Chapter 73: Ruan Meow Meow, Who Firmly Believes In Teacher Wen

There are a lot of comments on her newly posted Weibo, and Ruan Jinghong, who is rarely loved so much, wants to browse through each of them.

She kept flipping through hundreds of comments, and rarely did she come across a familiar face. The unchanging profile picture of the other person, a stuffed cat holding a bread, immediately caught her attention.

Speaking of which, this person can be regarded as an old fan of hers. Since she first started Weibo, she has been following her for the first time, and regularly comes to her Weibo to check in.

I wonder how she's been doing recently.

Thinking this way, Ruan Jinghong clicked into the personal space of her old fan, and saw at a glance that there was another person in her latest follows, it was Wen Jin.

Great, the people who like me also like Teacher Wen. She has great taste.

Ruan Jinghong felt delighted in her heart. She glanced at the updates on her loyal fan's Weibo account following the Chaohua [Wen Xiang Ruan Yu].

Ruan Jinghong rarely entered the Wen Xiang Ruan Yu Chaohua, after all, being one of the main characters, it's somewhat complicated to see others ship themselves like real-life CP. Her feelings were somewhat delicate.

Now, with a mindset of caring for her fans, she decided to check it out, but the result opened her eyes wide.

The profile picture of the Chaohua has been changed to a Q-version CP image of her and Wen Jin, after running for some time, the management here has become quite mature.

Under each subcategory, there are featured compilations and newcomer guides, as well as various hyperlinks.

Whether you want to search for resources alone or engage in friendly conversations and discussions with like-minded individuals, it is very convenient.

Ruan Jinghong thought since she was already here, she casually flipped through the latest posts by CP fans.

There were those who engaged in fan fiction creation, shared CP-related experiences in their lives, and expressed concern about the updates of the two individuals...

Among them, one Weibo post caught her attention. The person who made the post was located in the same city as her. There were no accompanying pictures, but the content felt very familiar to her.

Warm Wen, Aloof Ruan Meow Meow: Today at the supermarket, I had the privilege of seeing the 'Queen Wen' and Ruan Meow Meow in person. They are even more beautiful than they appear on the screen, several times over. They bought a lot of things, and half of them were fresh ingredients. It seems they are dreaming of preparing a candlelit dinner together at home, and then stumbling a bit. Oh, by the way, they were holding hands the whole time, fingers interlocked, in that old married couple kind of way. It's absolutely clear that they have secretly tied the knot without letting us know."

Ruan Jinghong was taken aback: Isn't this what happened this morning? I didn't expect to encounter CP fans even at the supermarket. It seems I need to be more careful when going out with Teacher Wen in the future. If this kind of gossip spreads on Chaohua, it wouldn't be very good for Teacher Wen after all.




This translation is originally posted on

She tremblingly opened the following comments, praying in her heart that this matter had not spread.

[Thank you for providing dream material]

[Dream completed today]

[I wish I could dream too. I'm going to take a nap]

[I don't care, I was right next to the landlord*. I can testify that what she said is true. Wen Xiang Ruan Yu is confirmed.]

*original poster/ thread starter 

[Landlord has provided enough evidence. Wen Xiang Ruan Yu is living together, it's confirmed. They're going to do it tonight.]

Ruan Jinghong: ...

Although the CP fans continued their usual barrage of provocative remarks, it was evident that no one took this kind of text without evidence seriously.

Little did Ruan Jinghong know that there were dozens of such "dream literature" posts in the Chaohua everyday.

Just as Ruan Jinghong breathed a sigh of relief in her heart, a familiar and cool voice reached her ears.

"Are you browsing Weibo?"

Wen Jin's words were in the form of a question, but her tone was affirmative.

Startled, Ruan Jinghong quickly turned off the screen of her phone, feeling nervous inside.

I wonder if Teacher Wen noticed that I was browsing the CP Chaohua. I was just casually looking, but...

