The Marquis of Blackrock allows Reg to redeem himself through this reward.

After weighing, Reg agreed to the request.

No matter how weak material desire 1.3 is, if he can get freedom through such an acceptable method, he can return to Lin Changping and continue to work for him.

Reg found it acceptable.

After dealing with the main ones.

The rest of the prisoners were much simpler.

Just follow the normal procedure.

The disposal of the disposal, the admission of the admission.

Wang Dong quickly dealt with this mess.

A few days after Lin Changjiu was released.

9 month 20 day.

The representative of Prince Lin Rongxiang finally arrived at the Marquis of Blackstone.

Also a prince.

Grand Duke Lin Fan'an, a member of the Council of Elders of the Royal Family.

Compared with the Grand Duke Lin Fanluo who visited him last time, his status and prestige are not much lower.

What he brought was a business agreement.

According to the above.

Many business groups and caravans under the control of the Prince's camp will launch a series of economic and trade cooperation with the Marquis of Blackrock.

It mainly includes the sales and transportation of various products in the North Star Region.

It also supplies many other goods to the Northland.

Looks like a monopoly.

Actually, according to the terms of the agreement.

The Marquis of Blackrock can be allocated a higher benefit.

In addition, the prince's camp can also provide him with many controlled commodities that are prohibited from circulation on the market!

Obviously, this business agreement is mainly conveying a kind of goodwill from the prince's camp.

As long as the Marquis of Blackrock has signed this agreement with it.

A relatively stable interest relationship has been formed between the two parties.

"Sign, why not sign!

We don't have to stand on the king's side and fight to the death with the prince's camp.

If you do that, there will be no suspense. "

The old general laughed.

"Yes, a three-legged confrontation is the best situation for us.

The balance of this situation is beneficial to our development. "

Zhong Shiji cautiously expressed his opinion.

This is not the first time he has attended the core discussion meeting of the Marquis of Blackrock.

It was his first speech.

The marquis watched Wang move.

Wang Dong nodded indifferently.

"Okay, then sign it!"

The Marquis finally made the call. .

Chapter 536

9 month 25 day.

After a few days, after discussing and perfecting some details.

The Marquis of Blackrock signed that trade agreement.

The situation in the North has finally completely stabilized.

The Marquis of Blackstone, this dark horse force, has officially entered the highest stage of the Bauhinia Kingdom.

As an important chess player, join the chess game.

In this star field, the eyes of many forces have focused on its location.

same day.

The onboard fire of the You Peng has completed the buffering.

since this time.

Wang Dong did not miss every battle/field in different space.

It's just that not every time a different space battle / field can have a major gain.

The first few times, even with the "4x source point acquisition" of the auxiliary system.

It is only the harvest of a few thousand source points.

He sincerely hoped that he would have good luck in this different space battle/field.

Following Wang Dongyi's order, the You Peng entered the other space battle/field again!

"What a nice view!"

Gao Luanqin sighed.

"It's really beautiful."

Wang Dong couldn't help but praise.

After entering the different space battle/field.

You Peng appeared in a nebula!

This is clearly a nebula, still in its pristine state.

A large amount of gas and matter has not yet gradually condensed into stars and planets.

But in this nebula, life has already appeared!

Not that kind of microbial primitive life/life.

It is a cosmic plant that is so huge that it seems to occupy the entire nebula!

"Different Space Civilization: Dark Spirit Flower, History of Civilization 931579

Civilization Level: Level [-] Plant Civilization

Main energy: biological energy, dark matter energy

Sphere of influence: 0.5 light-years, 0 habitable planets, 1 population

Ship combat power: none

Language: none

Civilization System: None"

The size of the dark spirit flower can be called the largest existence that Wang Dong and others have encountered in their lifetimes!

This nebula has a range of about 2 light-years.

And this dark spirit flower, alone, occupies the center of this nebula!

It has a lavender main bud with a diameter of up to [-] kilometers.

Countless vines are derived from the main body buds, stretching out into the airspace in all directions.

These vines vary in length.

But without exception, at their ends, there are small buds!

These small flower buds range in diameter from several kilometers to tens of kilometers.

Each trumpet bud occupies a piece of airspace.

From the trumpet buds, continue to protrude thinner vines.

The ends of these vines are various suckers.

In the nebula, abundant matter was captured by these 21 suction cups and sent to the trumpet bud.

After/preliminary digestion and absorption, it is transferred to the main flower bud through the vine.


It is the rich material resources in this nebula that have cultivated this dark spirit flower to the level it is today!

The body surface of the ghost flower.

Either buds or vines.

From time to time, a crystal/transparent streamer flashed.

These streamers of each color sometimes come and go, and sometimes they burst out collectively.

In the universe, it is extraordinarily gorgeous and touching.

Everyone on the You Peng was shocked when they saw it for the first time.

Leaning slightly, the analysis report was drawn when everyone let go/open their hearts and appreciate the beauty.

"Spiritual flower blooming in the dark

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