Chapter 154

Bai Ju pretended to be dumbfounded the whole time and watched the exploration team working hard. The foldable transport cabin unfolded and the thin metal sheets gathered all the supplies together. After the energy cabin was opened, it was quickly analyzed and passed through a strange turn. The connected equipment is stored in a capsule the size of a fingertip, leaving a bulky waste energy box.

The member who looked like Qu Lang and was called A Lang held a scabbard in his mouth and inserted the tip of the knife into the gap on the edge of the energy box to pry the solar panel: "It's strange to say that we have been here for so long. , and I didn’t see those tree vines and coral polyps nearby attacking me.”

Xiao Yao lowered his head and glanced at Bai Ju, who was pretending to be obedient in his arms, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "Why are you talking so much nonsense? It's rare that you don't hurry up during the silent period."

Bai Ju's wagging tail froze slightly, and he licked Xiao Yao's fingers flatteringly.

He didn't know what the silent period was, but he knew that the only reason these messy creatures didn't attack was because of himself. The law of the jungle is cruel but simple. He defeated the indigenous people on the island, and the island became his territory.

After packing the supplies one after another, Alang took out a remote control and pressed it. Two rows of wheels sprouted from the bottom of the transport warehouse and moved towards the beach outside the forest.

"The transport cabin is too heavy to fly, so it can only be inflated and put into the sea... The jammer can last for two hours. I have to manually expel the algae." The tall man muttered quietly, put away the remote control, raised his head and said to Xiao Yao, " Captain Xiao, I’ll return first.”

"Okay, pay attention to maritime safety. If there is a problem, send a distress signal in time. I can come to rescue you in ten minutes." Xiao Yao raised his hand and entered a series of instructions on the communicator on his collar. "I have reported to the base and they will send someone." Answer."

As soon as he finished speaking, the communicator made a slight beep sound. Xiao Yao pressed the headset and said: "The base has detected a tide of mayflies. The jammer can only last for half an hour. You can't do it alone. Bring the others." Come on, I’ll go back by myself later.”

Alan frowned subconsciously: "It's too dangerous to act alone."

Xiao Yao was not worried, after all, the "lord" of this island was most likely the one in his arms; so he touched the puppies in his arms twice and explained to A Lang: "After all, this little thing is considered unknown. I have to test the creature before taking it to the base. Don’t worry, it won’t take long.”

Bai Ju pursed his ears and wagged his tail.

When Xiao Yao said this, his eyes fell on him intentionally or unintentionally. When he said the four words "unidentified creature", he was especially slow and articulate. Bai Ju felt that these words were not so much Xiao Yao's explanation to A Lang. It is a temptation and a warning to him.

Why. Bai Ju sighed secretly, which was why he didn't rush to find the base.

He didn't understand the specific order and regulations of the base's operation, and he couldn't guarantee that his physique could be accepted by the base. Relatively speaking, being led to the base by someone who was familiar with the rules was the safest way - just like when he It’s like integrating into modern society with Xiao Yao as your guardian.

When Alang heard what Xiao Yao said, he didn't think much about it. He just looked slightly calm and looked at the sky and said, "Well, pay attention to safety...before sunrise."

"Okay, before sunrise." Xiao Yao smiled, "Okay, you hurry up and set off."

Aaron didn't say anything else. He put on his goggles and waved his hand. He held the communicator and issued a rally order to several other members scattered on the island, and walked towards the beach.

Xiao Yao sat down with the puppy in his arms. He didn't have anything to do. He took out a small box from the bag on his hip and took out some parts to assemble it.

There are concentrated supply warehouses on this island. They were not discovered before because they were covered by heterogeneous volcanic rocks, which shielded the base's detection waves. The island is not large, the slope of the beach edge is relatively uniform, and the shallow sea area extending around it is relatively wide. There is a high probability that there will be more supplies under the ground around the island.

When Xiao Yao led the team before, he chose to set off in the middle of the night in order to save the cost of renting protective clothing. There was not much time left for him to detect. He had to return to the base before sunrise, otherwise the sun's radiation would His body suffered burns and even lesions. It is not easy to detect things covered under the ground. The detection wave of the base cannot be scanned out. He can only search and build through the intrusive detector he is assembling in his hand; the burial depth must be appropriate and the detection time must be long enough. Xiao Yao I plan to bury the detector and return to the base, and explore the island again in a few days.

