If you look closely, you can see that on the beach, the natives have built a wooden platform, twenty or thirty meters high, surrounded by strips of cloth, which are also red patterns.

This high platform is like a sacrificial platform, and the platform layer by layer has been filled with sacrifices, all of which are all kinds of skulls, wolves, pigs, bears, tigers, monkeys...... The skulls of all kinds of beasts, and most of them, are human skulls.

Looking at the white skull, they felt a chill run down their backs.

Suddenly, the sound of war drums sounded on the indigenous camp and the warship, and suddenly there was a sound, like rolling thunder in the sky.

The huge sound shook the whole desert island, the beasts roared, the birds screamed, and the birds of paradise in the sky were still migrating.

Li Mo and Xia Wanting did the math, and the number of natives was about seven or eight thousand.

On the ground, thousands of indigenous armies.

The sky, hundreds of thousands of birds of paradise.

Such a mysterious scene shocks people's hearts.

To the earth-shattering sound of war drums, the indigenous warriors became restless and began to dance around the high platform.

At this moment, a priest-like man walked up to the high platform, holding a blood-red banner in his hand, and muttering words and speaking some mysterious language.

Later, the priest became more and more excited, and suddenly his mouth opened wide, his eyes widened, and he looked in the direction of Li Mo and them, and the banner pointed sharply.

Li Mo and the others thought they were exposed, so they were so frightened that they immediately shrank behind the rocks.

Fortunately, the other party's actions were just a coincidence, and after waiting for a while, they quietly poked their heads out, and the priest was still doing the same.

Suddenly, there was a loud shout of cheers, and a group of natives bowed down to the sea, their voices reverent and fanatical.

"They were worshipping their ancestors, and the ancestors of these indigenous people came from the sea across the country. Lucy explained softly, knowing some of the indigenous culture.

Staring at the indigenous warship, Xia Wanting frowned: "I'm thinking, if there is a native sailing ship, wouldn't it be possible to leave the Moxiga Islands, hasn't anyone thought about it?"

Lucy smiled bitterly and said: "Many people have tried, but they can't leave at all, just like we say in China - ghosts hit the wall!"

"What kind of truth is this, is there really a ghost?" Li Mo interjected.

My mother said that my father's research results back then proved that it was what the Divine Court of the indigenous dynasty did to make it what it is now, otherwise such a large Mosiga Islands would have been discovered by satellites, but now it is isolated from the world. "

I don't understand the reason for the matter, I just think that the civilization of the indigenous people of Moxiga is mysterious.

The sacrificial activities have been carried out for a long time, and they are already extremely difficult, anyway, hiding on the mountain, the natives can't find them, so a few people took out animal skin blankets, huddled together, wrapped their bodies in blankets, and took a nap.

This sleep came to dawn.

"Look! look!" Xia Wanting exclaimed.

In the second half of the night, they all fell asleep, and Paige and George slept until dawn without warning.

Thinking that they were exposed, Li Mo and Lucy were excited, hurriedly got up, and looked in the direction of the beach, only to find that it was empty.

The camp, the high platform, the warships, including thousands of natives, were all gone, as if the world had evaporated.

"All gone?" Li Mo rubbed his eyes, he couldn't believe all this, this was too thorough.

Lucy explained to them: "This is a sacred place for the aborigines, and it is also a pure land, so every time after worshipping their ancestors, they will clean up the beach.

"I see, when we first arrived on this beach, we didn't find anything, so we understood. Xia Wanting nodded again and again.

She looked at Li Mo again and asked for his opinion: "What should we do now?go down, or go back?"

Li Mo took out the binoculars, which were given to them by Mojana, and now they came in handy.

It was a modern telescope with a magnification of 10 times, and it was used to detect distant enemies, more effective than Page and George.

He was a defensive personality and didn't want to take the women and children into danger, so he scouted all the places carefully and made sure that there were no more natives, so he smiled and said, "Safe! Go down!"

The hill down was a little steep, and the supplies provided by Mojana were helped, they had claws and ropes that they could use to climb.

The three men were tied to each other, and then they firmly grasped the rock with their flying claws, and they crawled down little by little.

After tossing and turning for more than an hour, they finally reached the foot of the mountain.

Looking up, the mountain wall is majestic and steep, and it will be very dangerous to climb up, no wonder the natives have not been able to discover the great rift valley inside.

Cautiously moving all the way, they came to the beach.

This was the place where Xia Wanting and Li Mo once lived, and as far as the eye could see, the sand castles they once made were long gone, and the beach was cleaned up, except for some footprints, there was no trace of humanity.

