Bai Susu continued: "They were originally seriously damaged, only about ten people remained, but then another wave of victims escaped from the island and joined them, and the two groups also knew the horror of the hunting season and chose to act together, and now there are about 20 people."

Li Mo was a little big when he heard this.

There are only six of them in total, and there is a trio of weak chickens, plus two little monkeys, and the real combat strength is only three people, how can this start.

It's a bad start, the hunting season has just begun, and it's about to be raided.

"Do you know when they're going to do it?" asked Li Mo.

"In the past two days, one of my rat-man friends inquired about it, and they were going to start at night, and the reason why they didn't start the war immediately was that they were making ropes, and when the ropes were enough, they could go up the trees and attack you. "The information given by Bai Susu is quite detailed.

Li Mo understood, the other party seemed to have carefully scouted their tree house, and found that it was easy to defend and difficult to attack, so he was ready to climb up with a rope and make a night attack.

Knowing this important information, Li Mo expressed his gratitude, gave Bai Susu a package of food, and persuaded her: "Reveal an important news to you, blood wolf, prepare to slaughter the island! Kill everyone on the island, and leave no one behind!"


Bai Susu let out a loud exclamation, obviously frightened: "Is the news accurate? How do you know?"

We broke into the blood wolf and escaped again, Lucy was rescued by us, you didn't get the information?" Li Mo was a little puzzled.

Bai Susu let out a wry smile: "The territory around the blood wolf is the death zone, and two rat people have already died, and there is no news there." Now no one dares to approach the Temple of Siren.

Li Mo was horrified in his heart, those perverted madmen were really terrifying, and it was really fortunate that his group could come back without missing arms and many legs.

However, there was no news from the blood wolf, and naturally there was no news coming in, and he had a strange idea, but he couldn't catch it for a while.

"Ask my mom!" Lucy on the side couldn't wait.

"Oh, Morgana is missing, we can't find her, do you have any news of Morgana?" Li Mo quickly asked.

"Medusamojana, let me think about it, it doesn't seem like so, but I can inquire again, there are more news of the rat-men who have been smuggled in with the help of the Pirate Family warship recently. Bai Susu said.

"Okay, then please, if you have any news, just come to us directly, we are also brothers from birth to death." Li Mo said briskly.

"I'm a woman!" Bai Susu retorted faintly.

Seeing Li Mo deflated, Lucy snickered on the side and grimaced at him.

However, Li Mo didn't mind, they had a plan to get close to the rat circle, and the key person was Bai Susu, so he sent out another invitation: "Now that the food is getting less and less, and the predators are getting more and more crazy, if you lack a safe place, you might as well come to us, we are willing to accept you."

This was a sincere remark, and the bushes on the opposite side suddenly trembled, and it seemed that Bai Susu was moved.

"No need!" But she still chose to refuse, this little mouse has always been cautious, and it is impossible to easily enter other people's territory.

"No matter what, you are always welcome, even if it is temporary! Don't worry about us, if we are attacked, you can completely escape by yourself!" Li Mo sent warmth again.

These marketing words are all carefully designed by Xia Wanting, but when she says it herself, the other party will question it when she feels her aura, but a "good person" like Li Mo will definitely convince the other party.

Sure enough, Bai Susu was a little moved, and he didn't speak for a long time, and finally a voice came from a voice that gradually faded away: "Thank you!"

"Remember to find my mother's clues! Please! Good sister!" Lucy did not forget to remind Bai Susu, and her little mouth became sweet.

The second exchange of information was completed.

They were about to be attacked, and the news was urgent, and the two of them hurried back to the tree house.

Returned to the treehouse, gathered everyone, and reported the situation in one breath.

When they heard that they were going to be attacked by a team of more than 20 people, everyone became nervous.

"What should we do, what should we do, let's run for our lives!" Wang Jingjing was so frightened that she couldn't care about the pain in her feet, and struggled to stand up.

