My Boyfriend Is A Campus Bad Boy

Chapter 85 - 85: Spin The Bottle

The night came but the entire beach were surrounded by glowing lanterns and fireflies. But the thick, dark clouds embraced the bright moon unfortunately.

There were no stars in the sky and it became totally dark and vague.

Because of the sudden occurences, the four of them agreed to stay at the cottage and played some exciting, intriguing game.

Sebastian remained quiet and didn't even smile on them. Beside him was Sandra that was covered by a white, thick towel.

She then glanced up at Halora who giggled and tapped Roy's shoulder with a chip on her other hand.

"Ahem!" She cleared her throat that stopped the two of them with their teasing moment. She rolled her eyes, rubbed her chin while she thought about a new, interesting game.

Roy yawned, stretched his arms and put it into Halora's shoulder. He was secretly making moves to her while his rival has another girl to be deal with.

"Ahh, we've been playing the same game. Why don't we try spin the bottle or truth or dare?"

Sandra stood, hit the table in front of them and she said, "You idiot! I've been thinking that but you didn't tell us earlier!"

"Take your seat and let's start the game." Sebastian stopped her from hitting Roy who just giggled and gave his cousin a playful, sarcastic smile.

She rolled her eyes, crossed her arms and she said, "Sebastian just saved you from me! But don't be too cool and certain, I won't be easy on you this time around." She then flipped her hair while Halora searched for an empty bottle at the corner.

But unfortunately, she found no one. "A– ah, e– excuse me, b– but there's no an empty bottle in here."

"Don't worry, I got one with me. Remember the bottle of juice last night? I'd accidentally kept it inside my bag." His eyes stared at Halora who tried to ignore his enthralling gaze.

She bowed her head, smiled secretly while Sebastian took it out from his bag.

"Here, thanks to someone who gave this last night." His voice sounded playful and observed Halora's reaction.

He noticed the uneasiness she felt. Before Sandra burst into a horrifying witch, he laughed and placed the bottle into the middle of the table.

Sebastian said, "Who will be the first one to spin the bottle?" His voice filled with playful energy while he looked intently at Halora's face.

He then rubbed his chin, stooped into the edge of the table. "Since Halora is the only one standing among us, why don't we choose her to start the game?"

"M– me? P– pardon?" Halora put her hand on her chest, blinked her eyes countless times. "W– why me?"

Her lips turned pale, as her knees became weak and trembled in fear. She looked at Roy but he agreed to the badass suggestion.

"Yes, he's right for the first time. Am I right, Halora?"



"Spin the bottle now, Halora!"

Sandra smirked and thought for a better plan. She wanted to get even with her for all the things she did to her. And this time, she planned to know Halora's real feelings for Sebastian.

Halora faked a smile on them. She slowly reached for the bottle, breathed heavily and felt the nervousness inside of her chest.

"A– alright, but before I spin this bottle, why would we discuss first the mechanics of the game?"

She sighed in relief when Sebastian nodded his head. He sighed, glanced at her eyes and he said, "She's right. How do the game works?"

Sandra replied, "You suggested that game. Why would you open your mouth and teach us?"

But deep inside, Sandra knew how the game works even Sebastian and Halora. But she didn't notice that it was all her alibi to prepare herself for her vicious plans and schemes.

By then, Roy explained every small details about the game. It's all about honesty and sacrifices that everyone expected about.

"I explained everything. Are you ready to begin the game, Halora?"

She nodded in agreement as she took a deep, heavy breath. It was just a game but Halora sensed something evil through Sandra's gaze and glinting eyes.

Slowly, she stepped into the table and reached for the empty bottle. "Huh!" She gasped, spun the bottle and closed her eyes.

Everyone held their breaths as they waited for the first target. Sandra rubbed her hands as her knees trembled and shivered.

She was sweating profusely while Roy stared at the bottle until it had stopped and pointed to the young man who was seated next to Sandra.

"S– Sebastian, y– you have to choose between the two– truth... or dare?" Sandra shook her head as she stuttered and surprised.

She wanted to pull Halora's hair but, she had another plan to begin with. "I repeat, truth or dare?"

He tilted his head and he replied, "Truth." There were no hint of doubt nor fear on his face.

But, Halora bit her lip as she thought about a question for him. A couple of minutes had passed before she came up with an interesting yet intriguing question.

She sighed, closed her eyes for the moment as she said, "Have you been looking for someone who has a special place in your heart?"

Sandra widened her eyes because of her question. She panicked but Sebastian gave her an assuring smile before he replied, "Yes."

"Then, what is her name? If you don't mind me adding one more question." spoke Roy.

A long, heartbreaking silence filled over the cottage. After a long, long time, he suddenly remembered the girl who captured his heart despite their age and experiences.

He gasped, cleared his throat and glanced up to Halora. He then gritted his teeth as he thought that she told Roy about his first ever crush.

"Alright, since I chose truth, I will answer your question honestly." He said without even blinking his eyes.

Sandra, Halora and Roy looked at his cold, mischievous features, waited for his answer.

"The first ever girl who had captured my heart is... Cassia." He murmured that made Sandra grinned and disappointed.

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