My British Empire

Chapter 481 Ethiopia

Ever since John Hawkins led the family fleet to capture black slaves in Africa and sell them to Little Spain (Caribbean), the declining Hawkins family immediately prospered.

What followed was the spewing out of slave traders, who went to Africa one after another, with boats and manpower, to capture or exchange black slaves, and then brought them to the Caribbean and South America in Portugal to provide manor owners with high-quality goods. Cheap slaves.

Under the premise of receiving a large amount of taxes, the royal government acquiesced in the behavior of slave traders, and allowed slave traders to transport Eastern Europeans and blacks to England to supplement the increasingly scarce human resources.

Black people have a lot of demands. Men can only be castrated, while women have no other requirements except paying higher taxes.

The captain watched helplessly as the black beauty he robbed was confiscated by the fat tax collector in front of him, not to mention how sad he felt.

What made him even more sad was that next, he not only had to go to the Public Security Department, but also had to accept the questioning and trial of the court, which made his mood drop to the bottom.

Soon, more than 20 light-colored black women with graceful figures and protruding backs were pulled out. They stood on the deck with panicked faces, looking at the white man pointing in front of them, feeling extremely nervous.

The sailors looked at the black beauties who were hidden deep in the cabin, drooling one by one. Although they had black skin, they still fit their aesthetics. For the sailors who had been wandering at sea for several months, they salivated. Three feet!

Not only them, but even the tax officer opened his mouth wide and looked at them straight in surprise.

To be honest, he has been a tax officer for many years and has seen countless blacks, but this is the first time he has seen such a beautiful black woman.

Big eyes, a silhouette similar to that of a Caucasian, slender and round thighs, a delicate waist, and that plump body. In addition to the light black skin, there is a leisurely style revealed on his body, which makes him attracted unconsciously. up.

Especially now that it is April, the exposed arms and skin of the woman wearing animal skins are extremely smooth and delicate, attracting a lot of attention.

"Where are you from?" the tax official asked, swallowing.

Knowing that they can speak Latin, the tax officer exhausted his brain, recalling the Latin in his brain, and asked with a smile that he thought was friendly.

"I am a Christian from Abyssinia, my lord, please let us go, for the sake of the Almighty Lord!"

At this time, a pair of slender thighs stepped out, and a huge woman with chests as big as two coconuts stepped out, her chest was dangling, attracting all eyes.

But she, as a black man, performed a Western lady's salute in a rigid manner, which looked very funny.

"Oh! It turned out to be an Abyssinian, please forgive my impoliteness!" The tax officer looked at this black woman who was considered a great beauty no matter whether she was black or white, although she didn't know where Abyssinia was. , but still a gentleman returned the gift.

"But, it's a pity, miss, we don't decide on your identities at the moment. I can't release you!"

Of course, the tax officer refused without hesitation. This is not his right. Now they should belong to the court.

"But, my lord, we are Christians, not pagans! And we are not slaves!" Manla retorted stubbornly.

"Yes, I know, but I still can't make up my mind!" said the tax official, still unable to retreat.

"My lord, my father is a great nobleman in Abyssinia. If you let us go, you will get a huge bounty, I promise!"

Hearing this black aristocratic lady who didn't know where she was continue to explain, although the tax officer wanted the bounty very much, he became a little impatient.

"Shut up, noble lady from Abyssinia!" The tax official said with a cold face, "This is England, not your Abyssinia who doesn't know where, please shut up now! "

In the last sentence, his voice was extremely loud, even if the people around couldn't understand, they were still intimidated by his aura.

"Oh? Abyssinia, this is interesting!" Suddenly, a teasing voice suddenly sounded in the ears of the irritable tax officer. Just as he was about to scold him, he turned his head and saw that someone on the deck was coming at no time. a group of people.

A young man dressed gorgeously and wearing a yellow cloak came over, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, unconsciously, he carried the aura of a high-ranking person, and he was the one who made the voice just now.

And beside him were a few middle-aged men who were also full of aura, like the guards of stars, standing by his side with a little respect, laughing with him.

From the looks of it, he looks like a son of a nobleman, and he is also a big nobleman.

The scolding immediately turned into a tactful refusal to greet: "Sir, I'm working here, please take a step away!"

"Hehe! I want these people, so I don't need to trouble you anymore!" The young man said with a smile, staring at the plump and colorful black beauties.

The tax officer was furious, and the people in the court dared to snatch it, so what?

"Here, sir, these people belong to you!" This is, a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties suddenly walked out beside the young man, with some gray hair on his head, walked over with a serious face, and pulled out his arms. A token came out.

Blood red, the surface is engraved with patterns, the size of a palm, and a string of letters "blood" (blood) are engraved in it.

Seeing this, he was startled, a cold sweat broke out on his back, and his attitude became more polite.

"Please forgive my impoliteness, I still have important things to do, so I'm leaving first!" Under the surprised eyes of everyone, the tax officer laughed and led his men back slowly.

The young man nodded, stopped looking at him, and went straight to the group of brunette black women, looked at the bulging chest of the woman who couldn't argue, and asked with great interest:

"Are you really from Abyssinia?"

Manla looked at the fat-headed, white-eared young man who frightened away the fat-headed white man, then looked at his high-end clothes, hesitated for a moment, and replied slowly:

"Yes, my lord, we are indeed from Abyssinia. We are daughters of nobles. If you let us go, you will definitely get a huge bounty!"

Regarding the bounty, the young man was noncommittal, but looked at them carefully, and said with a smile:

"No, no, Miss Noble, you are all my slaves now, money is not what I need!"

It was a big joke that the young king would be short of money, but he valued the group of black women in front of him.

He didn't expect that when he inspected the navy's newly built large dock in Southampton, he would have a different harvest.

Because another name for Abyssinia is Ethiopia.

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