My British Empire

Chapter 507 Newspaper

"Thank you sincerely, Your Majesty!" Hercules Owen opened his mouth slightly when he heard this, as if he couldn't believe that he would become a knight, even though it was only for life.

After being stunned for a few seconds, he was reminded by Jonathan, the person in charge of the industrial area, and then he knelt down with surprise on his face and praised him.

At this time, the secretary next to His Majesty Edward was holding a quill in his hand, and was writing non-stop on a thick text, recording the important words and deeds of His Majesty the King.

"Mr. Owen, you deserve it!" Edward was not surprised by the kneeling of the man in front of him. Instead, he stepped forward and raised his arms with both hands. "The development of the United Kingdom cannot be separated from everyone." Your contribution, especially you craftsmen, is an important force for the development of the kingdom!"

Hearing His Majesty's gentle words and feeling His Majesty personally coming over to help him, the young watchmaker Owen was moved to tears.

Nobles have always been arrogant and domineering, but His Majesty the King is so kind and amiable, and even personally supports himself, a low-level watchmaker, which is a great honor.

At this time, Owen, who has been devoted to the watch industry for more than 20 years, saw the real king for the first time, and was so excited that he almost collapsed.

His Majesty the King noticed that the young man in front of him was blushing and trembling uncontrollably, so he quickly helped him up, and said softly:

"The United Kingdom belongs not only to my king, but also to the nobles, peasants, workers, and businessmen. In the eyes of God, my king is just a leader!"

The king smiled humbly, and said to the nobles and officials who followed him, and then, there was a burst of flattery from them.

And Edward smiled and didn't comment.

This is awesome, full marks for pretending!

Before leaving, His Majesty the King looked around, looked at the gray air, and the slightly blackened soil, and said affectionately to the residents who saw him off:

"This place will be called Hope City from now on!"

"City of Hope, what a name!" Watching the departure of His Majesty's carriage, Mr. Jonathan, the person in charge of the industrial area, kept thinking about the word, and his eyes became brighter.

His Majesty's dedication to this place made his heart warm up even more. He felt that his future, like the name, was full of hope.

"Tap, tap, tap, tap..." Hundreds of cavalry wandered around the carriage, guarding the return of His Majesty the King.

Not long after the king's carriage returned to London, a strange thing happened in London that surprised the citizens of London.

"Sell newspapers, sell newspapers! His Majesty the King inspected the factory area and named it City of Hope!"

"Why did the king leave London?"

"Why does the factory that is emitting black smoke deserve His Majesty's attention?"

Children aged seven to eight or nine, with dirty long hair shaking, carrying a satchel, holding large sheets of paper with layers of black fonts printed on them, exuding a strong smell of ink.

Like birds, they are active in the streets and alleys with people coming and going, spreading their immature throats, and yelling indifferently. The patrolling city management and policemen with daggers on their waists do not stop their rude behavior at all, even No response, no emotion.

"Sir, I need a newspaper with information on where His Majesty the King is going to leave London, it's all recorded!" A dark yellow boy quickly followed the slow-moving carriage, yelling in a crisp voice .

"Oh? There is a message from His Majesty the King?" The middle-aged gentleman with black curly hair sitting leisurely in the carriage, always paying attention to his appearance, suddenly heard a crisp voice in his ear, which made him startled suddenly, and then asked softly:


"Yes, my dear sir, this large paper full of words is called a newspaper, and it describes everything that happened after His Majesty the King left London!" Tom sensed that the gentleman was interested, and waved the newspaper in his hand, Hastily explained aloud:

"Also, there are all kinds of interesting things on it, so you know everything that's going on in London!"

"Okay! Little guy, you have successfully aroused my interest. Tell me, how much does this thing called a newspaper cost?" The gentleman in the carriage showed an interested expression and asked softly.

"Fivepence, sir, and for fivepence you can get this paper full of information!"

Tom looked him in the eyes and said cautiously.

"Oh? It's really not cheap, but for my interest, these are not expensive!"

Then the carriage stopped, and Tom took it from Penny with surprise on his face, took out a newspaper from a large pile of newspapers in his hand, and handed it neatly to the gentleman in the carriage.

Picking up the ink-smelling newspaper, the gentleman read it carefully: His Majesty the King came to the town and named it the City of Hope, let us learn more about it...

Afterwards, regardless of the gentleman who was deeply attracted by the content of the newspaper, the yellow-haired Tom carefully scanned the well-dressed men on the street, and when he met one, he walked over quickly to sell.

There are many children like Tom. They are children from poor families, or orphans in orphanages. They run on the streets of London for some change, and their crisp and immature shouts resound throughout the city of London.

On this day, the citizens of London also realized what a newspaper is, and also understood where His Majesty the King went a while ago.

A whirlwind of newspapers was blowing in the city of London.

And those who are politically sensitive know better how much the government attaches importance to factories.

As a result, the aristocratic merchants in London began to think about investing in factories.

"Your Majesty, according to your request, the London Daily has been typeset and sold. Now the entire city of London knows the existence of the newspaper."

In Whitehall Palace, an elegant middle-aged man with curly black hair was reporting the situation to His Majesty the King solemnly.

"This morning, 500 copies of the newspaper have been sold, and 300 copies are expected in the afternoon!"

"Very good, I have also read the newspaper you typeset, Mr. Smith!" His Majesty Edward looked at the gentlemanly middle-aged man in front of him, and nodded.

"The effect is very good. We must continue to maintain it in the future and strive to achieve more than 10,000 copies of daily sales!" His Majesty the King mentioned an exaggerated goal.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" Mr. Smith's dark blue eyes flickered, and he nodded with some difficulty.

"Newspapers are a new thing, but the London Daily, basically reports on London, mainly political news, supplemented by essays and interesting talks, both!"

Newspapers are a novelty in the United Kingdom, and His Majesty the King needs to instruct them himself.

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