Bai Ju rested his chin on Xiao Yao's arm and watched intently as his nimble fingers quickly assembled the tiny parts.

The fingers are long and thin, and every small movement causes the meridians on the back of the hand to rise and fall. There are thin calluses on the fingertips and palms, which are slightly red in color. They must have been rubbed out countless times and thinned out to ensure that the touch is sensitive enough.

There are some small scars on my wrists and also on my forearms.

With fingers flying, these hands climbed through Bai Ju's heart.

"What on earth are you?" Xiao Yao asked Bai Ju with a slightly hoarse voice, "You are not an ordinary dog."

Bai Ju blinked and turned over in Xiao Yao's arms, looking up at Xiao Yao's chin with his belly up.

Seeing this, Xiao Yao gently rubbed the dog's head and put the assembled detector aside: "You just nod and shake your head when I ask, okay?"

Bai Ju looked at the communicator on Xiao Yao's collar. He was not sure whether speaking would have any impact, so he nodded along with Xiao Yao's wishes.

Xiao Yao raised his eyebrows and asked immediately: "Are you the lord of this island? Or should this island be your territory?"


"Is there heterogeneity? No or don't know... No? It doesn't matter if you don't know. I'll test it for you later.

one time. "

"Like me?...Be good."

"Did you dig out the supplies accidentally?"

"No—that was dug out on purpose. You knew we needed it?"

"Are you here for the base?"

Bai Ju paused and slowly shook his head.

Xiao Yao was a little surprised: "Why not be a base -"

Before he finished speaking, a slightly cool paw gently landed on Xiao Yao's mouth, and patted the soft paw pad, making the gesture clear.

"...for me?" Xiao Yao saw Bai Ju nodding his head without hesitation, and slowly completed Bai Ju's logic, "For me, you want to go to the base, and then dig up supplies for travel expenses?"

Bai Ju: "..." That seems to be true.

So he nodded again.

Xiao Yao raised his lips and smiled: "Interesting. Don't move, I will test your blood... If there is no problem, I will take you to the base."

Bai Ju rubbed Xiao Yao's chest affectionately, let him pinch his paws, and pushed aside the soft white hair to look for blood vessels.

Different from the reincarnation of cultivation, the Yao Yao in this reincarnation was not raised by him, but grew up through his own struggle to survive. In comparison, the Xiao Yao in this reincarnation is closer to real life. , more independent and better at taking care of others.

The detector is portable, has a limited detection range, and the results are not very fast; Xiao Yao dug a hole for the detector while waiting for the results. About an hour later, the detector was successfully reinforced and put into the ground, and the test results came out.

"There is no heterogeneity." Xiao Yao looked at the word "safety" on the screen, raised his eyebrows and squatted down, then opened the zipper of his jacket towards Bai Ju, "Come in, I will take you to the base."

Bai Ju pursed his ears, feeling a little hot at the base of his ears... and then plunged into Xiao Yao's arms.

The long-lost smell, the thin but flexible texture. Bai Ju sniffed the tip of his nose and dug into Xiao Yao's coat, only revealing his soft ears at the collar.


Xiao Yao flew towards the base wearing a backpack. There was no trace of the transport warehouse on the sea, but there was a safe message in the communicator.

After passing the identity verification, entering from a hidden hatch at the bottom of the base, there is a long and narrow passage. The cold-colored sensor lights light up and go out one by one according to Xiao Yao's footsteps, chasing Xiao Yao like a light. Yao sent it to the air shower room.

"It's going to be a little noisy." Xiao Yao opened his coat, "Just in case, you can come out and blow some air."

Bai Ju jumped from Xiao Yao's arms to the ground and looked up at the closed air shower room. The next second, the air flow from all directions blew over him, making his ears flutter and the white hair flying all over his body.

Bai Ju: "..."

He was sure he heard Xiao Yao's muffled laughter.

