleship, its significance lies in the harvesting of the source point.

Tinder warships without source point harvesting capabilities can only be called warships, and should not be prefixed with Tinder. "

- "The Chronicles of the Tinder Warships".

Next, is "Battleship Command"!

"The command of the Tinder warship is both an individual issue and a group issue, but in the final analysis, it is still a group issue.

In an ideal situation, the captain's personal ability is never the criterion for determining the upper and lower limits of a Tinder warship's combat power. "

- "Battleship Command".

"You must understand that the Tinder battleship is not a toy that the captain can play well alone. All its frames are designed for a complete team."

- "Battleship Command".

Then, "Organizational Management"!

"A qualified Tinder warship captain needs to do more than just give orders and browse the Tinder network every day."

- "Organizational Management".


After all, it is only theoretical study, not scientific research, or mastering some jerky "mantras".

As a matter of course, Wang Dong passed the assessment of the remaining ten required theoretical courses in the next month.

And finally, before the three-month evaluation period arrives, the minimum standards will be met!

Passing all the required theoretical courses is the minimum standard.

If you don't reach it, drop out! .

Chapter 474

As for extra points, it depends on how many elective courses you pass.

10086 in the dormitory.

An Yu took the lead and passed the assessment of [-] elective courses.

Sun Jie passed the assessment of eleven elective courses.

To the surprise of the two.

Wang Dong, who did his best in the required courses, passed all the assessments before the deadline.

He actually passed the examination of fifteen elective courses!

This is not because Wang Dong cheated in some way.

But it really comes from his accumulation.

Both the previous life and this life.

He is still in contact with a lot of things.

As long as you find the right elective courses, this accumulation can be converted into grades in a short period of time.

For example, "Introduction to Tactical Analysis", "Heterospace Science", "History of the Old Home Planet", "Artillery Technology" and the like.

"According to big data analysis, we can divide the survival forms of low-level alien space civilizations into the following three types: aquatic, terrestrial, and aerial.

Among them, aquatic habitats include two types of shallow water and deep sea; terrestrial habitats include three types of surface, shallow crust, and deep crust; air habitats include two types in the atmosphere and outside the atmosphere.

In addition, there are a few civilizations in extreme ecological environments, such as the magma civilization in the mantle layer.

According to different forms of civilization, different strategies and tactics must be formulated. "

- "Introduction to Tactical Analysis".

"The name of different space is actually relative to the universe in which we live.

Its essence is also a universe.

In related fields, there is a theory that is recognized by most people, that is, the theory of tinder source connection. "

- "Heterospace Science".

"Each gun has its soul and unique frequency.

Once mastered, the effect it can play is unimaginable for ordinary people. "

- "Artillery Technology".

Thanks to these accumulations, Wang Dong was not only at the bottom of the trio in the dormitory.

Even the grades in the class can be considered above average!

Really surprised a group of people.

At the beginning of the school year, the amazing momentum that Wang Dong actively stimulated indeed showed enough strength.

And, after all, this time is just theoretical study.

In the face of Wang Dong's obvious shortcomings before, no one came up to provoke or ridicule.

After all, the theory is not that important to these students in the class.

Moreover, in this first teaching stage, Wang Dong has always been reclusive.

There are not many opportunities to meet other students.

In the end, Wang Dong's three-person team won the twenty-fifth place in the first assessment.

A total of 213 students were divided into 71 three-person teams.

The twenty-fifth place is not bad.

But it's far from good.

The first assessment was 147, and all teams passed.

No one was eliminated.

Probably for the vast majority of students, the first three months of theoretical study time.

The more important role is the process of deepening communication and understanding among team members.

It is also an opportunity to network with other students in the class.

But for Wang Dong.

These three months are a precious opportunity for him to make up for his own shortcomings.

Get in touch with these, carefully compiled formal theoretical courses within the Royal Academy of the Sky Survey.

After three months of hard work and dedication, Wang Dong is no longer the "wild" captain he used to be.

At least, in terms of theory, he has already qualified.

It was here that he truly entered the gate of the field of tinder warships.

Speaking of which, these three months have been a real "retreat".

Not only did Wang Dong not even see Lin Xiaogui once.

He didn't even take a step on the You Peng.

There is no way, the full military management of the first teaching stage is like this, and the action is involuntary.

But Wang Dong still felt it was worth it.

Even at the expense of three months of development.

After getting along for three months, the three people in the 10086 dormitory have become familiar with a lot.

The trumpet beauty An Yu has an outgoing and generous personality, full of sense of proportion in her behavior and strong ability.

One word - the elite among the nobility, well-deserved.

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