My British Empire

Chapter 161 Operation Highlanders

Hearing what the young king said, James was stunned for a while, and then he praised Edward, a series of words, so that Edward himself was embarrassed before he was stopped.

"Mr. Major, if you have any needs, just tell me, a war is inevitable!"

Edward stared directly at Major James, was silent for a while, and then spoke seriously.

"Your Majesty, that's exactly what I'm asking for!" James quickly got up and bowed to Edward, with a look on his face that he got what he wanted.

"I need a large number of ships, as well as a large amount of gunpowder and manpower to build the fortress!"

"These are small things. In the name of the king, I now order the Scottish Privy Council to cooperate with you!"

"In the future, if there is anything missing to report directly to the Scottish Privy Council, I don't believe they dare to do anything under my nose."

As Edward spoke, his eyes became more and more fierce. He didn't believe that those Scottish nobles would dare to die now, and he didn't want to let the Scottish nobles bleed.

Seeing the king in such a state, Major James was relieved, and then he saluted and went to work.

Walking out of the Scottish Royal Palace, Major James rode his horse and walked quickly towards the port.

Major James knew the French's goals very well. They were going to use their advantages to destroy the English navy in one fell swoop, or severely damage the English navy, so that their army could calmly land in Scotland and drive away the English army.

Therefore, in the face of the current disadvantages, the navy can only adopt defensive attacks to respond to all changes without change. As long as the French army is not allowed to land, the army summoned by Henry II will be helplessly disbanded after a long time. will end in failure.

After all, these people were all hired. After a long time, Henry II did not have the money to support so many idlers.

As for the final defense, then the port of Edinburgh is very important.

Edinburgh is located at the mouth of the east coast of Scotland, dominating the stretches of volcanic ash and rocky cliffs, so if there is no internal support, Edinburgh is almost difficult to conquer.

The same is true for the port. The port of Edinburgh is like a low and flat area of ​​a mountain, surrounded by steep rocks. As long as a few forts are built and a few forts are built, it will be difficult for the French army to conquer the port even if they break their heads.

And why the French army must conquer Edinburgh, it is because of the coastal areas of Scotland, only the port of Edinburgh is relatively flat, with a deep draft, and can dock hundreds of tons of cargo ships.

While thinking about it, James is very confident that the French will return without success, and he can even take a few bites, capture a few warships, and expand the English navy.

At this time, the various tribes on the Scottish Highlands began to act, and the entire Highlands seemed restless.

The MacDonald tribe, which is the farthest away, has already begun preparations.

The young and strong warriors fed their close horses, and whispered something in their ears from time to time.

The young children also sensiblely followed their mothers to help pack their father and elder brother's things for the expedition.

Cheese, dried beef, mutton, and precious weapons, bronze swords or stone axes, these are the guarantees for soldiers to survive on the battlefield, so they have to be taken seriously.

As mentioned earlier, Scotland lacks mineral resources, and the level of logging and forging is poor. Not to mention iron, even bronze is a rare weapon.

For the highlanders, getting a bronze weapon is the best gift of coming of age.

Although Adair, who was eighteen years old this year, was the chief's son, he had been on the battlefield since he was fourteen years old, and he had almost spent the past four years on the battlefield.

Fight other tribes for food and slaves; fight lowlanders for wealth and food; fight wolves to protect family and tribe.

The blood of war is already flowing in his veins, and he always wants to be a warrior like his father.

"Father, why didn't you let me participate this time!" As a famous warrior in the tribe, Adair couldn't understand why his father didn't let him participate in the activity of robbing the lowlanders, so he went directly to his father's tent, questioned.

"Am I not brave enough? Did I do something wrong?" He didn't know that he was not in the team until the night before departure, which made him very uncomfortable.

But the tribal leader Ronald was very calm in front of his son, wiping a sharp iron sword in his hand over and over again, concentrating on it.

"I know what you want to say. The tribe also needs someone to watch the house!"

Ronald gently stroked the iron sword in his hand, which he had bought for twenty wolf skins, and he had always cherished it.

He also knew about his son's distress. After he finished speaking, a sentence that was neither salty nor bland came out.

"But, why am I the housekeeper? I am the bravest warrior in the tribe, and I am the most needed in the expedition team!"

For this reason Adair declined.

"Because you are the number one warrior in the tribe, I let you stay in the tribe to protect your brothers, sisters, and mother!"

"I don't want to hear the news that the tribe was attacked and suffered heavy losses after the expedition, understand?"

Ronald put down the iron sword in his hand, stared at Adair's eyes and said, there was unquestionable information in his eyes.

"Besides, our ancestors told us that there will be no lambs in the world that will automatically run into the sheepfold. With you here, I can rest assured!"

Finally, Ronald patted his son's shoulder fiercely, picked up the iron sword, and walked out of the tent. Adair opened his mouth, speechless.

After Ronald came out, a warrior walked out of almost every tent, a real highland warrior.

After waiting for about ten minutes, more than 300 people gathered behind Ronald. These are warriors recognized by the tribe. Each of them has at least three scars on their faces or bodies, and their average age is 30 years old. Left and right, it is the golden age of men.

Stepping on his horse, Ronald walked out of the camp slowly with more than 300 highland warriors behind him.

At this time, the Campbell tribe, who had already heard the news in advance, gathered a team of 200 people and had arrived in the Glasgow area.

"Leader, look, let's get started! I can't restrain the desire in my heart!"

The Campbell tribe was ambushing outside a village at this time, looking at the village with no lights and no one patrolling in front of them, one of the bald warriors said to the tribe leader eagerly.

"Yes! Let's go together! Let's be happy together today!"

At this time, the tribal leader couldn't hold back his shouting, and the flesh on his face was shaking, which was very scary.

Immediately, the village was flooded by more than 200 highland warriors. The sounds of dogs barking, babies crying, and women's crying sounded in this peaceful village.

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