My Boyfriend Is A Campus Bad Boy

Chapter 90 - 90: Are You Avoiding Me?

Inside of a friendly, gracious coffee shop, Sandra took the responsibilities of their orders. Since her team had lose the game, she went into the counter while Roy and Halora talked about something.

"Ahem!" Sebastian cleared his throat when their laughs caught other people's attention.

He pretended to be a cold, mysterious young man but deep inside, he wanted to rip Roy's face and hang her head into the tree.

But he knew, it would hurt Halora and he will never forgive himself if he committed such crime.

"Watch your mouth, young lady. Can't you see? You're the only talkative person inside of this coffee shop." He added, acted like a strict man who hated noise and clatter.

But, Halora waved her hands and continued laughing with Roy. She hit Roy's shoulder gently that annoyed him to death.

"I said, stop!" He hit the table angrily.

"W– we're not laughing anymore!" replied Halora as she controlled her emotions.

But Roy secretly tickled her waist until she burst into a clear, joyful laughter. "S– st– stop it! P– please, stop it!" She almost cried out while Roy continued and smirked to Sebastian.

He looked disgruntled of what he had witnessed. Sebastian concluded that there was something going on between the two of them.

The way they looked into each other's eyes, the way Roy called her name and touched her hand. The way he acted when she was near, everything was clear to him.

"Hey, why are you frowning that way? Can't you still get used to it?" Sandra suddenly asked him.

She saw it with her naked eyes and it was all she needed since in the beginning.

If Halora and Roy fall in love with each other, there will be no a strong rivalry with Sebatian. Sandra thought and expected that things will happen according to her vicious plans.

"Excuse me, I just take this call."

"Please come back right away! Our order will be served any moment!"

Sebastian waved his hands but only Sandra gave attention to him. Halora and Roy had another world which was there were only two of them.

She then narrowed her eyebrows, stared at Roy but he ignored her presence too.

"Hey, can you hear me?" She asked but no one answered.

"Can someone tell me what's going on in here?" By then, Sandra banged the table that made the two of them stopped. She gasped, "Can you please stop flirting with each other? It absolutely not engrossing!"

"Don't look at me that way. If you're jealous, why don't you grab Sebastian's arms and do the same thing like ours." Roy sarcastially told her.

It made Sandra furious, but before she could ruin everything in the coffee shop, she took her phone from her pocket and tapped the camera app.

She documented every place she visited as she will brag it to her friends. Sandra received thousands of likes in every post on her different social media accounts but, everything was useless for her.

The only reactor she waited for so long was the man who was not updated with social media.

She shrugged, pouted her lips when she accidentally bumped into Sebastian'd chest. Her forehead felt his solid, fit trunk that made her blush and stutter.

"S– sorry, I... I didn't mean it!"

"What are you doing?"

She bit her lower lip, turned her gaze at the couple who looked sweet together. "They won't stop, so I decided to make a short clip of this place."

Sebastian stared at them but he quickly looked away, smiled at her and he said, "That's great!"

"C– can we take selfies too? Pretty please, just one photograph, I promise."

But it took a couple of minutes for him to answer. Sebastian secretly glanced at Halora until Roy scooped up his phone and took selfies with her.

He sighed, laughed bitterly and hid something within. "Of course! Shall we?"


"Finally, woah!"

Sandra suddenly screamed because of joy she had felt. After a long, long time of waiting, she finally got the chance to take selfies with him– with the most popular campus bad boy.

As they took pictures in different angles, Halora noticed them. She then swallowed greedily, looked at his bluish, glinting eyes but he was busy with Sandra.

"Excuse me, I just have to go to the washroom." She told Roy. "I'll be right back!"

"Don't sleep inside, or I will lock the door if you'll take longer than other girls!"

Roy had no idea why she suddenly made an alibi. He reviewed all their pictures with a smile on his lips until Sandra pulled the chair and seated before him.

"I'll just go to the washroom." Sebastian said when he saw Halora walked into that way. He gasped when Sandra nodded her head and didn't ask him a lot of questions.

"Hmm, he also went to the washroom? What a coincidence." Roy said while he chose a perfect shot of him and Halora.

"Just let him, I don't care anyway. What matters is, we have a bunch of pictures now!" Her face filled with happiness but beyond her pleasing beauty, Sandra planned something enormous once they went back home.

By then, both of them wasted their time on their photographs. They treasured those memories even they let Sebastian followed Halora into the washroom.

"Halora?" He called her but she quickly walked inside to the girls section.

But before she locked up the door, Sebastian blocked it by his arms. He then breathed heavily, slowly pushed the door.

"What are you doing? You're not supposed to do that!"

"I warned you but you didn't listen! If being violent will make you stop, I will do it whether you like it or not!"

Suddenly, Halora shook her hands as she bowed her head and looked down to the ground.

She then walked into the faucet, turned it on and splashed some fresh water to her face. "Ugh!" Halora exclaimed.


"Thank you but there's still some tissue paper left."

She quickly wiped her face with it, glanced up to the gigantic mirror before her until she saw his reflection.

Sebastian looks tired and miserable. His glinting blue eyes filled with melancholy since the moment she stopped talking to him.

She gulped, fixed her eyeglasses and hair. She was about to leave when she felt his warm hand on her wrist.

"Let me go!" She commanded but Sebastian gripped it tightly.

He gritted his teeth, looked closely to her eyes that brought fear to Halora, "Are you avoiding me? Aren't you?" He asked that made her stupefied.

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