Take a deep breath and dive in again.

Li Mo is more calm and resolute this time, life and death don't matter anymore, he just wants to do every detail well.

groping his way in the dark, some strange creatures swam around him from time to time, and he didn't bother to pay attention to it anyway, he didn't attack him.

Suddenly, a faint light flashed, it was a glowing fish!

Li Mo was overjoyed when he saw it, and approached the glowing fish, and at the same time secretly took out a plastic bag.



catch! Catch again!

His luck was bad, the fish was very clever, and it writhed a few times and ran away.

No way, keep moving fast.

Another glowing fish appeared in front of him.

This time, Li Mo no longer had any hope, he just fished it out twice, but he didn't expect this one to be very stupid, and he actually rushed into the plastic bag by himself.

got a glowing fish, Li Mo was overjoyed.

Through the faint light, everything around can be vaguely seen, this is a forward passage, the water in front of it is a little turbulent, and even the faint sound of water waves can be heard.

As if he saw hope, he felt even more encouraged, ventilated his air again with his drink bottle, and then made a quick forward forward.

There were a few forks in the road, but he ignored them, and only headed in the direction where the current was most rapid.

The water around him began to pick up speed, pushing him forward.


loud roar sounded, and he was pushed by the current, and rushed into a stormy wave.

Rolling, struggling, rolling and struggling.

Li Mo finally fluttered out of the water.

However, it was still dark, nothing could be seen, the air was a little dirty, but I could still breathe, my whole body was still soaked in water, and the waves around me were turbulent.


he lifted the bag of the glowing fish, the light was so faint that he couldn't see anything, and there was chaos and blur all around.

It's not outside, it's not a recess, it seems like a lot of space.

While holding the glowing fish, he fluttered forward, swam for a short while, and finally saw a stone.

Seeing the stone, his heart calmed down a lot, he struggled to climb up, gasping for breath, although the smell around him was terrible, but he couldn't care about it.

Listening to the sounds around him, he judged that this was a large cave.

The waves rolled, and the sound of the water waves stirred back and forth in the hole, and the echo was very obvious.

The glowing fish was so weak that he removed his backpack and uncovered the plastic sheeting, the contents were not completely damp, and the lighter was basically dry.


lighter lit up, and there was finally light.

With this faint firelight, Li Mo saw that this was really a huge cave, estimated to have a space of hundreds of square meters, and the roof of the cave could be vaguely seen, about thirty or forty meters high.

Trapped in a big hole, he couldn't get out!

Not wanting to waste a lighter, he quickly rummaged through his bag again and found a bottle of animal oil, which was used to make torches.

They usually use torches, just find a branch and light it directly.

But such torches are not very resistant to burning, and they will soon burn out, and you can only find branches again.

If you want to make a long-lasting torch, you need to take a little effort, split one end of a branch, sandwich flammable materials such as palm and hay inside, and sprinkle a little animal oil on top, and the torch is ready.

Flammable materials and branches are now missing.

Gritting his teeth, he took out a small stone axe from his backpack, removed the handle of the axe, and tore off a piece of his coat and sprinkled animal oil on it.

These things are in the backpack, wrapped in plastic sheeting, and completely free from moisture.

Soon, with the faint light of the glowing fish, he made a torch that would last a long time.

The torches were lit, and the cave was completely bright.

When the light sprinkled all over the four walls of the cave, Li Mo's mouth also grew and could not be closed for a long time.

He saw the cave paintings of the ancients again!

These ancient paintings often recorded important events, and maybe it would have helped him to escape from here, so he stepped forward and took a closer look.

One side of the cave, also as straight as a knife, is covered with various patterns painted in red material.

The mural was so large that he stepped on the craggy stones, moving forward little by little.

When I got to the bottom of the mural, a chill swept over my body.


He saw a mountain of skulls again.

This time, instead of a small pile, it was scattered into seven or eight small piles, each of which resembled a pyramid, the shortest being one man tall, and the tallest being almost three or four people tall.

Such a huge skull and skull would probably have to be buried by thousands.

Looking at such a terrifying scene, Li Mo felt that his body trembled involuntarily, he was so scared that he was about to cry.

Holding back the fear in my heart, I tried to move forward little by little, I was really afraid that there would be some demons and monsters.

Bypassing the piles of skulls, I finally came to the fresco.

This mural is about 30 meters high and 50 meters wide, which is a very large picture.

The three figures on the mural immediately caught his attention.

It was three people standing tall in the sky, the same height as the whole mural, and the figures were exactly the same as the wood carvings he had seen.

In their secret base, there are three more such wood carvings, all of which have bizarre face shapes with big eyes, big noses, big mouths, and big ears.

The three men stood standing tall in the sky, and below them were painted many small human beings, hundreds of people kneeling in front of them, worshipping there.

Li Mo finally determined one thing.

These three were gods believed in by the ancients!

Behind these three gods, many huge architectural complexes were painted.

Looking at those strange buildings, Li Mo's heart turned upside down, the main buildings here are all pyramids!

Looking at the pyramid groups one by one, he felt as if he had seen the rise and fall of ancient civilizations.

Upon closer inspection, he found that each pyramid was different, some resembled the ancient Egyptian pyramids, some resembled the ancient Mayan pyramids, and many more could not be said at all.

In addition to the pyramid group, there are many strange creatures in these buildings, some are human and animal heads, and some are human heads and animal bodies, all of which are close to the height of the pyramids, and it is not known whether these are statues or living creatures.

Around these three gods, a large number of flying birds were also painted, and looking at the appearance of the birds, all of them were birds of paradise.

These birds, some on the head of the deity, some on the shoulders of the deity, and some on the knees of the deity, are clearly divided into three levels.

Looking at these birds, Li Mo had a sense of déjà vu.

Suddenly, he raised his hand and looked closely at the ring on his hand, the bird on it was the bird of paradise, and he ignored it.

Gods, pyramids, strange creatures, birds of paradise...... It's a very mysterious clue.

Li Mo felt that these ancient humans must have had a lot of close ties with the ancient Greek civilization and the ancient Mayan civilization.

He took a few more steps closer to the mural, taking a closer look at the prostrated humans, hoping to see any clues.

After looking at it for a while, I really saw the wonders.

The prostrate humans are fronted by a variety of chieftains, characterized by their intricate hats, some resembling horns, others resembling feathers.

In the middle of these people, there was a big chief, and the leader turned out to be a woman, with a cocked buttocks, bulging breasts, and a hat on his head that was even more magnificent, and on it was the shape of nine sunbirds.

The chiefess also knelt on the ground, but in front of her, instead of a god, but a huge sunbird, with a sword in its beak.

Was the sunbird a messenger of the gods?

The messenger brought a sword to the female chief, which was supposed to be a symbol of divine power.

At the side of the female leader, there was also a weapon, which was a trident.

Female Leader, Trident, Sword, Theocracy...... Another spooky clue.

This mural was too huge, Li Mo didn't have time to study it carefully, thinking that Xia Wanting was still waiting for him, he decided to continue to look for a way out.

When he turned to open it, his eyes suddenly lit up.

He found that in the center of the pile of skulls, there was a high platform, which was also in the shape of a pyramid.

Although the high platform is not large, there seems to be something on it, and under the light of the fire, it faintly emits a cold glow.

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