After leaving the air shower room, Bai Ju followed Xiao Yao into the empty management hall. A man in a white uniform quickly moved over. Bai Ju took a closer look and saw that the man's waist was covered with mechanical structures, and there was no life fluctuation inside. , presumably a prosthetic limb.

"Team Xiao is back." The inspector reached out and took Xiao Yao's communicator and headset, "Communicator 00269 was recovered, combat suit NGH0478 and supporting aircraft were recovered, the damage was assessed as minor, does it need to be cleaned?"

"No need to wash it yet." Xiao Yao took off the bag on his hip and took off his loose combat uniform pants, revealing a pair of slim protective trousers inside. "I buried the detector on that island. I will return it in two days." You have to go out and help me keep my combat uniform."

"Who dares to take Captain Xiao's combat uniform casually?" The inspector blinked teasingly, and neatly arranged and stacked the combat uniforms with both hands. "This set in my hand is your special combat uniform."

Xiao Yao smiled and didn't take it seriously: "My name wasn't written on it."

With that said, he bent down and picked up Bai Ju: "Please register, you will be my fighting partner from now on. I will give you the testing reagent, you can register directly."

"Okay, let me record it." The inspector took the detector from Xiao Yao's hand and glanced at Bai Ju, "It's so rare. How did you survive...Has your name been decided yet?"

Xiao Yao smoothed the dog's hair and said: "Dogs should not be judged by their appearance. They are quite capable of beating. Let's talk about the name. We will pick one carefully later. Now it is enough to get a pass number."

"Okay." The inspector moved to another window, fiddled with it for a while and came back with a black neck ring. "Put the training ring on it, and also cooperate to collect blood, saliva and hair samples."

Bai Ju looked up at Xiao Yao, and he completed a series of procedures.


When we returned to Xiao Yao's residence, more than half an hour had passed. Xiao Yao used his personal communicator to talk to Alang for a while, then hung up and opened the door.

In this era, the base has become the only hotbed for human beings, but at the same time, the space for human activities is really small.

Take Xiao Yao's living room as an example. The place where he lives is already quite high-standard. He doesn't have to share a big shop or fishing sleeping bag with others - but it is just a private capsule living room.

Similar to capsule hotels in modern society, Xiao Yao's living room only has a small corner where you can step on it. Once you step on it, the combat boots are folded and stored directly into a small induction cabin. More than half of the area is a single bed, which can only be used to lie down or sit on. The ceiling is very low and it is difficult to stand up straight. The space under, beside and even above the bed are all reasonably divided into storage spaces and various functions. District is also very hardworking.

Bai Ju jumped onto Xiao Yao's bed, and soon Xiao Yao took off his T-shirt and lay down too.

The sky outside is still dark, Xiao Yao has not taken on any other tasks for the time being, so he can sleep for a while...

…I didn’t get a good rest some time ago, and the dark circles under my eyes are still very obvious.

Seeing Xiao Yao closing his eyes, Bai Ju raised his head and looked around, and couldn't help but uttered: "You didn't cover yourself with a quilt." And it seemed that there was no usable quilt nearby.

Xiao Yao suddenly heard the words and suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the furry dumpling beside his head: "...are you talking?"

Bai Ju nodded: "Yes. You had a communicator on your body before..."

Xiao Yao blinked and subconsciously patted his frightened heart: "Oh... I accidentally burned my quilt the day before yesterday. I'm going to buy another one today."

"I'll catch a cold." Bai Ju saw that Xiao Yao was about to close his eyes and sleep again, and for a moment he didn't know whether he should continue talking.

After a pause, Bai Ju sighed softly.

The next second, a tall and warm body filled the small space between Xiao Yao and the roof of the warehouse.

As soon as Xiao Yao's eyes moved, he saw a piece of naked skin gently approaching, his body was moved, and he turned sideways to nestle into the white fur and broad chest.

Bai Ju raised his hand and rubbed the back of Xiao Yao's neck, and coaxed helplessly: "Be good, let's sleep like this first."


I heard the last chapter was too short...


Two grown men squeezed into the capsule√

Zero distance is not enough, not as good as negative distance.


Thank you to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution between 2020-03-16 01:34:00~2020-03-18 00:31:26~

Thank you to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of Moon Rabbit; 3 bottles of knee-length hair;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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