Marin Fandor, Navy Headquarters.

Navy Headquarters Building, High-Level Conference Room.

The navies are in a meeting.

The sea breeze outside the window blew into the room, blowing the papers on the table.

All the navies had serious and deep faces.

They are discussing a big matter.

Something about Whitebeard.

Marshal of the Navy Headquarters Sengoku stood at the front of the conference table with his arms folded, speaking in a deep voice.

“I have decided to complete this execution at all costs to deter evil!”

Sengoku grimaced.

Karp, who has always been giggling, is also serious at this time.


Blackbeard Tichy handed over Ace to the Navy headquarters, and Ace is now being held in the Great Deep Sea Prison.

The headquarters of the Navy decided to publicly execute Ace.

Ace, the captain of the first squad of the Whitebeard Pirates, is at stake.

Such a move is bound to anger Whitebeard.

This is going to collide head-on with Whitebeard.

The headquarters of the navy, since it has decided to execute Ace, it must be ready for a full-scale war with the Whitebeard Pirates, and it is a death battle.

This is a war destined to be full of sacrifices.

The Whitebeard Pirates, one of the Emperor Pirates of the New World, Captain Edward. Newgate is also known as the king of the sea, the strongest man in the world.

That’s a scary guy.

In addition, the headquarters of the Navy should also prevent the alliance of the kings of the sea.

There are many variables.

Such a public execution angers Whitebeard and is a very dangerous move.

The hearts of the admirals were heavy.

It’s a tough battle.

Of course, they have a home-field advantage.


Karp’s eyes were a little gloomy, gloomy and determined.

Ace, that is the son of One Piece Roger.

Roger paid Esto to him, and he recognized Ace as his grandson.

This secret, the only people in the navy who know it are now him and Sengoku.

Sengoku decided to publicly execute Ace, not only to collide with Whitebeard to deter pirates, but also to strangle Ace in the cradle.

In the eyes of the Warring States, Ace has the criminal blood of One Piece King Roger flowing in his body and is an extremely dangerous character.

At a young age, he is already the captain of the first team of the Whitebeard Pirates, and in time, he will definitely become another Roger-like figure.

And Whitebeard, will inevitably support him.

At that time, the navy will welcome a strong enemy, and the era of sea pirates will become more and more difficult to control.

Sengoku is determined to strangle Ace before he develops!


Karp’s heart was heavy.

Although he is giggling, he is an old urchin.

But, for Ace, he is very affectionate and pours out family affection.

He wanted Ace to embark on the road of the navy, but it backfired, and Ace chose the path of pirates and stood against him.

And, now the Navy is going to publicly execute Ace, and he, as Ace’s grandfather… It can’t be stopped yet.

Because he is the Navy, he is a hero of the Navy.

His heart was very tormented and painful.

“I raise my hands in favor of this public execution, these garbage dregs should not exist in the world, sooner or later, I will eliminate them all!”

The red dog general, wearing a flower shirt and a white hat, said gloomyly.

He sat there with a serious face, his eyes obscured by the shadow of the brim.

“It is the duty of our Navy to eliminate these evildoers.” Lieutenant General Ghost Spider puffed out a puff of smoke.

“Public execution, I have no opinion, support!”


As General Akainu spoke, many of the lieutenant generals in the ministry expressed their support.

Support the public execution of Fire Fist Ace, captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

In this way, to deter the increasingly rampant pirates.

“Oh, one by one, it’s really terrible…”

Next to the red dog, a tall middle-aged man with curly black hair, wearing a yellow-white striped suit, a mustache on his face, and a thin figure wearing sunglasses puffed out smoke.

He is the general Yellow Ape.

The rest of the generals all nodded.

All supported this public execution.

This is the decision of the Marshal of the Warring States, plus it is normal against pirates, they naturally have no opinion.

Fighting pirates is precisely the duty of their navy.

As in duty bound.

Sacrifice, that’s certain, inevitable.


Peach Rabbit sat on the chair and frowned slightly.

This meeting, of course, she was among them.

As one of the lieutenant generals in the department, and a reserve for the general … Such meetings would not be without her.

If it had been before, Peach Rabbit would have felt nothing and executed a pirate.

Pirates, in themselves, are sinful.

However, the identity of the pirate to be executed this time is somewhat sensitive.

Ace, that’s the captain of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Whitebeard is already Zhao Hao’s son… She, Whitebeard, called her sister.

The relationship is complex.

The main thing is Zhao Hao’s relationship, which makes Peach Rabbit feel difficult to do.

This is not easy to handle.

Now the entire conference room is supporting this public execution, and it is useless for her to stand up against it.

“I’ll still have to inform Daddy later…” thought to Peach Rabbit.

She doesn’t care much about Whitebeard, Ace, mainly Zhao Hao.

She wanted to talk to Zhao Hao about this.

For now, take it one step at a time.

“Bang bang bang !!!”

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.


Sengoku stood there with his arms folded and a serious face, spitting out a word from his mouth.


A headquarters lieutenant walked into the conference room and saluted. The powerful aura in the conference room made him hold his breath slightly.

Now the conference room is full of big guys.

Marshals, generals, lieutenant generals, a bunch of strongmen are in it.

Even if it is not deliberately released with a terrifying momentum, the invisible coercive momentum is very terrifying.

“What’s going on?” Sengoku asked.

This kind of meeting, there is generally nothing to do, and the people outside will not disturb them.

Something tricky for sure.

A group of their high-level officials were in the conference room, and the people below could only enter the conference room to report to them.

“Report to the Marshal of the Warring States, the 778th Branch of the Navy has suffered great damage, and the highest commander of the branch, Brigadier General Justin, has been killed…” The lieutenant handed over the information in his hand to the Warring States.

Originally, this kind of information was not reported directly to the Warring States, but first to the following.

But now in the conference room, the Warring States is the largest, and it is just right for the Warring States directly.

Anyway, the final decision on this kind of thing is the marshal of the Warring States, just skip the following process.

The information submitted by the lieutenant to Sengoku included information collected by the colonel of the 778 branch about Justin’s evil.

Sengoku quickly looked at the information, and his face became gloomy.

In the data, there is also a photo of Zhao Hao’s side face, which is not very clear, and the sailor who captured it at that time took it in a hurry.

In the conference room, Lieutenant General Zuosi’s face changed slightly.

He didn’t know something had happened to Justin yet.

Justin has always done things for him.

Of course, these were done in secret, and he himself took care and did not leave a handle.

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