What if I can't explain clearly?

Wen Jin naturally saw what Ruan Jinghong was looking just now, even though it was a little far away, the subtitles on the phone could not be fully read.

But she was very familiar with the two CP portraits above the Chaohua.

It is rare to encounter such an opportunity, Wen Jin intends to test it out.

"Is Ruanruan browsing our CP Chaohua? What do you think?"

What do I think? What am I supposed to think? How should I respond?

Caught off guard, Ruan Jinghong's mind experienced a brief moment of confusion as various question marks floated through her mind.

Awkwardly, Ruan Jinghong forced a rehearsed smile, thinking she appeared calm as she replied, "Ah, I think it's great. Everyone is very active and loving, and the creations are very talented."

Wen Jin's lips curled slightly as she sat on the bedside next to Ruan Jinghong. "Talented creations? Ruanruan, have you actually seen those creations?"

Ruan Jinghong didn't expect that her casual polite remark would be taken seriously by Wen Jin.

If she claimed she hadn't seen them, then she would have been talking nonsense just now. If she admitted to seeing them, then...

"I have browsed through them before, but I didn't remember the titles, she replied, determined to dig herself out of the hole she had created.

"Oh, you don't remember the titles. But do you remember the content, Ruan Ruan?" Wen Jin continued to coax her patiently.

"It was just some... audiovisual material, I think the theme was about past lives and present lives," Ruan Jinghong improvised, thinking to herself: For popular themes like this, it should apply to all CPs. Anyway, if I mention one, Teacher Wen won't actually verify it.

"Past lives and present lives, is that it?" Wen Jin took out her phone, opened the B site app, and forwarded a video she had saved, entitled: [A Glance Back at Wen Xiang Ruan Yu's 500 Past Lives in Exchange For A Brief Encounter In This Life] to Ruan Jinghong's WeChat.

Ruan Jinghong clicked on the video and was surprised to find that Wen Jin had actually found a creative work like something she had made up.

Watching the CP video of themselves with the other main character was... incredibly embarrassing.

She pressed the pause button, realizing belatedly that something was off: Wait, how could Teacher Wen be watching these kinds of edits?

Ruan Jinghong's thoughts were written wall over her face, and Wen Jin, understanding her confusion, explained kindly.

"Fans have created these talented fan-made edits based on my previous performances."

"I often take the time to watch these videos, not only to appreciate the effort put in by the fans but also to review the memorable scenes from my past."

"In that case, in future performances, I can accurately identify my strengths and further develop them," Wen Jin deliberately presented her reasoning in a grandiose manner, wanting to see the reaction of a certain little fool.

Ruan Jinghong, standing beside her, wholeheartedly believed in these exaggerated words, her eyes filled with admiration as if it were tangible.

I have long known that Teacher Wen is dedicated, but I didn't expect her to be even more dedicated than I imagined.

While both of us care about fans, I am content with reading the flattering comments on Weibo.

But Teacher Wen, on the other hand, improves her skills by studying fans' works and thus enhances her craft.

She is so talented, yet she still puts in so much effort!

Wen Jin has no idea what Ruan Jinghong is thinking at the moment, but the devout look in her eyes, resembling that of a worshipper, gives her a slight unease.

Surely she doesn't believe it all, does she?

Very well, the little fool remains as foolish as ever. It's truly frustrating.

Originally, Wen Jin just wanted to tease a certain someone, she didn't expect she would pick up a rock and hit her own foot.

If I were to change my tune now and speak the truth, I wouldn't be perceived as being modest, right?

Ruan Jinghong, who admired Wen Jin from head to toe in her heart, realized that she couldn't continue to be so mediocre.

Even the laziest person can't help but strive for improvement when there's such an outstanding person by their side, constantly pushing them.

Ruan Jinghong felt that she should also seize the opportunity to enhance her skills. With such a remarkable teacher by her side, she...

