My British Empire

Chapter 491 The New Governor

Not long after the businessman Allen left Ceuta, there was a Berber riot in Ceuta.

Hundreds of Berbers, holding muskets and bows, suddenly ransacked the Ceuta area.

The Portuguese soldiers stationed at Mount Hazhuo, the highest point in Ceuta, relying on the number of hundreds of people and several cannons, have been guarding against death, which did not cause Ceuta to break away from the control of the Portuguese.

But the Berbers also attacked and just surrounded, leaving hundreds of Portuguese to sit and eat.

As a result, in less than two days, the hundreds of Portuguese who had been relying on the port for a living and had not stored much food and grass raised their hands and surrendered, and the port of Ceuta also reached the hands of the Berbers.

It's not that Portugal didn't think about taking back the port, but the Berbers lingered. As soon as they took back the port, they came to harass them. How can they do business like this.

In this way, wouldn't the port of Ceuta be abolished? In the eyes of the Portuguese who are all about money, the value is greatly reduced, especially in Tangier, which has another higher military and economic value, and the abandonment of the Ceuta region has been put on the agenda.

After hearing the news, Archbishop Enrique, the regent of Portugal, felt a little bad.

He didn't want to lose this port with great military value, but the Portuguese aristocrats were very powerful, and they were unwilling to operate such an area whose value had plummeted, and they needed to invest a lot of money.

The pressure from the nobles made the regent Archbishop Enrique have to consider three points.

Losing a stronghold for no reason, how helpless it is for Portugal to suffer such aggrievedness!

In Morocco, Portugal has only Tangier and Ceuta, but Ceuta has fallen into the hands of the Berbers, which is really bad luck.

"My lord, please see the English ambassador!" At the moment when the regent was having a headache, an attendant suddenly said softly.

"Let him in!" The archbishop said softly after thinking for a while.

"My lord regent, please forgive me for taking the liberty to visit!" The ambassador, with his swarthy beard and a gentlemanly appearance, looked pleasing to the eye.

However, His Excellency the Archbishop, after being robbed by the English a while ago, was particularly uncomfortable with the English, especially the gentlemanly etiquette that looked beautiful, no matter how you looked at it, you felt disgusted.

"How come? The arrival of His Excellency the Ambassador makes me happy!" The archbishop suddenly laughed when he saw the ambassador, his tone was gentle and friendly.


"What's the matter, Your Excellency the Ambassador?" After discussing some other topics, the archbishop restrained his smile and asked softly.

"It's like this. After your country's Ceuta Port was illegally occupied by Berbers and those heretics, not only your country, but also our businessmen suffered heavy losses. Our Majesty Edward was very saddened by this, and decided to send troops to help your country Get rid of those Berbers!"

Your Excellency the Ambassador looked at the serious face of the archbishop with a kind smile on his face, as if England is a country that is eager to help others.

Words are infectious.

"We in Portugal understand the enthusiasm for your country, but the Berbers are not worth mentioning to us in Portugal!"

The archbishop's face changed to be kind, and he immediately opposed it affirmatively and resolutely.

The innocuous expression of the Englishman no longer worked for him, and he would never agree with England's kindness.

Because he knows that under every piece of fat meat, there is a trap that is regrettable.

Seeing the Portuguese regent's anti-thief expression, His Excellency the Ambassador sighed.

"In this case, I will take my leave first, and I hope you will not regret it!"

"Of course, I will never regret it!"

Soon, the news reached London.

"Since the Portuguese don't eat fine wine when toasting, don't blame me for taking advantage!"

His Majesty Edward looked at the letter, showing a sinister smile, and said to himself.

Originally, he was going to help the Portuguese seize the port of Ceuta as a condition, and only wanted to share Ceuta with him, not to monopolize it.

And who knew that the Portuguese didn't appreciate it, so don't blame England for being shameless next.

Three days later, three armed English merchant ships docked at the half-abandoned Ceuta Port, and then disembarked 500 well-equipped English soldiers.

Unlike the decadent and disorganized Portuguese soldiers, this group of Englishmen was well-paced and disciplined.

They did not have the spirit of fear of death of the Portuguese. Instead, they swept across the entire Ceuta region, killing many Berbers who were making trouble, and bringing peace to the entire Ceuta region.

Moreover, under the leadership of the English, the Ceuta region has expanded a lot. The original small peninsula has directly occupied a large area of ​​Morocco. It is conservatively estimated that the Ceuta region has expanded by more than three times.

What everyone didn't pay attention to is that the Amoranga tribe united some tribes to occupy Ceuta, and then took over some tribes that were maimed by the English. In a blink of an eye, it became the largest tribe in the Ceuta area, with a population of Ten thousand people.

At this time, the English who planted the flag of the United Kingdom on Mount Hadro did not feel the pressure.

On the contrary, the Amorancy tribe, whose number of tribes has risen sharply, has faced tremendous pressure.

The newly established Saad dynasty in Morocco officially set its sights on it and began to watch the rising Berber tribe.

In 1553, the Saad Dynasty overthrew the Marin Dynasty, and Mohammad Allaj officially called the Sultan, settled in Marrakech, and established the Saad Dynasty.

Although this dynasty defeated the Portuguese, recovered coastal strongholds such as Agadir, Safi, and Ezemur, and captured Fes in 1548.

But the Spaniards still firmly occupy Melilla. It can be seen that the Portuguese are still too weak.

Forget about the European colonists, suddenly a new big tribe emerged in the mainland, and like the previous Marin Dynasty, they were all Berbers. This made Abdullah Gharib very angry, and the consequences were very serious .

An army of 10,000 people has set off from the capital Marrakech and is on its way to the Ceuta region.

And the young and fearless leader of the Amoranga tribe, unable to control the fear in his heart, came to the port of Ceuta to ask the English for help.

The Amorangwa tribe is the Berbers, while the Saad dynasty is the Muslin. There is no room for relaxation between the two, and it is directly a battle of life and death.

"My lord, if you can help our Amoronwa tribe get through the difficulties, we are willing to donate ten camel's humps of gold!"

Amoranwa looked at the English army officer in front of him solemnly, and said in proficient Portuguese.

"Yes, but I need not only gold, but also land!" The new Governor of Ceuta said with a serious face.

"This land is not enough for us to live on, we need more land for trade!"

The translator next to him was meticulously translating.

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