"Don't worry! Don't worry! We still have some time!" Li Mo waved his hand to calm everyone.

Xia Wanting also glanced domineeringly, and the group of people were all quiet.

"Fight, or retreat?" the school flower looked at Li Mo and asked worriedly, she was now more and more convinced of Li Mo's judgment and strategy.

Li Mo rubbed his chin and thought hard: "Tree House, we have been in business for so long, and the vegetables have grown, and it is disgusting to give them to the enemy!"

"Then fight!" Xia Wanting made a quick decision.



Everyone expressed their attitudes, but the first three were very decisive, the back three were weak, Wang Jingjing and the three of them were about to cry to death, their combat power was scum, how could they participate in the fight.

Seeing that Wang Jingjing and the three of them did not insist on escaping, although there was panic in their voices, they also supported the war, and Li Mo had a good impression of these three.

He pondered for a long time, and came up with an idea: "Classmate Wang Jingjing has made a crossbow arrow, this thing is not small, I think I can count on this, and also, our tree house is easy to defend and difficult to attack, let's rely on our own positional advantages and fight hard!"

Xia Wanting felt more reliable, and was the first to express her support.

Soon, they began their operational deployment.

The enemy will sneak attack at night, and the fastest will be the second half of the night, and they still have more than ten hours to make adequate preparations.

The first priority is to make the crossbow arrows first.

Fortunately, they are surrounded by a lot of materials and tools.

Several people got together, discussed fiercely, and decided to simplify the crossbow arrows, and first make a batch of crossbow arrows, and ensure that each person has one.

Although Wang Jingjing doesn't know how to use bows and arrows, crossbow arrows are relatively simple, and when winding, they can be stepped on with their feet, which doesn't require much arm strength, which is definitely suitable for them.

They had a clear division of labor and began to manufacture quickly.

The most complex part of the crossbow arrow lies in the crossbow machine, which is more complex and exquisite, and it is in charge of the three women of Wang Jingjing, who use animal bones and horns as accessories to carve out various structures of the crossbow machine.

Li Mo has great strength, mainly manufacturing crossbow arms, crossbow bows and other parts, bowstrings They have ready-made modern ropes, which can be used directly.

Xia Wanting and Lucy are responsible for making arrows, the requirements for arrows are relatively high, if the manufacturing is not good, the accuracy of shooting will be greatly reduced, and the lethality will also be greatly reduced, both of them are experienced archers, and their mastery of arrows is more accurate.

Page and George were not idle, and Li Mo arranged for them to go to the beach to reconnoiter and see where the enemy was and when it would be launched.

When people work together, labor productivity increases dramatically.

Soon, the first set of crossbow bolts was manufactured.

Lucy was impressed, as far as she knew, in the world of the desert island, there were not many people who used crossbow arrows, because those who survived were masters, and they were more mobile and flexible with bows and arrows.

But for a weak chicken brigade like them, crossbow arrows have become a magic weapon.

Xia Wanting was also familiar with crossbow arrows, so she showed them how to use them.

After she finished the demonstration, let the weak chicken trio try it first, and the results were all successfully wound.

Then there is the practice of shooting.

Li Mo specially made a batch of targets for everyone to practice and use.

Everyone took turns to test firing, and found that even if the accuracy was not high, shooting at close range could basically hit the target, and there were very few times when they missed the target.

With this effect, it is very satisfying.

Especially the weak chicken trio of Wang Jingjing, Sun Ying, and Liu Muyun was immediately radiant, and they could also join the battle, and they were no longer little women waiting to be killed.

Soon, crossbow arrows were mass-produced, and they made more than a dozen simple bows and crossbows in one go, and also made hundreds of sharp arrows.

Li Mo also specially customized weapons for Xia Wanting, the effect of her crossbow arrows is not as good as that of bows and arrows, so she strengthens her arrows, they have obtained more than a dozen iron arrows, and they are all made into the most accurate sharp arrows, which are exclusively used by Xia Wanting.

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