"Teacher Wen, are you done with your work? We talked about watching TV together earlier. Can I see the movies you've acted in?"

Wen Jin was surprised by Ruan Jinghong's sudden leap in thinking, but she did recall not objecting to watching TV together earlier.

Since the little thing is interested in the film she acted in, let her fulfill her wish.

The two sat on the sofa and turned on the television.

Wen Jin's dramas were always popular in the film and television industry, to the extent that there was even a personal album categorized under her name, making it convenient to find her works.

Wen Jin didn't have the habit of boasting about the films she had previously acted in, so she let Ruan Jinghong choose freely.

Ruan Jinghong browsed the interface for a while and selected a drama depicting urban women's lives.

It was a work Wen Jin filmed shortly after her debut. At that time, the young Wen Jin in her early twenties exuded vitality and natural acting skills. She wasn't overshadowed by the aura of seasoned seniors in the industry who had been around for many years. The media even praised her as a "born film person."

Ruan Jinghong had seen some clips online before and was impressed by the contrast between actors. However, she never had the chance to watch the entire drama. So why not take this opportunity now...

Ruan Jinghong kept the selection box on the female ensemble drama "W City Women's Guidebook" and glanced at Wen Jin's reaction.

Seeing no objections from Wen Jin, Ruan Jinghong happily purchased the entire film directly and clicked play.

The story revolved around four girls with different backgrounds who ended up as roommates on the same floor by coincidence in W City. They struggled for their dreams in this city, facing hardships, supporting each other, and encouraging one another.

Due to their different backgrounds and personalities, they made different choices when faced with challenges. In the end, some of them found love, some achieved success in their careers, some left for distant places, and some returned to their hometowns to live a peaceful life in their remaining years.

The drama was titled "W City Women's Guidebook with a staggering 90% of the cast being female characters. The four main female leads were just representative embodiments of different types of women. The various women encountered by the main characters in the drama, ambitious or deeply in love, scheming or burdened by others, collectively formed the W City Women's Guidebook.

Wen Jin portrayed a character named Xiao Wen, a girl who came from a small county to study at W City University and stayed in W City after graduation, striving to build a future for herself. Xiao Wen had a friendly appearance but harbored a strong determination to never give up.

Xiao Wen had a friendly appearance but deep inside, she harbored a fierce determination to never accept defeat.

In her heart, she felt, "Some people may be born in Rome*, but I will rely on my own efforts to defy fate."

*The phrase "born in Rome" is used figuratively to represent individuals who are naturally gifted or privileged, implying that they have inherent advantages or opportunities.

The film showcased exceptional writing and acting skills.

Just five minutes into the main feature, Ruan Jinghong, driven by the idea of "learning acting from Teacher Wen," was already captivated by the storyline.

As she watched the four girls argue, then understand and embrace each other, her emotions fluctuated between joy and concern.

The plot continued to unfold, and the results of Xiao Wen's month-long project, achieved through hard work, were snatched away by a scheming person. All her efforts turned into nothingness.

In immense pain, Xiao Wen consumed five bottles of beer by the riverside, using the intoxication as a means to release the long-standing grievances and suppressions within her heart.

This was a climactic scene, as well as an explosive performance.

The young Wen Jin, in her early twenties, portrayed the suppressed grievances and mixed emotions of this small-town girl, oscillating between intoxication and sobriety, with impeccable precision.

Ruan Jinghong watched the girl on the screen, stumbling, seemingly drunk and annoyed, with tears and intoxication intertwined, captivating the audience.

Only after this emotional release ended did Ruan Jinghong involuntarily turn to look at Wen Jin, her eyes filled with admiration.

"Teacher Wen, how did you portray the drunken state so realistically? Did you actually drink a lot of alcohol?" she asked.

"Do you want to learn?"

Wen Jin looked at the eager and thirsty little thing with a smile, exuding a sense of great wisdom and respect.

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