After a while, the footprints will disappear, and this place will really be what it was when they first arrived.

Xia Wanting suddenly felt a little sad, and said quietly: "It's a pity, our sand castle is gone, I miss those days." Ignoring

the three little guys still watching, Li Mo walked behind her and hugged her gently: "When you first came, you were still a wealthy lady, fooling me, like a fool! Who would have thought, now we are a couple!"

Xia Wanting glanced at the three little guys, and didn't pay attention to them, snuggled in Li Mo's arms, and said faintly: "Although the sand castle is gone, you have built a castle in my heart!

Girls just know how to talk about love, Li Mo was so moved that his eyes were moist, and he hugged the little woman in his arms: "I am willing to be your harbor, forever harbor!"

"Stupid! Men are boats, women are harbors, I want you to soar to your heart's content, I will watch you silently! Just like this island, it is worth our memories for a lifetime!" Xia Wanting said warmly, her voice crisp to people's bones.

Watch Island.

Li Mo thought about the name of the island, and suddenly felt that there was a lot of fate, in the school library, he watched the school flower for four years, and finally ushered in his own spring.

In the later plot, it is not suitable for children.

"Oh, it's good to talk, why are you still doing it?"

"Also, if the gentleman doesn't use his mouth, then I'll use my mouth!"

"Phew! Woo...... Other...... Stop...... The children are watching!" The

two of them were warm, embarrassed by the three little guys, the school flower turned into a little wild cat, and scratched Li Mo's face, and then stopped.

Looking at the bare beach, they were worried again, how to get to Morgana?

, "Let's build a raft!" Li Mo proposed.

They didn't have the skills to build a large raft, but they had no problem.

When they first came to the desert island, they had nothing, only a palm-sized sailor's knife, and it was difficult to build a wooden house, but now Li Mo had all kinds of tools in his backpack, all brought out of the new base in the Great Rift Valley.

"Okay, okay, let's build a raft!" Lucy is a child who loves anything fun.

Xia Wanting also agreed, and built a raft together, which reminded her of the time when the two of them built a sandcastle.

Li Mo took the axe and ran to the jungle to cut down trees.

Hunted by the natives for a round, now the jungle is desolate, and the beasts are either scared away or hunted, and there will be no danger for the time being.

After cutting down a large number of small trees, Li Mo went to harvest rattan again, although they had a lot of ropes, but they couldn't withstand a lot of consumption, and it was better to use rattan to make a raft.

Li Mo was in charge of collecting the materials, and the two women were in charge of trimming the materials.

The small tree must be cut flat and the branches above it removed. The rattan should also be combed neatly and then wound into a three-strand rope, which will be more solid and durable.

With the tools at hand, they made a quick progress, and in the morning, the raft was built.

With the lesson of the last time, Li Mo knew that if he wanted to return to that small beach, he had to pass through a zone of strong currents.

He remembered that in the documentary he had watched, the fishing raft made by the primitive tribe was lengthened on both sides, and floating objects were tied to it, so that the raft would be much more stable.

As he understood, he prepared to lengthen the raft.

However, the raft was too big for them to transport into the water, so they took a compromise.

The raft is dragged into the water and then tied to the reef with a rope.

Then they climbed up the raft and went to work, and around the raft, they tied the trunk that stretched out, and at the end of the trunk, and then tied a large wooden pier.

In this way, a raft shaped like a spider was built.

Such a raft has no problem encountering smaller waves and storms, and it is definitely stable enough.

Because the raft travels very slowly, it takes about two or three days to sail at sea, and they built a small wooden hut on top of it, so that it can easily shelter from the wind and rain.

In the end, Li Mo thought of the materials they had buried, so he ran to look for them, but fortunately, the things were still there!

A box of various cosplay costumes, several metal layers on the styrofoam board, a few plastic sheets, two life jackets, and a lot of cosmetics for women.

Xia Wanting was very surprised, Lucy joined in the fun, and two women of all sizes grabbed cosmetics.

Anyway, there was a lot of space on the raft, so I moved all the two boxes of supplies to the raft and stuffed them into a small wooden shed.

Li Mo thought about the issue of security again.

They've encountered sharks on this beach before, and that's a damn thing, so they should have some defense.

Thinking of this, he postponed the departure time again, and spent an afternoon arming the raft.

A lot of wooden spines were cut and tied to the bottom of the raft, where sharks would be punctured if they ran and rammed.

A few more spears more than three meters long were made, which could be used to attack underwater targets.

After doing all this, in the evening, they finally set sail.

But their luck was not good, and they sailed into the night, and caught the storm.

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